Never Too Late

Never Too Late

"Hey, _______?"


"Isn't that..."

You kept your head down as you scanned through the calender on your phone. Things like this kept you so preoccupied you hardly ever noticed anything your friends said to you on your days off. You were used to hearing things like "Meeting in 30" or "Your coffee's here." It was a wonder that your friends even talked to you anymore.



"Are you listening to me?" Your friend poked your cheek.

You glanced off in her direction and nodded regardless.

"Liar." She shook her head. "Turn off that phone, and listen to me for once."

You sighed, locking your phone and placing it in your back pocket after silencing it. You gave her a small smirk. "Happy now?"

"You didn't hear me before?"

"No." You shrugged. "Was it important?"

"Well, I was just saying... isn't that Hongbin over there? With N?"

It didn't take very long at all for her words to register in your head. In fact, when we started to repeat her sentence, you'd secretly hoped that it had nothing to do with him.

But of course it did. Rotten luck as usual.

It wasn't like you and Hongbin hated each other or anything. Quite the opposite actually. In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that this stupid job didn't pay the bills, then perhaps you two might still be dating.

It couldn't have been more awkward between you two at this point. After... the situation, it really couldn't be helped. You were more awkward than he was probably because you deemed it as your fault.

"Can we leave, please?" You pulled your hood up and tugged on your friend's hand in the other direction.


You mentally growled to yourself. Worst situation possible.

"Hi, guys." Your perky chingu casually led N away to the food court, leaving you and Hongbin together. You nibbled on your lip and kept your eyes elsewhere. No way could you make eye contact with him.

He chuckled. "You still do that. The thing with your lip."

You instantly stopped, already catching onto the fact that he was talking about the little things you did when you were nervous or worried.

"How have you been?"

"Fine." You answered curtly.

Hongbin has always had this habit of... making you speechless. It's like he could just turn you off whenever he wanted to, leaving you completely and utterly defenseless when he his unintentional charm. He never did it on purpose. It was just those damn dimples that got you every time.

"We don't have to be awkward, you know." He cleared his throat.

You stayed silent, nonchalantly rubbing your finger where yours and Hongbin's couple ring used to stay.

It wasn't fair that this job gave you the worst ultimatum of your life. To choose between living comfortably, earning everything for yourself, keep some stability--all that versus the one guy in the entire world that made you happy.

"I love you, _______."

You opened your mouth to answer, so ready, but so hesitant at the same time. But instead what came out was the sound of your phone ringing.

Hongbin lowered his eyes to the floor, hoping that you'd ignore it and answer him. That was where the ultimatum started.

Answer the phone... again. And essentially ignore your boyfriend... again.

Or just leave it be for once and tell him how you really feel. You love him.

"Just answer it." Hongbin finally said when you let the ring sink for more than 10 seconds.

You couldn't face him. Not after something like that. Especially because you couldn't handle the pain of seeing him casually and not being able to do any of the couple stuff.

"I miss you." You blurted out under your breath.

Hongbin's forced smile dropped as he inched in closer to you.

"I miss you." You whispered. "And I'm sorry for what I did."


"Let me finish."

Hongbin stepped back and let you continue.

"I cried all night after you left me." You took a deep breath to continue your story with confidence. "But before that, I kind of just sat there in shock. I couldn't differentiate between the right and the wrong decision. And then things just got so jumbled up. It was better to just leave you thinking I chose the job over you rather than admitting I was just scared to say it. But I do. I do love you."

Your eyes finally met his, deep chocolate brown and, oh, so hypnotic. And just below those eyes, his dimples started to form, slowly melting you down until you couldn't stand it anymore.

"Say something?"

He just blinked. No response.

"A-Am I too late? Have you changed your mind?"

Hongbin waited a few seconds before holding you in his arms. He nuzzled his nose into your neck, pushing your hood back so that he could feel your skin on his cheeks.

He signed against your skin.

"It's never too late."

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Chapter 1: Cute and adorble..
WooTae_moments #2
Chapter 1: AWWW~ This is so so cute!!!
kaze27 #3
Chapter 1: This is so cute! :D
Daebak author nim!! *thumbs up* ^^
Chapter 1: This is adorable! I could picture Hongbinnie perfectly. Great job! ^^
Andy1015 #5
Chapter 1: Awww ^w^ Yay for happy endings!! I liked it, Good job! c: