| From Me, A Fan |


Someday, on an ordinary day, you'll hear this kind of news. 


Title: From Me, A Fan

Author: ellekim94

Summary: Someday, on an ordinary day, you'll hear this kind of news.

Genre: Angst; Slice of Life

Words: 584 words


There's no preview since this story is really, really (really, really, really) short.


I wrote this last night only, when I was thinking of the third chapter of | My Everything |. I'm sorry if it's coming late but I haven't gotten enough inspiration to write Chapter 3 and I don't want to write it hastily and disappoint you guys. I miss Yesung so bad! Who else misses him? Let's wait for him, okay? I hope you'll like this even if it's well, angsty. xD

And oh, I think I'll be posting some of my SNSD fics soon. :) Love you guys.

- Elle


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Chapter 1: I re-read this story again and my feelings before never changed. Sigh.. I can really relate to this story. :3
Chapter 1: What can i say? This is the story where fans would really relate. It's sad but true. Well our idol deserve to be happy and a true fan will always support his/her idol in their happiness. Well eunhyuk it is the saddest thing. Poor fan girl's heart.