Unexpected Aiplane meeting

You were flying to Korea, finally fulfilling your dream of meeting your bias, like most fangirls. You were going to move in with your cousin who lived in Seoul. And in 2 days you were going to see Shinee LIVE in concert! And your wonderful cousin had even bought you a first class ticket! How lucky were you? And the flight was going to take off soon and nobody was sitting next to you. YAY! You didn't have to sit next to a stranger! Or better yet, a strange kid! You put on your headphones and played why so serious as looked out of the window, observing the many workers outside doing their job. Suddenly you felt a presence next to you. You turned around and saw a man in sunglasses and a hat. You said hello, he said hello back and smiled. He seemed familiar. You studied his face trying to remember where you saw him before. The stranger chuckled and and took his sunglasses off. You stared at him in shock, your mouth opened wide. OMG OMG IT WAS ONEW! He was your bias in shinee! You couldn't believe that onew, your bias, was sitting next to you!

"Lee Jinki!"You yelled. But not to loud for you were in a plane for crying out loud. Onew laughed.


"Hehehe I like the way you just screamed out my name!" he said and smiled that dubu smile of his.


"Heh....." You said nervously as you picked up a magazine and started reading it. Onew studied you. the way you brushed back your hair behind your ears, the way your eyes widened at a article, he had just realized you looked incredibly stunning ;D He began to get nervous. He nervously tried to get water but it fell out of his hand and rolled near you. You stopped it with your foot and gave it to him smiling sweetly.

"Hehe t-thanks" he said.

*ONEW SANGTAE IN PERSON* your thought in your head filled with kpop thoughts. You smiled and looked in front of you. You figured he wouldn't want to be bothered. However Onew was staring at you, admiring how calm you were sitting next to a famous idol. He wanted to talk to you but he didn't know what to say.

"Sooo your a fan of us?" He asked. *Of course she's a fan! Why would she cry out your name if she wasn't? Ugh pabo!* he thought and mentally hit his head.

"Ah yes" you said

"Oh well thank you for supporting us! We hope you will be forever loyal. Sooo who's your bias?" He asked curious and silently hoping it was him. You blushed

"Y-you" you said sheepishly. Onew nodded and smiled in victory.

"Good choice, good choice," he said smiling goofily "So what's your favorite food?" He asked

"OMG chicken! I absolutely LOVE it!!!" You gushed adding emphasis on love. You blushed and looked down embarrassed. Onew's eyes lit up at your answer

"OMO really? Me too!" He said. Soon you guys started talking about a bunch of stuff. You guys even watched a movie. You fell asleep on the window and onew watched you sleep peacefully.

"She looks so peaceful~" Onew said quietly. He gently move your head away from the window and let your head rest on his shoulder.

Soon the plane landed and everyone got off. You woke up and got off too. You were sad that onew had left before you coukd say goodbye ( and didnt get his number) you then noticed something in the pocket of your bag. You took it out and it was a barf bag from the plane. It had writing on it. 'Annyeong! I really had fun with you on the plane and I appreciate you not freaking out the whole time! I would.... Like to hang out more and get to know you somemore so ummmm well just look inside the bag. ~ Onew <3 You fangirled and jumped around squealing earning some looks from people when you finally regained your composure and look inside the bag. It was a V.I.P Backstage ticket. You were defiantly going to be a fan forever.

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Chapter 1: GOOD STORY^^ I like it, it's so cute~~ Do you have any plan to make the sequel? Hehehee~~ good job author-nim~
Chapter 1: hehe Onew~~~~ Love the ending too! Agree with pilsuk123

Pilsuk123 brought me here!
Chapter 1: WHAT!!! I'M SO JEALOUS RN! ONEW~~~~~~~~ so sweet, I demand a sequel /pouts
Chapter 1: Can you please make a sequel pwetty pwease *ageyo face*
Chapter 1: Ohhh onew is Soooo Cute great story btw
No wonder its on the popular section!!!!
If I ever saw onew I would have fainted
After fangirling of course
Oh just realized it was completed... *sad face*
Chapter 1: Kyaaa! So wonderfully cute! Please update soon <3