Pweple~ attention pleash?

yaw yaw~ ok, we all know about the existence of saesang fans right? but not all saesang fans are bad and ya na mean, right? so , this tumblr user explain about this. this is an example of rumours about saesang fans which is not true... credit to⇒
(I copied everything from her/his tumblr.... )
"People need to stop making things up it’s not funny: “A Chinese sasaeng fan started making ual remarks at Xiumin, asking if he slept with Luhan and if Luhan treats him well at night. Since Xiumin can’t understand, Luhan got mad at the Chinese fan and grabbed Xiumin away from her. "



  • First of all this is NOT true.
  • They were at the airport in Taiwan or a transit to Taiwan and Xiumin was walking a bit behind Luhan.
  • Luhan always have a tendency to drag Xiumin forward, he takes care of him well like he does with his other members.
  • The fan only posted this at the time and never said anything about a sasaeng fan making such a comment.
  • If you can find the fanacc at the time of this gif, please show me the link.
  • Otherwise fans/netizens need to stop making random rumors up of sasaeng fans.
  • Yes sasaeng fans exist but don’t make things just to put them into a bad light as they already are. Not all sasaeng fans go up into the boys’ personal space.
  • A lot of fans might crowd the boys at airports, but not all of them want to them or push them.
  • It’s chaotic at the airport and fans themselves are being pushed together. If they knew what happened they would help the boys up."

so, before we just believe all those rumors, lets investigate or find the truth first okay? ^_^ so happy XIUHAN everyone...:)


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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 88: SO CUTE!!!!
Yay so excited to found u hahaha coz i am too a very hardcore xiuhan n most of all i neva like boyboy shipping but seriously dis two cuties r now like d dead of me hehehe i love dem n all d xiuhan shippers
xiuhan89 #3
Chapter 132: Hahaha stupid baekie!!
xiuhan89 #4
Chapter 105: Aaaaargh!! Why did I came up to this part ?? T.T ....OT124ever
Chapter 93: hahahah
Chapter 95: cuteeee
ohh? ChanLu looks good
Chapter 104: hahahah
try to hit on him, Lu?
Chapter 124: kyaaaahhhh
cool :P
BabySkypeia126 #9
Chapter 84: who's d son??????

it reminds me of one my most fave xiuhan fic "we belong together" have U red it nuna??????????????

n oh!!
I've jst officially announced tht Im being a luhan bias month ago ehehehehehe ^^
cant resist lu charm... oh... Im so helpless nuna... OTL
dui bu qi......... /clapped hands. teary eyes/
BabySkypeia126 #10
Chapter 78: LoL xD

it looks like lu got some kind of morning sickness n xiu was all shocked tho it was xiu who carried their baby ahahahahahaha xD

oh my!! me n my mpreg feels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =.='