The Start and The Finish

Dance Master

Its been a very long practice. Your feet ache and every inch of your body is covered in sweat. You lean your back against the wall of floor to ceiling mirrors and slowly slide down to sit, your legs stretched out in front of you.


“Oppa!!! Can we stop now??" He turns around, Kai. His dark hair plastered to his face and milky skin glowing from all the sweat. Your dance competition is in only a week and you still haven’t nailed your finishing pirouette and who better to help than the master of dance, the sickeningly gorgeous Kim Jongin.
“You want to win right??" He says to you.
"Then you gotta keep practicing" 


You sigh angrily, because you know he’s right, but you feel yourself inching towards your breaking point. You get up and go stand next to him in front of the mirrors. “Okay first position" He says. He hold your waist while you slowly inch yourself up on your tippy-toes. “Second position." You move your right leg foward one foot in front of the other arms out in front of you. “Third position" He’s circling around you, straightening your legs and arms. “Now lift off" You push yourself off and complete two turns before spinning out of control and slipping on the sweat covering the floor. 

"Aish!!! Ow, ow, ow!" Kai rushes to your side and checks your ankle. “Does this hurt?" He rotates it and a pain worse than no other shoots up your leg causing you to scream hysterically and cry. Kai gathers you up into his arms and kisses your forehead apologizing over and over. “Mianhe, jinjja mianhe!!" he continues to kiss you and promise that he will take care of you. You think to yourself, i can’t compete, but i’ll have him. And with a smile you hug Jongin and lean against him.



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