

Nothing is more comforting than the smell of your own pillows just after the sheets come out of the dyer. The lavender off the dryer sheets was still fresh, and it was all that filled your nostrils. As far as you were concerned at this point, the only thing in this room that concerned you was:  the pillows underneath your head, the scent of warm vanilla sugar, and the thick blanket cocooned around your torso.

Definitely not the parking violation receipt sitting at the foot of the bed.

Paying for your first and last car violation was definitely not on your bucket list.  And right now, the only thing you could do to sooth your nerves was to lay in bed and pretend like it was very late and the only thing left you had to do was sleep.

It didn’t make you feel better, of course. But sleeping it off was the only thing you think of.


You shifted only barely enough just so you could see who was at your bedroom door. Your boyfriend stood at the front of the room, readily slipping off his jacket and button up with an amused grin on his face, obviously puzzled with your posture at the moment.

You pushed your face back under the covers and let him think what he wanted. Pillow, blanket, vanilla—catering to Hongbin’s humor wasn’t on today’s agenda either.

"Hey—" Hongbin walked over to your side of the bed and knelt by your face. He nudged the blanket down to see your eyes shut tight which made him smile even more.

Honestly, he loved it when you played the quiet game. Of course, not the “I’m mad at you" quiet game, but the “I’m embarrassed, and I don’t want to tell you what I did this time" quiet game. In fact, this was his favorite game that you played (just behind the hard-to-get pre-relationship era).

Unfortunately for Hongbin, it wasn’t that hard to figure out what had happened this time. The yellow sheet of paper at the foot of the bed wasn’t hard to miss.

But, hey, these things happen. He could see why you’d be embarrassed, so he didn’t want to cater to the average “Aw, don’t be sad. It’s okay. It happens." speech. He had his own methods of getting you out of your shell.

"So what’d you do?" Hongbin walked across the room and kicked the side of the bed, shaking you ever so slightly.

Trying your hardest to maintain your solemn and somewhat gloomy estate, you curled up under your blanket and ignored your boyfriend’s question.

"Did you rob a bank?"

Hongbin paced across the room, casually nibbling on his thumb to think easier of how summon you out as easily as possible.

"No?" He chuckled to himself. “Trip an old lady?"

You rolled your eyes and sighed into your pillow.

"Cheat on your diet?"

"I am not on a diet!" You shot up from your pseudo-slumber.

Hongbin conveniently positioned himself so that when you sat up, you’d face him perfectly. At this point, your boyfriend had changed out of his official business attire and into a thin, white wife-beater and a pair of basketball shorts. He smiled at you, his chin resting at the foot of the bed, once again amused with your actions.

"Ugh," you collapsed back onto your sheets and ignored him once more.

"You okay, Jagi?"

You shook your head.

"Don’t beat yourself up about it." Hongbin inched himself under the covers and into the perfect spot beside you. Something about your body types made it the most comfortable position ever to lay beside him, no matter who was facing where.

He slipped his arm over your slim waist, gently tugging towards him so you’d turn around which you eventually did. Out of instinct, you nuzzled your nose into your boyfriend’s chest, taking in his manly aroma and instantly being comforted.

Hongbin kissed the top of your head sweetly.

"Is this about the ticket?"

You nodded into his chest, still not wanting to speak.

"Are you gonna be okay?"

You nodded a second time.

Your boyfriend smiled above your head, his dimples gleaming nice and bright. This was the ultimate comfort you needed. It wasn’t the blanket or the pillows or even the vanilla candles. Those were all substitutes for this kind of feeling that could never be replicated in anyway.

Being in Hongbin’s arms, you didn’t exactly forget about your troubles. In fact, you embraced them and took them for what they were. Troubles were fickle, but the moments you could count on such as this were not.

Now, this, you could definitely fit on your agenda.

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WooTae_moments #1
Chapter 1: Wow! This story is awesomee!!
rylleu #2
Chapter 1: Oh god author, your hongbin one-shots gives me explosions in my heart and stomach.