Perfect Rainy Day

My Crazy Baby

Second chappie! > ~ < Took so long...

Seungri ft Jennie Kim - GG BE 

Sunday morning greeted you with rain.

Kris was still asleep and you happened to be an early riser, so you laid in his arm watching the rain patter, like little fingers, against the white window frame. You listened to Kris's steady, slow breathing and felt his heart beat against your back. It felt like a scene straight out of a drama.

You glanced at the mickey mouse alarm clock on the night stand. *7:00am* Time for you to get up and be productive. You tried to carefully slide through Kris's arm, but his arms wouldn't budge. You twisted and shimmied with all you might, but you just couldn't seem to get through. 

"Stop moving..." Kris's voice was hoarse. 

"I gotta get up, babe." 

"No." Kris's arms wrapped tighter around you. His voice tickled you ear. You giggled.

"Baby, what are we going to do today? Its raining." You pushed yourself back into his warm embrace. You could hear Kris sigh. 

"Mm. Sleep."

"No!" You laughed. "Baby, you leave again tomorrow." 

"But it's raining." His morning voice was so y, it almost hurt. 

"Sweetheart, I just said that." You turned so that you were facing him. His eyes were still closed. You kissed the top of his nose. Kris made a puckered his lips for you to kiss him. You obediently agreed. "I'm going to miss kissing you when you leave."

Kris pulled you closer to him. "Baby, I'm only leaving for a couple days." 

You pouted. "But's lonely."  

Kris only smirk with his eyes still closed. "I'm going to miss your whining."

"Hey!" You lightly smacked his chest. You pulled away from him and got up. "I'm going to go get MY babies." You were in the teasing mood. Kris's eyes were now open. You stuck your tongue out as you walked slowly out of the room. 

Kris chuckled at your silliness. 

Your head popped back into the room. "Baby, I'm going to take the girls to my mom's house. She offered to babysit today." You winked at him before walking back out.

A few moments later, you strode back into the room. "That means help me get them ready, honey." 

"Yeah, okay." Kris swung his legs around to the side of the bed.

You smiled at him, turned and then started walking down the hall, only looking back to make sure he was following you. 

Trying to move the babies from one place to another and keeping them dry, in the rain was a hard task. 

You watched as your mom closed the door before Kris drove off. 

"Aw! I miss my babies already."You sighed. You saw Kris secretly glance at you. "Can we go to the park?"

"Huh?" He glanced at you again in total confusion. "It's raining though."

"I know!" You grinned at him. 

Kris chuckled at your weirdness and made a u-turn to go back to the park close to your mother's house. When Kris pulled into the parking lot, you wasted no time hopping out of the car to go play. You danced and twirled around, completely ignoring Kris.

Before you could realize it, Kris shot past you, running towards the swings. You laughed out loud. You sometimes forgot what a dork you married.

Throwing your hands up, you ran after him. "OPPA!! Wait for me!" You giggles as you jumped over the puddles while Kris jumped straight in, splashing water everywhere. 

"Hey!" You smacked him playfully on the arm.

"What's the big deal? You're wet anyways!" Kris gave you an evil grin. 

You pretended to think very hard for a moment. "I guess your right!" Laughing, you jumped into the puddles with him. Kris grabbed your hand and began to skip around. You followed him around, skipping like elementary school girls. 

First, the swings. Then, the slide and then you two made mudpies and mud castles. 

After a couple hours at the park playing around like little kids, you decided it was good to go home before you both caught colds.

"Ahhh! That was so much fun!" You threw your arms up after Kris close the door behind you. You turned to him. "Baby, we're all wet!" It was true.  

Kris loved the silly grin that was plastered on your face. He grinned back at you. "Yeah." He scooped you up in his arms. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you giggled uncontrollably. Kris pecked you on the lips.

"Babe, we should go change." He kissed your neck. 

You giggled again. "I think so too."

After you two were dry. Kris suggested that you watch movies with him. He said that he was going to be working a lot and he just wanted to relax with you.

"Okay. I see your point." You weren't really disappointed, but you really wanted to go outside. You smiled, still happy to be with you husband. 

"Let's just go with the flow. Sometimes you don't need to plan everything." Kris pinched your cheek. You pouted.

"Don't treat me like you treat our children. I'm your WIFE, remember?" You pulled him by his collar until he was close enough for you to kiss him. You pecked him on the lips. Quickly, you spun around to go grab blankets. 

You met Kris on the couch with blanket. He had brought popcorn and hot chocolate. Raindrops softly tapped on the roof while you cuddled with Kris. Blankets were wrapped comfortably around the two of you.

Before the movie started, you asked Kris, " Will you miss me while you gone?"

It was only for a couple days, but you didn't want to let Kris go. You knew that only worked like this to support you and your babies and he didn't always go far but it was still hard on you. 

"Of course." Kris wrapped his arms around you tightly. "I think about you every second that you're not with me." 

"Don't lie." You didn't believe him whenever he said stuff like that. Of course it wasn't true! 

"I'm not lying." Kris placed his chin on the top of your head. "You know why?"


"Because I love you." Kris covered your small hands with his. 

You blushed like crazy. "That was cheap." 

"I don't know what your talking about." Although your back was to Kris, you could hear the smirk in his voice. 



"I think that today was the most perfect, rainy day ever." 

"Yeah it was."

And with that, Kris the movie. 


Omo! Omo!! I finally finished it! I'm so sorry for the long wait! School didn't want me to post anything and so they bombared me with bunches and bunches of homework. (╥﹏╥) 

I hope this was worth the wait! I promise I'll update sooner next time!! I SUPER promise!! 

Until next time, my lovely readers! Buh Bai~ (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘)

Oh! I almost forgot! I have a blog for everyone who loves imagines!! Check it out and request some please!!  (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥

❤ Chocoroise Imagines 

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Hermin #1
Chapter 3: Update soon pls
Naviky #2
Chapter 3: Aw this is so cute i love it!
Chapter 3: This story is just the cutest~
Thanks for the update Authornim <3
DiarraCha #4
Chapter 3: waaaa it's been so long since i read ur last update authornim
i'm happy \(n.n)/
Chapter 2: Omo! Kris was so mushy and basically a goo in this! And the "Which one is Soojin?" cracked me up LOL!
Please continue more EXO daddyfics! I'm loving them~
xyxyxy #6
Chapter 2: Love daddyfic! Hope you'll update more!
Chapter 2: Thanks for the update Authornim. I really love this story, it's so fluffy.


I love the story but my eyes are bad can you change the font