005. melancholy; woohyun/hoya- Nonexistent.

∞ 100 INFINITE Fic Challenge ∞

005. melancholy; woohyun/hoya


Nam Woohyun. Member and lead vocalist in Infinite. One of the most bubbliest and happiest members, you can say. And as of now, it is his break. Everyone has schedules but him, so he is yet again all alone in the dorm for the 2nd week in a row. 

"Ahh it's so quiet." He sighs, plopping down on the couch. "Hoya should be the first to arrive today." He smiled upon thinking about the younger. Busy thinking about his dongsaeng, he closed his eyes and eventually fell asleep on the living room couch. 

                                                                                     ∞ ∞ ∞

"Yah." Hoya shook the lifeless body on the couch. "Yah." He spoke again. Woohyun groaned awake and smacked his hand away. "What?" He mumbled, wiping his sleepy eyes. "It's late. You should go to your room."

"What time?" 


Woohyun's eyes popped open. "What?! Where are the others?" Hoya shrugged,"Maybe still at schedules. I don't know." He started walking to his room, seeming to not care. "Think about it this way." He yelled across the hall. "The managers are with them and they have their phones, so we shouldn't really worry. Plus, it's quiet without that choding yelling very 5 seconds." He muttered the last part, but it was loud enough for Woohyun to hear. He slammed his room door shut, after greeting a proper 'good night.' 

Woohyun smiled.

                                                                                     ∞ ∞ ∞

Woohyun woke up to the sound of chirps. *Oh?* Slowly opening his eyes, he found himself still in the dorm living room. He checked the time to be 7:30 in the morning. *I should get breakfast ready.* He thought as he stretched and trudged to the kitchen. Getting out carrots from the refrigerator, he stopped and paused, *Are the others back yet?* He put down what he was holding, curiously walking to s' rooms. Slowly opening his and the leader's shared room, he found no one. He did the same with the others and found no one home, but a sleeping Hoya. *Hmm, where'd they go? Even Manager hyungs aren't here..* That thought was interrupted with his stomach's growl. His suspicions quickly drifted away as he shrugged it off. *I should just get breakfast ready, just in case they come home sometime now.* 

Woohyun was cooking fried rice when Hoya crept up behind him and hugged his waist. "Hyung." He said from behind. "Did the others come back yet?" Woohyun didn't look back, but shook his head in response. Hoya watched as the other professionally flipped the rice with the pan. "Is it done yet?" He asked, mouth watering. 

"Almost. Just wait at the table." The other nodded and walked off. "Where do you think they went?" Woohyun could hear the skidding of a kitchen chair and the floor. 

"I don't know. They could be pranking us." Woohyun yelled over the loud sizzling coming from the fried rice. 

"But manager hyungs are with them." Hoya replied. Woohyun paused and thought for a moment.  "Try calling them."

The other complied and whipped out his phone, first dialing their manager's number. Then he dialed the leader. The dino, the choding, and so forth. "Aish, no one is answering. I swear if they're out having fun I'll-" 

"Relax, it means we have alone time." Woohyun gave him an eye smile and a wink while plating his fried rice. Hoya blushed a bit. "Done!" Let's eat."

                                                                                     ∞ ∞ ∞

The said two were resting on the floor in front of their dorm TV, Hoya's head resting on Woohyun's laps, while Woohyun his hair. "When do you think they'll come back?" Hoya shrugged, closing his eyes. They opened upon hearing a shocking report from the news. It caught Woohyun's eyes too.

"Shocking news if you've hadn't heard, famous korean idol group Infinite has been involved in a severe car crash due to a huge pick up truck that has 'accidentally' crashed into them last week. As you can see through our chopper, the car has been hit pretty badly. The back has been crushed, and all the glass including the front is shattered. Fans stated that they were on their way home from recording KBS Music Bank. It has been confirmed that only 6 of the 7 members were inside the van alongside one of their managers. Paramedics say that most of them only suffered from minor injuries, but it has been sadly said that two of them that were seated at the back, where the impact was at its worse, were injured severely. One of them are still in critical condition. As a reporter, it's cold for me to say it bluntly, but it has been confirmed that the other, that was also seated at the back, has passed away. The back of his neck was hit harshly from impact thus having his head dislocate from his body, killing him instantly. The one who has passed away is Lee Howon, or Hoya, from Infinite. He will be missed and we pay our respects to his family and colleagues. On a happier note-"

Woohyun stared at the television with wide eyes. He quickly looked for Hoya on his laps but found no one. His lover was gone. Tears started b in his eyes as he starts recalling the whole incident.

*T-they're at the hospital, H-hoya is gone, and i'm all alone...Howonnie's gone...he left me and I'm all alone..*

All alone because Woohyun wasn't present at the car crash.


Word Count: 916

Finished: 13.07.25 | 2:21 AM

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Waaah you should have much more comments ^^
Whats your favorite pairing? c:
good luck! I might try this myself...