Addicting Aesthetics [one shots]

I never thought that something could be so painful. The thought of someone that you loved so much just changing their mind... When you think about it and you play the entire scene in your head, all you think about it what happens after all the tears when your heart starts to feel better. But that feeling, the feeling of vulnerability that comes right after the break up, that's the worst feeling anyone can ever have in their entire life.

It's like he tore my heart out of my chest, and he's dangling it in front of me on a string. And no matter how fast or how hard I run, no matter how much I cry, I can never seem to catch up with my fleeting heart.

I think the worst part is, he's doing this with his back turned. He doesn't even know that, for me, my feelings for him are tattooed on my chest. They're scars on my heart.

"Reena, this just won't work out."

I can hear his words ringing over and over again in my ears. Even if I try to shut him out, it's like emotional suicide. His voice just keeps coming back.


Being at my locker alone for the first time in over a year is hard. It was even more difficult for me just to handle the sight of the empty space around me. He was always usually there.

"Reena." A solemn voice said beside me.

I turned towards the voice only to find Onew there. He stood with his hands in his pockets and a calm face. I guess he found out already.

I strained my eyes, "Onew."

"Gwenchaneyo?" He asked me hesitantly.

I sighed, "I don't know. Most likely, if Jonghyun's happy right now, I'm probably miserable."

Onew sighed and put his hand on my shoulder, "Reena, I know Jonghyun shouldn't have done this to you. But here me out. I'm here for you."

I scoffed as I shook my head.

"You really want him back don't you?" Onew asked quietly.

Acid tears started to gather at the crevices of my eyes. They slid down my cheeks, burning my sensitive skin. "Yes. Yes, I do." I sniffled. "More than anything."

"Then let me help you, at least. I can stand seeing you this way." Onew pulled me into his arms.

I stood in Onew's hug for a couple of seconds, absorbing his words.

He pulled away. His eyes flashed to me. "How far are you willing to go to get Jonghyun back?"

I stood my ground. Regardless of the fact that my hands were shaking, I ignored everything that could have distracted me. "Anything." I answered simply. "I'll do anything."

The second I finished my sentence, Onew's lips met mine. I felt my body tense up under his touch. What is he doing?! Not long into the kiss, my body relaxed. The adrenaline started to course through me.

Onew took my hands and pulled them around his neck. My skin tingled from his touch.


I pulled away from the kiss.

Jonghyun stood in front of us with wide eyes. If I hadn't known better, I'd think that he'd just witnessed a murder.

He opened his mouth hesitantly. "You--you two...?"

"You missed your chance, Jonghyun." Onew said sternly before grabbing my hand and puling me away.

We walked through the halls hand in hand. My legs were quite uneasy at the moment, so wherever Onew led me, I found myself following him. I ignored the stares and giggles of our classmates that witnessed us, and so did he.

The moment we were alone, Onew looked at me, waiting for a response.

"Y-You kissed me." It seems as if my brain is taking a while to process this. Well, this is embarrassing.

"To make Jonghyun jealous." Onew said softly. And with that he left me alone, wondering how in the world he was able to get this idea through his head. Even more so, he left me wondering why I didn't pull away when he kissed me.


It's been a week, and every second I spend with Onew, Jonghyun has been trying to win back. Several times this week, I caught him staring at me from across the room with those giant puppy eyes of his.

Jonghyun would pop into the library during the times he knew I'd be there. I convinced myself that it was coincidence.


I stood by my locker, waiting for Onew. I guess, I'd gotten used to seeing him all the time so fast.

"Jonghyun?" I asked incredulously. "Waeyo? What are you doing here?"

Jonghyun stood in front of me with a small bouquet of flowers covering the entirety of his face.

I chuckled. "What are the flowers for?"

"For you." He pushed them towards me.

"Oh." I whispered to myself.

"Reena," Jonghyun took my free hand that wasn't carrying the flowers. "I want you back."

My heart started racing. Omo! The plan worked! Onew's plan to make him jealous! It's worked!

...Onew? Where is he?


I stared at the scene from behind the lockers. No matter how long I looked or how hard I tried to focus on the purpose of this whole relationship, I couldn't help but feel weary and afraid.

But she's happy. That's all that matters.

She's probably at that same degree of happiness that she was when we were kids. I remember always dreaming of holding her hand even just once, whether it was just to cross the street or because she got a paper cut. I just wanted to hold her hand. And now that I finally got to, it sank in that she wasn't in this position because she had feelings for me. She was doing this because she had feelings for Jonghyun.

I guess, my love for her is just destined to be ignored and hidden.

I looked down at the message that Jonghyun had sent me not even half an hour ago.

Jonghyun: Hyung... I need to get Reena back. What should I do?

What worried me more was the reply I sent him regardless of how I really felt.

"Bring her flowers and just tell her exactly that. She loves you so much. Go for it."

Should I be happy that he actually listened to me and did what I suggested? Or should I be crying because it actually worked.

I felt my legs give way. I slid to the floor, clutching my phone.

I've wanted her so badly for so long. And I think I just gave her away.


Before my mind could even catch up to the situation, I felt Jonghyun's lips on mine.

I stood there awkwardly, waiting for the fireworks. I waited for that numbing feeling that I always got when he kissed me...

But there was nothing.

Jonghyun pulled away. His eyes bore into mine.

I looked down to my feet. "It's not the same." I whispered.

"Bwoh?" Jonghyun tilted my face up to see him.

I shook my head. "Kissing you after..."

"After kissing Onew." Jonghyun completed for me.

I nodded. "It's not the same.

"I guess, I should have known that." He laughed once. "You wouldn't have loved me forever anyway. So tonight and every night after, I'll be sleeping with a broken heart... because I broke yours."

Jonghyun walked out of my sight. What have I done?


Letting her go was harder than I expected. It was probably because I let her go twice in a month. I felt cruel. But this feeling will go away. I let her go both times for a reason.

I walked just short of the lockers to find Onew Hyung sitting not-so-comfortably beside the row of metal.

"Hyung." I called him.

Onew looked up at me. "Wae? Where's Reena?"

I smiled in the slightest. "She turned me away."

"Bwoh?" He stood up looking genuinely worried.

I put my hands on his shoulders. "Go get her, hyung."


This one is really long lol And it was easier to write because I have a story like this on I'm sorry I left this little... cliffhanger(?). But I thought it'd be more emotional if I left it there. Mianeyo if you wanted me to continue! If so, just tell me on the cbox, and I'll edit this with a longer ending.

BTW YOU ARE SO LUCKY I WROTE ABOUT ONEW FOR YOU >< That boy is my ultimate bias 

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I love how you used michelle phan for a girl in a poster [: shes awesome!
minka_ichigo911211 #2
whoaa..<br />
Thank u so much!!<br />
I really really love it!! Seulong oppa<33<br />
<br />
U'r great!>_<<br />
once again, thank u Dae.. Saranghaeyo<33<br />