
The best two years of my life have been spent with the person I can always count on to cherish every waking moment with me. There is never a moment where my loving thoughts about him falter. He’s my best friend who showers me with gifts and kisses every time I see him. There’s something special about him, I can never get tired of him. That rarely ever happens.

I can remember the first time we met and how it all began.




It was spring of 2011 and I was consumed by wanderlust.

I wanted to travel all over the world, but it was a goal that I could only ever dream of. I have always told my friends what I wanted to accomplish in life and they thought I was crazy for thinking such nonsense. A girl could dream, right? I had been brain storming in Yeouido Park with my feet dipped in the large fountain area about the places I could possibly visit if I ever had the money. After a few moments of thinking to myself and writing down so many ideas, all were ruined by water. Of course I could have remembered each idea I had if my memory wasn’t always so hazy… but unfortunately for me, it was and I nearly cried at the sight of my ruined hopes and dreams.

The ink had dripped all over my notebook paper and I looked up at a kid who was already running away from the scene. I couldn’t even get up to yell at him; I was too miserable and hopeless. Maybe it was a sign that I shouldn’t travel all over the world and just stay here in South Korea… After moments of contemplating to myself, the same kid who ruined my papers appeared in front of me once again. He had been pouting the whole time and I was utterly confused.

“Say you’re sorry” a deeper voice demanded to the small child. It was as if time had froze because the whole park was coincidentally silent as the kid in front of me looked away from my face. “Now.”

“I’m sorry” the small child quietly whispered. “Now can I go?”

“No, say it with sincerity and look at her while you do so” the taller boy instructed and the smaller one looked at me, puffed his cheeks, and opened his mouth to speak.

“I’m really sorry” he sighed and looked at the boy who looked like he might have been his older brother. “Now can I leave?”

“I suppose” the older brother rubbed the back of his neck and the younger boy began to skip in the water to where all the other children were playing. I didn’t know what to say or how to respond to his kind gesture. I sat in silence because I was too shy to ask him who he was or thank him for being so sweet to a stranger. “Uh… hi.”

I looked up at him then and examined his facial structure. His jaw line was prominent and his jet black hair complimented his milky white skin. His pursed lips complimented his almond-shaped eyes. He was my definition of a perfect boy.

“Hi” my voice came out a bit strange due to the fact that my mouth was closed for so long. I cleared my throat, “ahem, sorry. Hi.” I greeted as normally as I could; I attempted to smile but I wasn’t sure whether I was scaring him or attracting him due to lack of expression in his face.

He smiled and I almost fell inside the fountain.

“You’re Jung Kay, right?”

My heart wouldn’t stop beating… he knew who I was. I nodded my head slowly.

“Ah, sorry, kind of strange for me to know your name already, right?” he asked, looking rather embarrassed of himself. “A friend of mine talks about you often, she says you’re the definition of perfection.”

He was taking his shoes off at this point, pulling up his pants and getting ready to soak his feet in the fountain water next to me.

“I’m Jang Hyunseung, nice to meet you” his lip curved upward and was brought into a gentle smile. We were less than two centimeters apart.

We had a long conversation about who knows what and the rest was history.




It’s currently 2013 and we’re walking around Yeouido Park, hands intertwined and laughing the day away. The sun is currently setting and I begin to wonder what I might have done to have earned myself such a wonderful man like Hyunseung. He’s treated me with all the respect in the world and he’s never questioned our friendship or relationship. He twirls me around as we continue to walk around the park, pauses me halfway and pulls me in close so that not even a piece of paper could cut through the gap between us. He kisses the top of my head and twirls me around once more. We continue walking.

“You know” he began, “I never thought that you were my type. I mean, I’ve always thought you were really pretty… I just always thought you were out of my lead.” His words made my knees grow weak and I squeezed his hand to let him know that I’ve processed his confession to me. He had always talked so effortlessly; that’s what I loved about him. He was never uncomfortable with me, just truly honest and always had his eyes on only me. He snuck a couple of kisses on my cheek here and there and I couldn’t help but to giggle to myself.

Yeouido Park only had excellent memories for me, and all of them involved Hyunseung.

Like our first date… we had a picnic and it was incredibly delightful. On the same day, I received my very first kiss from him. It was where all our memories began and I could never come here on bad terms. I’ve always been so contented with the place.

Suddenly, he began to sing our song.

You are my everything, nothing your love won’t bring.

My life is yours alone, the only love I’ve ever known.

Your spirit pulls me through, when nothing else will do.

Every night I pray, on bended knees… that you will always be, my everything.

