
Aliens Are A Girl's Best Friend

The situation as it were would have been a lot more amusing if I didn't have to worry about the giant hole in the ceiling of my kitchen. I turned to face the tall, goofy looking guy perched on a stool at the island.

"Would you care to explain to me why I've returned home to find a giant hole in my kitchen ceiling and you sitting there like a startled goose?" He looked uncomfortable, as though he wasn't the stranger in this situation.

"I'm sorry about the hole," he said, with an unexpectedly deep, pleasant voice. "And don't get mad, but-" He was interrupted by the sound of glass breaking and a rush of feet down the stairs. Before I could ask, five figures burst through the kitchen door, covered in sweat, dirt and-

"Is that blood?" I asked, feeling myself becoming dizzy. I could never really stand the sight of blood. The five looked from me to the guy on the stool, who looked at me. As if I could explain what was happening. I rolled my eyes.

"Will someone please explain to me the hole and the blood and who the hell you are?" I was expecting to have some tidying up when I got back from work, but a giant hole and six strange guys in my house? Yeah, not so much.

"Sorry about the hole," a short, gentle faced guy said. "We encountered a bit of trouble."

"Yeah, no kidding," I said back. "And the blood?"

"We got into a fight," another guy with curious amount of eyeliner on answered. "And we also broke a vase. Sorry."

"We're aliens from the planet EXO. We were chasing a renegade Jurik when he entered Earth's atmosphere. Fortunately and unfortunately he landed here. Hence the hole." The first one said again. "My name is Joonmyun, but you can call me Suho. Nice to meet you..."

"Ari. Kwon Ari." I wanted to smack myself as soon as I'd said it. Talking about aliens and spaceships... who knew what kind of crazy these guys were?

"Ari... a pretty name for a pretty girl." A tan, smirking guy said. I rolled my eyes and frowned.

"Alright Casanova," I said, brushing off his offered hand. "Who's going to cough up the money to fix the hole? Because I don't expect to be paying for it." All six looked confused before a round eyed guy spoke up.

"I thought humans kept their money in banks, and coughing it up sounds pretty painful." Was this guy serious? I wanted to facepalm, but I just took a deep breath instead.

"Out," I said, pointing towards the door. Again, a look of confusion.

"Out where?" Tall and goofy asked. I shot him a glare and motioned once more for the door.

"All of you, out of my house this instant." The words came out in a low growl, and I could feel the anger welling up and exacerbating the dizziness from earlier. "Forget about the roof, forget about the vase; just get out and away from me right now."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean we don't know if the Jurik we were chasing had any-"

"I said get out!" My vision was starting to swim and I knew that if I didn't sit or lie down soon, I'd collapse right there in my already destroyed kitchen.

"Are you okay?" Unable to hold myself up any longer, I felt my knees give way. The last thing I remember is six pairs of concerned brown eyes and the distinct sense that the situation as it were was only going to get more interesting.

"Is she awake yet?" Who was in my room? Are they talking about me?

"If you don't shut up, she'll be." Those voices... they sound familiar.

"Both of you shut up." My voice came out in a raspy croak, garnering the attention of the two quarreling.

"Ari, you're awake. Here, drink this." I was handed a glass of water and though suspicious of what it could have been spiked with, I drained it.

"I thought I told you all to leave," I said, eyeing the three of the six guys who were standing around me and the sofa I was lying on.

"Oh, but you fell and Baekhyun caught you and brought you here. You were really pale and kinda feverish and we couldn't just leave you to be attacked if-" I held up a hand to stem the flow of words from the hyperactive guy with rainbow hair.

"Okay, I get it," I said, lifting myself into a sitting position. "Where are the rest of you? There were six, if I'm not mistaken."

"Chanyeol took Kai and Baekhyun to get food. They should've home soon," the guy who's name I remembered was Suho said. I arched an eyebrow at him.

"Home? I think you've get the wrong idea," I said. "You can't stay here. What about defending your planet from those jur-things you were telling me you chased?" Much to my annoyance, the front door opened and the others returned before I could get an answer.

"Sleeping Beauty is awake," the Casanova from before said. I scoffed and stood, returning my attention to Suho.

