Let Me Be Your Hero

The compilation of bromance :)


Characters:  Jong Suk, Woo Bin

Summary: This story is about real life bromance :) Jong Suk has attention phobia and one time it gets a little hard for him to handle the people... Fortunately, Woo Bin is there for him. 


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   Let Me Be Your Hero

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Jong Suk comes to suprise Woo Bin because he just misses the guy too much. What he doesn't know is the fact, that Woo Bin is shooting at the open stadium and there are hundreds of fans gathered there. Once he gets there, he is immediately approached by staff members, who wants him to participate in the event as well. They say, it's a great opportunity and they have already prepared his part anyway. Jong Suk is aware, that this would help his popularity, but he can already hear the cheers of the fans and it's LOUD. He hasn't seen them yet, but oh my... He can just feel it. His palms are already getting sweaty, but he takes a deep breath. He can't run away now and who knows when he will be able to see Woo Bin next? So he follows the staff and enters the playing ground. 


When Woo Bin notices him, he smiles from ear to ear and it's obvious he is excited. He just can't hide the happiness he feels and Jong Suk is immediately lost in his gaze. This is exactly why he came. This moment. He smiles back and comes closer. Woo Bin puts his hand on Jong Suk shoulder and they start walking. They are still in the back of the stadium, it's dark and the fans are gathered in the other area so Jong Suk feels fine, he is a little nervous, but Woo Bin makes everything alright with his joking and just being near him is very comforting. 


However, once they shout at them, he looks up and ... Here they are... Eyes .... So many eyes focused on him. He is shocked and scared and very close to panicking, but he is the star and he can't ruin his image like that so he laughs it off, saying he will overcome it by looking at Woo Bin. He knows, it's exactly what the fans wanna hear and as cheasy as it may sound, it is actually true. If Woo Bin was not here, he would surely pass out by now. Nevertheless, it's not easy dealing with his phobia. Looking at his friend helps, but it's not enough. He tries very hard to appear relaxed, but as the time passes, his heart is beating faster and faster, he is sweating more and more and even his vision is a little blurry. He sticks to Woo Bin like a piece of gum, keeping up with his drama nickname. 


Woo Bin notices how pale Jong Suk is so he tries to rush things and finish it all sooner. They are both very professional so they are done swiftly and they can afford a little break before the interview. As soon as they are alone, Jong Suk drops to his knees. Woo Bin is immediately by his side.


"Hey... are you okay? Should I call someone?"

"No... no... I'm fine... just..." His breathing is still quite heavy and it's hard for him to talk.

"Shhh... just breathe. It's okay, I understand." Woo Bin leans in and hugs Jong Suk.

"Thank you for coming even if it's this hard for you. I am really happy, we could be together today."

Jong Suk just presses his body closer and tightens the hug. Before he met Woo Bin, there weren't many people who would be as tall as him. He never thought, he could find someone who would be able to make him feel so safe, so small... He was lost in his embrace.

"I missed you." 

"I missed you, too." Replies Woo Bin as he soothingly draws circles on his back. After a few minutes, Jog Suk calmes down completely, but the feeling is so nice, he refuses to let go. Woo Bin can only chuckle at the childlike behaviour but he is secretly enjoying it, too.

"If it gets bad again, just tell me. I will be there for you, okay?" Jong Suk nods.

"You can be my hero." He smiles sheepishly. Woo Bin blushes a little and places a soft kiss on the top of Jong Suk's head.

"If you let me, I would gladly be your hero."


~ the end ~



a/n: oh my god, I can't believe I just wrote THAT. it's soooooo not my style. /hides in the dark corner and hopes to die/


(btw I have a twitter: https://twitter.com/dionfortune so if you want to know, when I wil update or get some hints at what is gonna happen in the fics, please follow me ^_^ I don't give away too much, don't worry. - but I do spazz over random stuff so consider yourself warned)


- credits to: BurningNoona 

- she has great vids, so check them out! :) I really love the cnblue fandramas by her ^^ woobin was in them too (just to let you know)

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320 streak #1
Chapter 4: Wuuuuu ~ Can I get a sequel for thisssss? Please please pretty pleaseeeeee. (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)

But take your time, will be waiting nonetheless. :3
320 streak #2
Chapter 3: Aaaaaahhhh sho shweeeettttt~~ (๑>ᴗ<๑)
320 streak #3
Chapter 2: Yes yes yes. Every ending is a new beginning. Aahhhh. Can't help but to reread this again. :)
320 streak #4
Never enough of them. :3
PinkKawaiiJin #5
Awesome~~ Gotta love them so muchh!
Thank you sooo much for this heart-warming story!!
So excited for this! Cant wait for more ;)
Another Heungsoon ♥ Hwaiting! I can't wait to reed it :3 I really love them