A Picture Of A K-Pop Idol Who You Think Is Over-rated

40 Day K-Pop Challenge




verb (used with object), o·ver·rat·ed, o·ver·rat·ing.
to rate or appraise too highly; overestimate: I think you overrate their political influence.

overpraise, overesteem, magnify.






You can have a music video with 1,733,769,243 views...

And it not be over-rated.




His other stuff isn't all that good.


Like this for example:





I usually agree with Simon and Martina, but not this time.


That song is completely over-rated.

And waht bugs me the most is that its dance includes a version of B.E.G's fronting dance in Abracadabra (which is totally fine, its been altered and included in many dances),

but when I show that music video to my friends they're like,

"Oh hey look, they stole Psy's dance"

And I'm like

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Chapter 1: At first I thought you were gonna say b.a.p or exo xD
But I was kinda surprised you said U kiss, & I guess we all have our own opinions in music xP
Chapter 24: Okay what is that picture in the beggining? o.O
Chapter 10: Is it just me or Zelo looks like he has a mental breakdown or a dance like seizure? You should have put a video if Bap's funny english
Chapter 2: My favorite too 2ne1 !! me too I'm not that into girl groups like what you said and because of the same reason too but I like 2ne1 <3 !!
Chapter 1: lol this was tooo funnnyyyyyyy~~~!!!!
though pics of Zander and Kevin were funnier {on google}