Kevin (U-KISS) - No Way...

Cait's Oneshots~ [Takes Requests!]

Kevin (U-KISS)

No Way...


It was a nice sunny morning, a perfect day to go outside, do some shopping maybe, eat ice cream and chill out. That's what you intended to do anyway. You got out of your bed and hobbled your way over to the shower. You yawned and stretched as the wonderfully nice water rushed over your skin. 

Ahhh, so relaxing. Today's going to be a good day, I can feel it. 

You climbed out of the shower with a smile and picked out your outfit for the day: a pair of pretty white shorts with a pink top and your light pink flats. You put on some subtle make-up and looked over your appearance for a few seconds.

Not too bad.

Sure it was simple but you weren't one for showy outfits. Your friends had asked you to meet them at the mall so you grabbed your favourite bag and put your purse, phone, headphones and all the other necessities and skipped out the door. The sun shone down in loving rays as you stepped out of your doorway and onto the street. You smiled as you got your phone out of your bag and plugged in your headphones. You played your bias band's playlist, U-KISS, and Believe came on. You began to walk down the street and you heard Kevin sing his part. 

His voice is beyond perfect, it's angelic.

You couldn't believe how a person's voice could be so beautiful, his voice had such a soothing quality that you had fallen for him the first time you heard him sing and when you saw him in U-KISS's music videos you're love for him grew further. He was so nice to all the fans and the members and let's face it, he was adorable. You were actually planning on teaching in Korea, maybe as early as next month. You had applied for a job not too long ago and you had practiced your Korean for a long time before that. It was a real passion of yours. You're friends were always giving you a hard time because you liked non-English music of course but you tried to ignore them. K-pop was one of the main things that made you truly happy. 


You walked down the street with a spring in your step, bag swinging and hair bouncing from side to side. You checked the time on your phone: 8:52am. you were supposed to meet up with everyone at 9. You weren't too far away but you didn't want to keep them waiting so you began to run, weaving around the pedestrians who gave you weird looks as you passed. Unfortunately for you, you were an absolute klutz so you managed to collide with someone and you both fell to the ground. "Oww." The poor person moaned and you began to apologize rapidly,

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! Are you ok? Are you hurt? Do I need to call an ambulance?" 

"Oh, I’m fine. Um, you?" The guy asked, his hat and sunglasses still covering his face, but you thought you could see a light blush creeping up his cheeks. 

He looks ridiculously familiar, that voice... I swear I've heard it before. 

You shook your head and decided that you were being weird. The man noticed that the contents of your bag had spilled all over the ground and began to put everything back when your phone vibrated on the ground. You had gotten a text from one of your friends, Ria, asking how far away you were. Then you noticed that the guy was staring at your background that featured a smiling Kevin surrounded by little hearts... You quickly took the phone from him and thanked him. 

He probably thinks I'm weird; everyone else does when they see that.

You both gathered up your belongings and stood up, "Sorry again." You said and he smiled, 

"It’s, um, fine. Er, bye!" He quickly spun on his heels and walked away and that's when you realised you didn't even ask the guy what his name was. You smiled and answered your text


Ria: Hey! Where are you?

You: I'll be there in a sec, wait there.


The mall came into your sights just as you sent the text. You saw Ria and your four other friends, Matilda, Jake, Andrea and Braiden, waiting and looking bored.

Great, Braiden’s here. Who invited him?

Braiden had started hanging around lately and he didn’t seem to leave. Honestly, you thought he was a tool. He wasn’t that bad generally but he was the one that always gave you a hard time about k-pop, anime etc. You decided to not let him ruin your day so you put your negative thoughts aside for the moment. You smiled and waved as you met Ria's eyes. She smiled and waved back as you approached them. "Sorry about that." You apologized. 

"It's fine, what took you so long?" She asked.

"I kind of... um... ran into someone." You muttered. Everyone stared at you with blank faces for a few seconds and suddenly, they all started laughing their heads off. You stood there awkwardly for about a minute until they all calmed down, "Of course you did." Matilda said, wiping tears out of her eyes. 

"Typical." Jake said, rolling his eyes and you hit his arm lightly.


You all started heading inside, the girls rushed off to clothes stores and the boys wandered around electronics and games stores. You decided to go look around the music and DVD stores, it was one of the last ones there due to everyone buying their music electronically now. You thought there was something about buying physical albums that was really cool. You were scrolling through the anime section when you saw a sign that you never thought you'd see around here, K-POP. You held back a squeal as you rushed over and almost died, there were k-pop albums lining the shelves and then your eyes fell on something amazing, U-KISS's Collage album.