"You never answered me," I said, eager to fix this situation and my roof as soon as possible. Suho looked nervous, and I could tell I wasn't going to like whatever it was he was about to say.

"See the thing is," he started, wringing his hands. "When we entered the Earth's atmosphere, our ship kinda sorta broke apart."

"'Kinda sorta?' What do you mean 'kinda sorta broke apart'?" I was trying my best not to scream.

"It’s still sitting behind the house if you want to see," the tall one said. Despite the growing tension in the room, his voice was still light and pleasant; honestly, I wanted to punch the happiness of his face, but instead, I followed the motley crew of guys out behind the house, where I immediately regretted not staying inside.

"You call that kinda sorta broken up?" I wanted to cry at the sight before me. Their ship or what was left of it anyway, was scattered throughout my backyard, hunks of metal in twisted, burned heaps. Judging by the looks on their faces, I knew that my six visitors, so to speak, were afraid to say a word. Rightly so, as I grabbed the one nearest me by the collar and began shaking him harshly.


In a display of emotion I wasn't sure I was capable of, I dissolved into loud, uncontrollable sobs.

Today obviously wasn't my day.

Once I had calmed down enough to tell them to gather up the sad remains of their spaceship, I went back into the house, eager for just a few minutes alone to gather my thoughts.

There was no way I could let them stay, but I knew that they would be in more danger if I let them leave. They would probably be rounded up and thrown in the loony bin, if not hustled off to a secret lab somewhere to be dissected. As much as I didn't like the way things were going, I had enough sense to know that whatever trouble they got into would somehow lead back to me and what with a hole in my roof, I had enough problems to deal with.

"Ari! We cleaned up all of the metal and stuff," someone called from the back door. I sighed and went to check. When I arrived, I found that they had not only moved all of the metal so that it was leaned up against the house, somehow, they had also managed to cover up the scorched bits of grass. If I didn't know any better, I would have guessed that nothing had happened in the first place.

"Wow, you guys did a good job," I said, impressed. "And you fixed my grass. Thanks."

"You're welcome," the one with the big eyes beamed. It was then that I realized that besides Suho, I didn't know any of their names.

"I don't know your names," I said, voicing my thought. "I should know just in case you get any lady callers." They gave me looks of confusion, so I just shook my head and pointed to Mr. Wide Eyes.

"Me? My name is D.O.," He said. I quirked an eyebrow.

"You got a last name, Mr. D.O.?" I asked, amused.

"Uh, oh, right," he seemed to remember something. "My name is Do Kyungsoo. But everyone just calls me D.O. I'm not sure why." I could tell that he probably wasn't sure about too many things.

"I'm Oh Sehun," the rainbow-haired one from before spoke up. He had a slight lisp, which was cute, but his expression mirrored that of a child presented with a plate of peas for the first time, equal parts interest and fear. The thought of him being every bit the hyperactive child I'd assumed him to be put a small smile on my face.

"You already know my name," Suho said with that gentle tone he'd been using since we'd met. "Kim Joonmyun; called Suho." I nodded and turned my attention to the remaining three. Casanova spoke first.

"I'm Kim Jongin, but since you're pretty, I let you call me Kai." I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Alright, pretty boy," I snorted. "Save the pickup lines for someone who cares."

"He's always like that. But don't worry; I've got a bit more charm, right? I'm Baekhyun." I shook his offered hand, surprised when his hand glowed a little. Writing it off as a trick of a tired mind, I pulled back quickly and turned to the last alien.

"Park Chanyeol," he said with a goofy grin. He looked as if he'd had too much sugar.

"You guys at introductions, but I suppose you'll have time to learn how to properly act human," I said turning back to the house.

"Does that mean we can stay?" Sehun asked, his voice hopeful.

"Just as long as you don't make another hole in my house." I was rewarded with a back hug that lifted me off the ground, and I let out a startled yelp.

"Rule number one: no holes in the house," I said as I was placed down on the ground. "Rule number two: skinship is kept to a minimum." Sehun frowned and backed away. He looked so sad, I sighed.

"At least until you've had a shower."

Despite the rule I just set, I was engulfed in another hug by the hyperactive alien.

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Chapter 1: Awwwwwww sooooo cuteeeeee!!!!! >///////< update soon eh, eh? XD