The Arrival and Introduction


The Door swung open And 12 Hot Prince like Guy Walk into the Sun Moon Academy a.k.a SM Academy Girls, guys and even teachers swarm to the front to see the 12 boy. Kris the leader was the first one to smirk followed by the other 11 when they heard everyone squeal and say things like “OMG so hot”, or “I’m so lucky to go here” and a lot of “Kyaaaaa”

They kept on walking, as they turn making the girls sway with emotion. Other  Students all made a path for the princes but as they are about their way through a guy stood in their way, he looks up at Kris, , and glares at him

As he grabs his collar, he says "What’s with the stupid crowd swaying and gathering like this, you all look like idiots" then he tightens his grip on Kris’s collar. “Heh, Royals?! Mwo?! Hahaha  All I see is a bunch of weird guys.” He scoffs and continued “I mean look at these guys. Come on people!  Your group is just filled with sissy.” He looks at Luhan, Tao, Xiumin, and Sehun and said “Wow you even have girls in your group…What losers.”

It was an intense moment

Kris Smirked and rolled his eyes then glares at the kid. The other 11 knew better than to interfere while Kris was pissed that guy was Kris prey now

 Kris Pov

Humph! Who does he think he is?! First, touching me and then, Insulting My Group! F**k! NO One Insult My Kids!!!

As Kris glares he down the boy releases his grip on Kris’s collar. He soon turn pale and starts to shiver like crazy it’s as if he can see his death playing in Kris’s eye, the boy backed away!  

Then it happen leaving everyone in shock and awed Kris had punched the boy. The kid lost his balanced and now on the floor with a bleeding nose with the feeling of shock, pain, and frighten. 

“Listen if you dare to go against us and cross the line anymore I will make your life a living hell. I will make you want to die but can’t and all u can do is live.” Kris said and anger and coldness filled his eyes. Kris finally glares at him one last time before turning around and leaving to class with the eleven boy following proud of their leader. The kid who is still bleeding stood up and ran away before anyone can notice how pathetic he is to go against the Royals.

“Kris-ge you were so cool. I hope that bastard learned his lesson.” Tao said happily hanging on to Kris right arm.

“Yeah How Dare he call me a girl im manly right Kris-Hyung.” Sehun joined while hanging onto Kris left arm.

Hehe yes Sehun ur are the manliest and Tao I’m sure he won’t mess with us again. Especially my dongsaeng and didi. Now walk carefully or you will fall.” Kris replied In a tone different from the one 2 minute ago. This one was more soft and caring like a father or big brother.

“Tao! Sehun! Becareful and listen to Kris! You guys are bothering Kris and even worse you guys might get hurt.” Suho said in a panic when he saw sehun and tao swinging on both Kris’s arms.

“Yes Suho Hyung…. We are sorry.” Both Tao and Sehun muttered while getting off of Kris’s arms, lowered their heads and listened to the lecture Suho gave them about how dangerous it was.

“Haha its okay Suho I don’t mind though they should be a little careful but they are just happy and they don’t bother me one bit.” Kris said as he chuckled

“Kris You are spoiling them again but I guess your right” Suho gave in. No one can wiin against Kris.

The other members were happy to see this and and all ran up to Suho and Kris hugging them while yelling, “ Appppa~ Ummma~” making Kris and Suho roll their eyes in a playful way.

They have finally reach the classroom and heads to their seats. All of the Princes sits right next to each other. They have a special class since the students tend to crowed. Though they are different ages the leader on the first day of school personally requested that they younger ones to skip grades and join their classes. Of course they had to take tests to see if they can skip or not but the younger ones past the test like it was nothing.  Kris, Tao, Suho, Lay, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun sits in the very back row. While Luhan, Sehun,  Xiumin, Chen, Kai, and D.O sat in the row right front of them (second too last). Though they get a separate classroom there is still other students in there too that is also popular but not as high as the Royals. There is another boy group in that class called SHINee which consist of Onew, Key, Jonghyun, Taemin, and Minho. Ther are two girl group too one is called SNSD and the other is F(x).

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JaeYong_TY #1
JaeYong_TY #2
Chapter 1: wut?

how many people can you fit in that class room
K-love1412 #3
OMG......I just saw this fic and the NAME.....I was thinking about writing a fic where the group was called Royals.....they had 12 members too but most were OC
Chapter 3: Sorry for the super long wait my laptop broke down and deleted everything but sine im on break now i will write as much as i can for u guys
Chapter 3: What color are Sehun and luhan's cars?
Hehe thx um Next will be Tao ris cuz the votes said they had the most now
Exokitty2013 #7
EXO!!!!!!!!!!!!! This story is pretty good so far.
Chapter 3: Cute Kaisoo!
And I want one of their lamborghini! XD
What next?? :3
Anticipating the 1st chapter :)