XiuHan :Predebut info

when Luhan first saw Xiumin, he thought that Xiumin is a girl so he approached Xiumin and asked what's his name and get shocked when he heard Xiumin's voice.




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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 88: SO CUTE!!!!
Yay so excited to found u hahaha coz i am too a very hardcore xiuhan n most of all i neva like boyboy shipping but seriously dis two cuties r now like d dead of me hehehe i love dem n all d xiuhan shippers
xiuhan89 #3
Chapter 132: Hahaha stupid baekie!!
xiuhan89 #4
Chapter 105: Aaaaargh!! Why did I came up to this part ?? T.T ....OT124ever
Chapter 93: hahahah
Chapter 95: cuteeee
ohh? ChanLu looks good
Chapter 104: hahahah
try to hit on him, Lu?
Chapter 124: kyaaaahhhh
cool :P
BabySkypeia126 #9
Chapter 84: who's d son??????

it reminds me of one my most fave xiuhan fic "we belong together" have U red it nuna??????????????

n oh!!
I've jst officially announced tht Im being a luhan bias month ago ehehehehehe ^^
cant resist lu charm... oh... Im so helpless nuna... OTL
dui bu qi......... /clapped hands. teary eyes/
BabySkypeia126 #10
Chapter 78: LoL xD

it looks like lu got some kind of morning sickness n xiu was all shocked tho it was xiu who carried their baby ahahahahahaha xD

oh my!! me n my mpreg feels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =.='