Oh my god! The newest album, photo book and all!

You picked it up and looked at the price, it was surprisingly cheap and you noticed that it wasn’t the only U-KISS album there. You walked over to the cashier after picking up Neverland, Special to Kissme and Dora Dora and you paid. As the girl at the counter handed you your bag your friends came over to check what you were doing. “Hey, what’re you getting?” Jake asked.

“You won’t believe it, they sell k-pop here now!” You exclaimed with a big grin plastered on your face.

“Cool!” Andrea said as Matilda, Jake and Ria smiled. Those four didn’t like k-pop themselves but they understood that you love it so they respect it. Unfortunately…

“Ugh, why do you even listen to that crap?” Braiden asked as he rolled his eyes.

“Leave me and my music alone” You pleaded.

“Oi, Braiden, lay off.” Andrea glared at him.

“What? It’s not even in English? What kind of freak listens to music they can’t understand?”

“Shut up!” You yelled as you walked out of the store, the poor workers were starting to look a bit scared.

“Seriously, you have issues, fawning over your stupid Kevin.” Braiden sneered. That did it; you rounded on him and slapped him hard across the face. You stormed off in a rage, a tear slipping down your cheek.

This is why I didn’t want him here. I hate him! Can’t I even go out with my friends without being judged for liking something a little bit different now? I get enough of this from everywhere else!

You sat down on a bench outside the mall and wiped away your tears, “He’s an idiot. Kevin is a million times better than him! All of U-KISS are a million times better than that jerk.” You mumbled angrily to yourself. You looked at the bag of CDs you had firmly held in your hand and sighed, “Well at least one good thing came out of today.” You looked through all your albums, checking photo books and smiling. “You’re a Kissme aren’t you?” A voice above you asked. You looked up and were confronted with the man you ran into this morning. “Um, yeah. Do you like U-KISS too?” You asked surprised, this was the first k-pop fan you’d ever come across. “You could say that.” He said as he took off his glasses and his hat, you gasped and stared at him.

No way.

Kevin was standing right in front of you with a smile. “My name’s Kevin, nice to meet you.” He said, waving.

“I’m ­­­____.” You replied quietly. “Why aren’t you in Korea and here of all places?”

“I’m on vacation with the others but so far no one has recognised me.” He said with a pout, “But then I saw your phone background and I was happy I had found a fan!” His pout turned into a happy smile.

“I’m glad I could make you feel a little better.” You replied shyly and he smiled at you.

“What about I treat you to lunch to make up for this morning?” He asked, seriously surprising you.

“You want to have lunch… with me?” You questioned while you pointed to yourself.

“Yup!” He replied with a sweet smile. You were silent for a while but you eventually managed to agree and he held out his hand. “Let’s go ____!” 


At the restaurant…

“Yum, it’s been ages since I’ve had such delicious Italian food.” Kevin told you as he ate happily.

How is this even happening? I’m sitting at a dinner table with Kevin Woo! I must be dreaming.

“I told you this place is good.” You laughed. He smiled back at you and thanked you for showing him where the restaurant was. You spent a while just chatting and it wasn’t too long until you confirmed that Kevin was just as nice off-screen as he was on-screen, he was a total sweetheart. You were twirling some pasta around your fork and looking out the window when Kevin said “You know, you’re really cute.” You dropped your fork and your head jerked towards him. He didn’t meet your eyes and you could see he was blushing, so were you. “Thanks.” You said in a voice just above a whisper. He smiled sweetly at you and kept eating.

Me? Cute?

“So where are the other members?” You asked, trying to change the subject.

“They would be at our hotel I think, I felt like taking a walk around today. It was a good choice; I got to meet such a pretty Kissme.”

This boy…

“I’m not that pretty.” You told him.

“Yes you are.” He scolded. “Say, what about we go for a walk.”

“A-Are you sure? It’s your vacation; I wouldn’t want to waste it.” You protested.

“Of course it’s fine!” He beamed and he got up with a smile. He called out to the waiter and he paid for the food.

“You didn’t have to pay.” You muttered to him.

“A gentleman always pays.” He said puffing out his cheeks with his hands on his hips. You giggled at his cuteness, left the restaurant and dropped off your shopping at home.


You were walking beside Kevin, your eyes wandering to stare at his face every so often. He was too pretty to be believable, but handsome as well. He was absolutely gorgeous to you. Suddenly, he turned his head to you and noticed you staring and you jerked your head away, your face bright red. He chuckled quietly and grabbed your hand, his thin fingers entwining with yours. Your heart skipped a beat and a smile tugged at your lips. “It’s a great day isn’t it?” Kevin sighed and looked at you. You nodded with a smile and you shyly moved a little closer to him. You came to a cute little park that had lovely picnic benches and big shady trees. “Want to sit?” He asked you and you nodded. You both sat down next to each other and he gently put his arm around you and pulled you closer. You looked up at him in shock and noticed that he was blushing. “It’s going to be really sad when I go back to Korea.” He began, “I’m going to miss you.”

