Chapter 1

Teach Him How to Love

Chapter 1;



“Yah! Oh Sehun! Come here!” Hyomin yelled as she chased him around her apartment.


“Can I please have this? PLEASE?” Sehun ran with the chocolate in his hands.


Hyomin tried to catch but stopped when she saw Yongguk grabbing him, “Thank God! Now give me my chocolate!”


Yongguk tried to snatch the chocolate out of his hands but Sehun put it in his mouth, and Hyomin stared at him. “Oh. Se. Hun.”  She tried not to jump at him and kill him.


“Oops.. I ate it.” Sehun stated the obvious.


“NO SHERLOCK!” Hyomin yelled as she ran towards him full speed, before he could run away she caught him in her arms, “You are dead. That was my last piece!”


“I’m sorry! Don’t kill me!” The boy put his arms up in defense.


Yongguk rolled his eyes from the side and pulled Hyomin away from Sehun, “Now now, don’t kill my boyfriend. I will buy you more chocolate, Hyomin. Let go of him.”


Hyomin glared at Sehun before getting off of him, “I hate you, pay up for my chocolate!”


“It wasn’t much right? I mean you don’t eat—Wait, you eat those expensive chocolates! No wonder that was so good! It was Godiva right?” Sehun asked.


“Pay.” Hyomin held out her hand, “It was expensive! I have to work 12 hours at the café for that!”


“Damn girl, where was that from?” Yongguk stared at her; she gets 10 dollars per hour at the café.


Hyomin stared at him, “It was the Godiva “G” Collection, my favorite~ I didn’t have it for a while so I was going to eat it later BUT SOMEONE HAD TO EAT IT!”


“But your modeling gives you more money.” Sehun pointed out, staying far away from Hyomin.


“I save that for the apartment bills! And college! And my books? Who’s going to pay for all that? Not you, not Yongguk, not my manager, and DEFINITELY not my parents. They probably are glare at you from the heaven above for eating my chocolate.” Hyomin raged.


“Fine fine, I’ll buy you some chocolate later, we should get ready to go for filming.” Yongguk dragged Sehun out the door, “We will meet you in the front!”


Hyomin nodded and closed the door behind them to get ready, “I will kill that Sehun if he doesn’t buy me chocolate.”



Hyomin came down an hour later to meet EXO and B.A.P at the front, “Hi guys!”


The 18 males turned around to greet the model.


“Hey Hyomin~” Lay came next to her smiling.


Hyomin looked at him before laughing, “Your hair is a mess!”


“I just showered,” Lay ruffled his hair, “It’ll be better later~”


“Are you all ready to go?” EXO’s manager asked. The EXO members nodded their heads before going in their car.


Hyomin turned to enter her car, “Hyomin! Ride with us!” Sehun pleaded.


Jongup held onto her arm, “No, ride with us~”


Sehun came next to Hyomin, “She’s my friend! She’s in our trio group!”


Hyomin came out of Jongup’s grasp, “I’m going with my OWN car, with NO ONE in it either. I need peace once in a while from all you boys. ESPECIALLY YOU, OH SEHUN.”


“Are you still mad from the chocolate?” Sehun asked.


She ignored Sehun; then walked to her car and entered it, “I will see you guys soon!” With that, she drove off to the filming set.


“Hurry Sehun! We are going to be late!” Suho called and waved him over to get in the car.


“Alright, alright!” Sehun shot Jongup a look before getting a little flick on his head, “Who the fu—“


Yongguk patted his back, “Play nice.”


Sehun pouted and walked away with deflated shoulders towards his van, “See you soon guys!” Chanyeol called out.



As the members entered the filming set place, they looked for Hyomin. She was sitting on her chair looking at the script in her hands.


“Hyominnnnn!” Sehun ran towards her.


She held her hand out, “I’m still mad at you for eating my chocolate. Go away.”


“But Hyomin~ I got fooood~” Sehun held up the shopping bag.


“What is it? Is it samgyupsal? Or is it my Godiva chocolate?” Hyomin looked at him with big eyes.


“Nope! It’s rice with bulgogi!” Sehun smiled brightly and shoved the bag in her face. Hyomin snatched it out of his hands and searched inside. It was really just rice. And bulgogi. What a meal.


“I can’t go a whole day with just this!” Hyomin whined, “I need samgyupsal and some lettuce and the seasoning~ mmm, I need real food!”


Sehun stared at her, he wasn’t surprised, he was just… amazed, “Girl, I’ve known you for I don’t even know how long and your amount of eating is just too much. That’s for 3 people too!”


“You know me! I can’t go a whole day with this!” Hyomin stared at the food.


“So, you aren’t going to eat it?” Sehun asked.


Hyomin glared at him before opening the bag again, “Of course I’m going to eat it! I’m hungry!”




“Damn girl, are you sure you can finish that?” A voice came by, it was Baekhyun.


Hyomin looked up from the food, “For your information, I can finish the food for 5 people, and why does it matter if I can finish it or not? It’s not like you will eat the left-overs.”


Baekhyun and Hyomin were never on good terms from the start. As soon as Hyomin saw Baekhyun come in the Entertainment, she thought he was hot, but he thought different. Baekhyun thought that she was confident with her looks, and thought that she could get any guy when he met her. It was because of the way when Sehun came in the Entertainment and she acted as if she knew him for years, which she did, but Baekhyun did not know. Not until Sehun told the members about his boyfriend, and how Hyomin would always help them get their together through their relationship. But somehow, Baekhyun still hated her, he didn’t know what it was, but he just had the hatred feeling towards her.


Baekhyun stared at her before replying, “One, that is just too much for one small girl. Two, I do not want to eat some left overs. Three, I’m sure Sehun would want to eat it.” He walked away.


Hyomin stared at him as he just walked away. Sehun put a hand on her shoulder, “He’s just jealous that he’s not close to you as I am!”


“What happened? Why isn’t Hyomin eating? The food is right in front of her and she’s not eating. Something is wrong.” A voice came next to Hyomin and Sehun, it was Yongguk.


“Ugh, he annoys me some times.” Hyomin opened her rice and her chopsticks, along with the bulgogi, “always ruining my mood.” She poked her food before eating some.


“Baekhyun?” Yongguk looked at Sehun who nodded.


Sehun tried to get a bulgogi from the side while Hyomin ranted about him, but somehow Hyomin knew and slapped his hand away, making Sehun pout, “Go get your own food, Goddammit.”


“BUT I GOT YOU THAT!” Sehun yelled and threw a fit.


Hyomin stared at him for a second before giving him a small tiny piece, “Here you big baby.”


Sehun glared at her before taking the piece and eats it, “I’m never getting you food again.”


“You know you love me~” Hyomin smiled at him and went back to eating.


Baekhyun stared at her from far away and shook his head, “How can a girl eat so much?” He kept on staring at her eat and just thought about how much he hated her. It was probably because she made a bad first impression on him.

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