I looked at him endearingly and he tucked my hair behind my ear. His hands slowly travelled down my arms and he held them there, looking me straight in the eyes.

“Kay” he smiled so preciously, “this park is literally us. Whenever I come here, whether I am alone, with company, or with you, you’re the only one who comes to mind. This is where all our memories have come to stay and none of them were bad. I don’t know about you, but this is my favorite place in the entire world. Though I have yet to travel the world with you, this is the one place I know for sure I would love to come back to whenever I get home sick. You’re the only one for me, I know it. I’ve never loved anyone so much in my life… you’re my friend… the absolute best friend. You treat me the way I want to be treated and you understand me.” His hands slowly travelled down to lock with mine.

“You know me best, Kay and I can’t think of anyone else I would love to spend the rest of my life with” his voice cracked from keeping in his tears. I began to tear up as well and he let go one of my hands. I covered my mouth while the tears streamed down my cheeks.

“So…” he got down on one knee and my heart was literally going to jump out of my chest and run away if he kept talking.

“Will you, Jung Kay, spend the rest of your life with me by accepting my proposal and marry me?”

I cried my heart out while finding the right words to say. Finally, I pulled myself together and said yes as he slid the ring on and carried me up. The sun was still setting and people around began to clap for the both of us.

I couldn’t be any happier than today.



“My beautiful, beautiful daughter” my mom put her frail hands on my shoulders as we both looked into the mirror together. I never realized how similar we looked. “You’re finally getting married… and to a wonderful man.” My mom was getting old; she always looked tired but was always so delighted to everyone and anyone. She left the room quietly after wishing me luck and my bridesmaids had fixed me up.

Before I knew it, I was already walking down the aisles, arm hooked with my dad’s. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and he was on the verge of crying. I smiled to myself.

The wedding vows were currently taking place and I couldn’t have been happier to be marrying such a lovely man like Hyunseung.

“Do you, Jung Kay, take Jang Hyunseung as your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do” I smiled at him, earning a smile back.

“And do you, Jang Hyunseung, take Jung Kay as your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do” he was already eager to kiss me.

“I pronounce you husband and wife,” the priest rejoiced while the crowd stayed still, eager to jump out of excitement, “you may now kiss the bride.”

Hyunseung pulled me in, grabbed me by the waist, and planted the best kiss he could have ever possibly planted onto me. While the crowd cheered and clapped for us, we had a secret conversation between the two of us.

“I love you, Kay” he put his forehead against mine.

“I love you, Hyunseung” I replied and smiled as he pulled me in for another kiss.

I couldn’t be any happier than today.



“Ya, Jang Dooyung, don’t drink the fountain water!” I screamed while sitting on a picnic blanket.

“But mom! I’m really thirsty!” he whined and I motioned for him to come over to the picnic blanket.

“Dooyung, what did we say about you being thirsty?” Hyunseung scolded while I smiled in the background.

“To always come to you before drinking from random sources of water” he kicked the grass and as soon as he was handed a water bottle, his eyes lit up and he nearly drank the whole bottle.

“Geez sweetheart, you’re so active” I laughed and Dooyung smiled with his two front teeth missing.

“I get it from papa!” he shouted while running back to the fountain with all his friends.

“He’s growing up way too fast” Hyunseung sighed while his arms s around my tummy and leaned forward to kiss my cheek. “I can feel a baby bump!”

“Are you trying to say that I’m fat?!” I jokingly accused and Hyunseung shook his head.


I laughed and he continued to hold me from behind.

“Having Dooyung was enough… why did you want another child?” Hyunseung quietly asked while I shrugged my shoulders.

“I guess I didn’t want him to be lonely” I looked at Dooyung making faces at his friends. “And having a possible mini-me wouldn’t hurt. Dooyung is already your mini-me!”

“You’re right” Hyunseung laughed while kissing my head, “I can’t wait to see her.”

“Me neither” I laughed while my hands plopped right on top of his.

“Forever is something I never believed in…” Hyunseung whispered into my ear as I looked into the distance. “But I met you.”

I tried to contain my smile, but I couldn’t help myself from doing so.

“Well that’s awfully romantic of you” I held his hands that were still tight around my stomach. “So… you and me… Dooyun and future Kay JR., we’ll always be together right?”

“I have no doubt about any of us separating until they’re off for college and until we grow old” Hyunseung laughed and I chimed in.

“So… forever?” he held out his pinky, waiting for me to intertwine mine with his.

I quickly did so.


I couldn’t be any happier than today.

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Chapter 1: Aww~~~ This is just too CUTE~~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^___________^ Thanks~~~~