“You only met me this morning.” You responded.

“I know but it only took that long for me to, um, like you.”

“Wait, you what?”

“I like you.”

“B-But…” Before you could protest, he gently pressed his lips to yours, silencing you. You melted into the kiss and his arms wrapped around you. Your arms in turn wrapped around him and you embraced. After a minute or so, you broke apart and Kevin gave you a heart-melting smile that soon turned sad. “I’m going to miss you so much, ____.” You were about to agree when you felt your phone buzzing, you apologised to Kevin and pressed ‘Answer’


“Hello, is this ­­­­____?” A female voice answered in Korean.

“Yes it is.” You answered, switching to Korean and you almost burst out laughing at the look on Kevin’s face.

“This is Kim Seoyeon from Seoul High School; you applied for our teaching position correct?” Your breath caught in your throat, you have been waiting for this call.

“Yes. “ You responded, trying to sound as professional as possible.

“I’m calling to tell you that we have given you the job; you can start next month at the earliest if that is suitable.”

“Yes, that’s perfect. Thank you very much!” You tried to contain your joy but it was proving too difficult.

“You’re welcome, please give us a call when you arrive in Seoul and we will arrange for someone to pick you up.”

“Thank you, I will see you next month.”



You turned to Kevin with a massive grin, “Seems like this won’t be goodbye after all.” You saw the look of shock on Kevin’s face turn to glee and he attacked you with a bone-crushing hug, got up and spun you around. “Yay!” He cheered. You both laughed in joy at the birth of your new relationship that was sure to last a very, very long time.


Sorry for making you guys wait >< I’ve just had to get all my school work and life in general on track, well that and I procrastinate like hell. Hehe, sorry about that. I didn’t think this one would be so long but it turned out being huge (well by my standards anyway) This was really hard to write, just figuring out what to do with it. But, I think it turned out well in the end. I hope. Well, please comment and tell me what you thought about it and tell me who I should do next. :D

Time to answer some comments :3 (from one person so this shouldn’t take long :P)

Thekpopginger95: Thank you so much Lee Anne for reading it! I’m glad you liked it and I hope you keep reading! <3 Love you!! *blows kiss* Hehe ^^

PS: If you like U-Kiss, you should read thekpopginger95’s fic, It’s really awesome, I really loved it and I know you guys will too!  But anyways…


Thanks for putting up with my tardiness,

Love you,


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About to start working on Hyuk's oneshot, sorry for the wait everyone. I'm a really slow writer and I've been really busy.


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Chapter 17: This is so late but I cry a lot... Thanks ; ) I love it !
bemuwh #2
I would like to request an oneshot please
1.b1a4 CNU and oc ( Meg Dupré ) she's french btw
2.Meg works at a coffee shop where cnu come for a drink.
3. Kind of love at first sight ^^
4.for the writing style ..whatever you think it's the best
thank you~
I'm requesting ! :)
1. Teen Top's Changjo and Lee Yeon Young(OC)
2. Changjo is a high schooler trying to earn extra cash through working at a cafe
3. surprise me x)
4. third person :)
Thanks and hwaiting~
I'm requesting ^^
1. Infinite's myungsoo and Im Minhee (OC) . myungsoo is an arrogant person yet clumsy and innocent...? Keke
2. Myungsoo is a trainee about to debut
3. Minhee and Myungsoo met each other at the market place. They bumped into each other, which cause a mess. Minhee bickered with Myungsoo, not knowing that he is her future sunbae - minhee is new trainee.
Thanks in advance ❤
Hey~ I want to request ^ㅅ^

1 - VIXX's Leo = cold but has a warm heart , JiAe = bubbly and cherry
2 - Leo is an idol while JiAe is a journalist - Concert hall
3 - Leo propose to her at VIXX's concert (starlights know that Leo has a girlfriend but don't know how she look like)
4 - 1st and 2nd if its okay~

Thank you~
Hi! I would like request please :)
Can you please do Leo of Vixx and Jang Mirae(OC) ? I'm sure you're familiar with him hehe :3 so i don't think details should be needed ^^
2) setting : Regular person ; surprise me!
3) plot: Leo does something unexpected to Mirae which she really loves it and finds it charming!
4) first or third person
Thank you so much <3