Girl Talk

Second Chances

You sat against the wall in the dance studio, watching two pairs practice JiMin's dance routine.

You watched them intently, analyzing their moves and comparing them with yours.

"Your eyes are going to go dry if you don't blink," JiMin said, sitting down next to you and handing you a bottle of water.

You took the drink in your hands, "Thanks."

JiMin took a sip from her bottle, "I don't see L.Joe here today. Don't tell me he's skipping practice."

You shrugged, "I don't know. I haven't seen him all day, to be honest."

"He's ruining my chances at putting on a memorable performance," she frowned.

"Don't worry," you assured her. "He's probably the last person I know that could sabotage this."

She raised an eyebrow, "You sound so sure."

"That's because I am," you replied. You twisted the cap back onto your bottle and got up. "Anyways, can you show me the third part again?"

"Yeah, but L.Joe isn't here."

"It's okay. I can do it with ChangBum for now." ChangBum was part of the crew, 100% and within his group, he was known as the Dancing Machine (although they were all very talented). "It's better to be productive than to do nothing at all."

JiMin smiled broadly, "I'm so glad your a part of this. Why can't your partner have that kind of enthusiasm?"

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After practice, JiMin sat with you at a nearby cupcake shop. She decided to treat you to a delicious snack after all the effort you've put into practice.

Your eyes were similiar to the shapes of crescent moons as you hungrily took a huge bite into your pink frosted cupcake. "Mm."

"It's good, isn't it?" JiMin asked, putting down her treat and reaching for her cup of warm tea.

You nodded, "I can't believe I never noticed this shop before."

"Really? Many of the kids from school come here after clubs."

"I wouldn't know. I'm usually hanging out with ChunJi after school and we haven't stopped by here before," you reached for a napkin to wipe some of the frosting off the side of your lips.

"If you don't mind me asking," JiMin began. She sat up from her seat and folded her arms on the table in front of her. "Do you like ChunJi?"

You tilted your head to the side, confused, "What do you mean?"

"I know you told me that first week I met you that you didn't have a boyfriend..."

"And you didn't believe me," you nodded, remembering.

"But, ChunJi's so sweet towards you and you guys spend almost every minute with each other," she paused. "Fine, not every minute."

She continued, "Seriously, you two do look good together."

You let out a soft laugh, "Thank you. But really, ChunJi and I are just really good friends. We've been together since elementary school."

"Oh, wow," JiMin exclaimed. "And you guys never thought of getting together?"

You shook your head.

She leaned back on her chair, "Alright. I'm sorry for prying."

"It's okay." You reached for the brewing tea pot and refilled your hilarious friend's cup. "Why were you asking? Are you, perhaps, interested in the prince?"

JiMin laughed, "No, not at all."

As silence fell over the both of you finishing up the food, JiMin fell deeper into her thoughts. *What do I do... I promised L.Joe I'd help him win her over, but ChunJi's probably been in love with her for years now and he was so sincere this afternoon.*

She glanced over at you sipping and holding the teacup lavishly with the pinky up, *I guess, ultimately, its going to be up to you to decide.*

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Chapter 13: update soon pls...^^
Chapter 11: update soon..
Chapter 11: Whats wrong with the female lead? Does she have a kind of sickness?
Chapter 10: Minseo is so bad....
what will ---- do now?
update soon please...!
Chapter 9: the story is great so far...
update soon!~
Chapter 9: Gosh! So cute^^ Update soon.
Lovesaranglove #7
Chapter 6: Aw L.joe is such a sweetheart. I was so glad when I saw that you updated!I'm excited to see what happens next!
iluvteenietiny #8
raikazo #9