Chucky and the Joker

It's You

The bell rang again for the third time that day and students were bustling around as they tried escaping their classrooms. As I headed out the door of my Ad-math class, I felt an arm slung around my shoulder and the owner of it walking next to me.

“Hey maknae, where you off to?”

“Lunch? I pointed to the cafeteria in sight below us. Himchan is probably not the best person to rely on if dates and time is at stake. He’s always relied on Yongguk to tell it to him but now that they were in different classes, he’s been kind of chaotic.

“Right,” Himchan said and dropped his arm off of my shoulders. “You wanna drop our stuff off in the art room before going to homeroom? I don’t wanna lunge this thing everywhere I go.”

I looked at him and felt sorry for the guy. His bag was bulging out from today’s homework and whatever is leftover was carried by his hands.

“Hyung it’s your fault for picking way to many classes,” I said back to him.

“We have the same amount of classes ,” he smacked behind my head before heading down the stairs. “Would you hurry up?” He said from the bottom of the stairs.

Afraid I would anger the umma of our group any longer; I staggered down the steps and caught up with the nagging guy. We started talking about random things on the way down and landed on the topic of our art projects.

“How’s yours doing hyung?” I asked as we landed on the art floor.

Before he could even answer me, Himchan had already raced to his locker and dropped his bag before sliding down, sprawled on the floor.

“I’m just so happy our lockers are on the art floor,” he breathed happily.

I bent down and patted his stomach, “Me too hyung, me too.”

Himchan “meh-ed” at me and got up to properly stuff his belongings away. I glanced at the ceramics room next to the art room and remembered the task I needed to do.

“Where are you going?” Himchan shot at me when he realized I left my locker and was halfway down the hall.

“I need to check up on Jongup’s piece from the kiln,” I said back, still walking to the room.

Himchan picked up his bag, much lighter now from the looks of his face, and jogged to my side. “Ooh, the husband’s calling for help again?” He smirked.

“Shut up,” I said and scurried to the room. The tint of pink on my cheeks was too obvious to deny and Himchan was quick to catch it.

“You are so in denial,” he dropped his bag and sat in front of my Chucky piece. He inspected the thing as if it would hold the key to the universe. “What’s the theme for this one anyway?”

I came back around with Jongup’s piece and settled it next to mine. “The theme’s scary movies,” I said as I pointed at both mine and Jongup’s babies.

“Ew, why would Mr. Wu make you do that anyway,” he said as he eyed Jongup’s miniature Joker.

“Because he’s special like that,” I said and checked over the piece.

“Why couldn’t it be more romantic like self-portrait sculptures of your partner?”

“How would that be romantic? That’s more detailed than this,” I exasperated at the piece before looking up to Himchan’s grinning face.

“Jongup would pick you as his partner you see,” I saw his eyes gleaming along with his master plan. “We both know you’ve gotta sketch before sculpturing, so when the both of you stare into each other’s eyes, the feelings build up, and the occasional sneaks turn into stares, then bam! Magic happens, birds sing, and one of you is bound to fall for the other in no time.”

Too late. I shook myself a bit. What the hell?

By the time Himchan stopped talking his fantasies aloud; I was as red as a tomato and was in need of a cool off. I moved subtly under the AC but Himchan was quick to catch on, again.

“Oh is someone enjoying this? Maybe I should suggest it to Mr. Wu one day,” Himchan taunted as he poked my warm cheeks.

You know one of those days where I hate having milky white baby skin and stuttering like an idiot? Yeah, today would be one of them.

“W-wha-? N-n-no, I-I mean, hyung, l-l-look at the time, we must… lunch!”

I scampered out of the room with my bag in tow, and a laughing Himchan following. We had Art after homeroom so leaving the sculptures out was no biggie. Besides, Jongup’s looks like it needed all the help it could get once I get back there.


I saw our group’s table from a far and sprinted to them in an attempt to lose Himchan. Who, is still running to catch me from behind.

“What’s wrong baby Zelo? You’re still embarrass about-“

“Hyung!”I turned and glared at him.

“Alright, alright,” he said and back-hugged me and I squirmed under him.


We walked to our table and as usual, the Daejae couple was sitting side by side and bickering about food and homework again. Yongguk hyung on the other hand was reading a poetry book till he caught sight of us and sup-nodded in our direction.

“Where were the both of you? You missed about half of lunch already,” Yongguk said and made space for Himchan to sit next to him.

“We had to go to the art room because our baby here,” Himchan gestured to my face, “had to check up on Jongup’s piece, or might I say their offspring.”

At the sound of “offspring”, the couple hyungs in front of me started giggling and squealing like little girls.

“Our baby had a baby!” Youngjae laughed and slapped Daehyun’s shoulder.

