Playlist Track 1 - So Give Me A Smile | M Signal

[A Winter's Music] Winter's Melody { Recommendations + Playlist }



Song Title : { So Give Me A Smile - M Signal } 

Song Description : This song is the first song in my playlist. This song is an OST for the Korean Drama, Heartstrings which stars Jung Yonghwa of CNBlue and Park Shin Hye. The drama is basically about a boy named Lee Shin who unknowingly falls in love with a clumsy girl, Lee Gyu Won who is majoring in Traditional Korean Music and plays the gayagyum. This song is performed by Lee Shin and Gyu Won alongside with the other characters in their graduation Musical. The song is orignally by M Signal. This song brings out an encouraging mood and cheers you up by asking for a smile on your face when you're upset. 

Song Link : { Original } 





{ Drama MV } 





Credits - guidance key ; Imjustagirl001

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