“How was the honeymoon?” Daehyun smirked and I had to reach over to his plate, threatening to spill strawberry juice, because he hates grape, to tell him to shut it.

“Mature, hyungs, real mature.”

“What do the babies look like hyung?” Youngjae ignored me and asked Himchan once his giggling fit was over.

“Chucky and the Joker.”

Both Daehyun and Youngjae shivered at that imagery and I laughed out loud because their faces were priceless. Yongguk also made a face and his eyebrows were turned upwards as if questioning Himchan telepathically “Really?”

“Yes, really Gukkie.”

Well there you have it ladies and gentleman, BangHim is real. Go and frolic in your feels now because you have just witnessed the true powers of the BangHim couple.

Back to the situation at hand, while the hyungs were being their weird selves, I saw Jongup waving at me from his table. I gave him a “what” face and he pointed to the cafeteria. I then had to give him a “really” poker face and he replied back with a begging pose. I gave in and mouthed “fine” and he smiled his infamous eye smile at me.

I looked away and muttered Go away; go away when I felt that tickling feeling in my stomach again.

I had to escape the confines of my hyungs now and needed an excuse. Thankfully, it was lunch time.

“I’m gonna go buy food now,” I stood and was about to leave.

“Wait, I’ll go with you,” Himchan offered but I stopped him from standing.

“No, no, no, you and Yongguk hyung needed to discuss that thing,” I tried covering myself up.

Himchan looked at me in a lost daze and didn’t quit it till Yongguk clapped his hand and said, “Ah! English remember? You were supposed to help me with my writing.” He said and shuffled through his school bag.

“Ah…yeah,” Himchan muttered, the look of confusion still on his face.

I turned to Yongguk hyung and saw he winked at me and I mouthed a “thank you” in appreciation. I swung my long legs over my seat and walked towards the smell of food and saw Jongup doing the same. However not as discreetly as I’d hoped since he passed my group and ran up to me. Wolf whistles and hoots were emitted from my table and I had to use every ounce of my strength to not just stop, run back, and give those guys a beating or two. Jongup was completely oblivious to it (no surprise there) and poked my side before catching up to me.

“It’s rude to poke people you know,” I said while soothing the poked area on my tummy.

“I know, it’s just, yours is too irresistible not to poke.”

“You calling me fat?” I gasped in mockery.

“No, I’m calling you fluffy,” he smiled and turned to the lunch lady and asked for the spaghetti.

“For you,” he gestured romantically. I scoffed at his actions but seeing how he’s not gonna budge till I accept it, took it and walked away.

I headed for the carbonated refrigerators, in need of some sugar in my system, but Jongup pushed me to the juice section and handed me an orange juice box instead.

“It’s better for your health,” he said and patted my tummy.

I grimaced at him and took the juice box from his hands. “ALL RIGHT, I GET IT. I NEED TO WORKOUT AND BE AS BUFF AS YOU,” I puffed as I walked away from him angrily.

“I’m just trying to take care of you,” he whimpered apologetically.

“Oh on a hard candy would you?” I said and paid for my meal before he does. “What did you want to talk about?”

“Nothing, just wanted to annoy you.”

“Are you serious.”


“You know Jongup,” I put my lunch tray down and went closer to him.

“Yeah?” He inched closer to me.

“I sometimes dream of you,” I whispered to his ear.

“Oh do you?” He said in amusement.

“Yeah, of your death,” I paused and saw the quick change of reaction from shocked to smug again on his face.

“You’ve mentioned it before,” he smiled, closing the distance between us.

“And you know who caused it?” I said and lingered my eyes on him.

“Nope,” he said in a haughty attitude.

“I did,” I said haughtily back. He looked away in disbelief while I grabbed my lunch and walked back to my table.


“I swear you two are destined for each other,” Daehyun said with his arms around Youngjae.

“Keep dreaming, no way is he getting in my pants,” I said and downed my lunch.

“Didn’t stop him from looking at them,” Himchan said and I almost choked on my spaghetti.


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Honestly wanted to make this a oneshot, but thanks to my lovely readers....I'm gonna make it chaptered! So please look forward to my updates!


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Chapter 3: I had a hard time not giggling, as my parents won't be happy I'm still awake. Really cute!
Chapter 2: I love you. I love you're writing. I love this story. I love Jonglo. :3
Chapter 2: Omoo! :DDD I love this :D You are really great, author-nim, please continue :D <3
ThunderString #4
Chapter 2: I want another chapter Q___Q so cuuuuteeeeeee Q__Q
DinoCarrot #6
Chapter 1: you should do a sequel! XD
Chapter 1: I like your story so much!
Sequel please?