Kris 1

EXO one shots

She was beautiful. At least that was what he thought. With her dark hair and pretty hazel eyes that enraptured him. Of all the adjectives he could have settled on he settled on beautiful. He loved her. There was no doubt in that. Sometimes he felt it was all that he needed to look at her face. But alas he was a international kpop idol and she was a barista at his favorite coffee shop. She was friendly, but professional which threw him off. He had girls falling at his feet, but she barely ever gave him a second glance. He couldn't figure her out. He so badly wanted to get to know her, 

He remembered the first time he met her. It was a cold day, and he had spent it practicing the new dance for "Wolf". His eyes couldn't seem to stay open, this dance was one where the members had all had a particularly hard time with since they all had to be in sync. He had made is way into the coffee shop blindly ordering his usual. When he took out his wallet to pay was when he noticed her. His breath was instantly taken away by her smile. It was an innocent, friendly gesture. and she didn't seem to recognize him. 

He had made his way to the back to sit down and observed her the whole time. She wasn't very tall which was why she always wore heels and even though he was particularly tall he didn't mind. Even though she was averagely sized, she was the type of person you couldn't miss when she came into the room. She had a tall personality. He intidimated most people with his constant face even though he didn't mean too. He was actually pretty cute and naive once you came to know him. He didn't like doing aegyo though, he seemed to feel mortified every time he did it. 

After that day, going to the coffee shop became a routine to him. He was probably going to end up getting a caffeine addiction, but he didn't care because he was already addicted to her. He wanted nothing more than to hold her gently in his arms and tell her exactly how much he loved her. But considering she barely even noticed him, saying that a sudden confession would creep her out would probably be an understatement. 

Then one particular day rolled around when he built up the courage to tell her more than his order. He stood in line contemplating how he would say it. If she would even bother to respond back or ignore. He decided against the latter, she was too nice to ignore him. When he came up to the front of the line she looked up and met his eyes. Then she gave another heartstoppingly beautiful grin. 

"A caramel machiato right?" she asked. If he was hearing properly he swore that there was a teasing tone in her voice. As for what he ordered what could he say? The man had a sweet tooth.

"Right," he answered back with a smile of his own.

As she took his credit card out of his hand, he ran through a number of things he could have said at the moment.

"It's nice weather we're having today," slipped out of his mouth. Kris wanted to smack himself in the head. It was raining quite heavily outside. Of all the cliched things he could have picked he had to pick this one?

"Yes, yes it is. I love the rain," she giggled her eyes twinkling.

And at that moment he knew that it was exactly the right thing to say. They made some more small talk as she made his coffee and he retired to his now permanenet little space in the back. This time it seemed like she knew he was watching her. When ever he glanced over he would make eye contact and then quickly look away. He groaned he could pratically feel her laughing. 

It was times like this where he seemed to wonder where the oh-so charismatic Kris that popped up on camera went. He deperately wished that side of him came out when she was around. He wanted to impress her, not make he laugh at him. He stayed longer than usual that night seeing as he wasn't as busy as usual. At the end of her shift he walked up to her again. He was going to ask her out, but she beat him to the punch.

"Do you want to go out sometime?" she asked as he approached her.


"Yes, Mr. Kris Wu of EXO. Known as Mr. Mysterious. I'm tired of acting like you don't affect me. So what do you say?" she smiled cheekily.

He was pretty sure he was blushing as he answered,"Yes."

After that they began seriously dating. He would still visit the coffee shop, but he no longer sat in the back. It was only a few months later when they had both confessed their love for each other. He remembered their first kiss as if it were yesterday. 

He walked her home after her shift ended and like a typical KDrama moment it had begun raining. It was quite late and they were on a deserted road with no cars. They stood their remembering the first day they had a real conversation. He had been the one who had leaned it first. He had only barely brushed his lips against hers, but she reached up and wrapped her arms firmly around his neck, pressing his lips fully against her own. 

He smiled softly to himself. That had been quite the kiss. About 3 years after they had started dating he had finally proposed. A year later they were happily married. He could still feel the butterflies in his stomach when he had seen her in her wedding dress. 

"Kris!" she called snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Yes dear," he turned his gaze from the window. 

She waddled over to him, a little boy with his chocolate eyes and her dark mop of hair holding onto her hand. His son let go of his mom's hand and dashed into his arms.

"Hey baby, how's my girl?" he asked wrapping an arm around her heavily pregnant stomache.

"Good, we're both good. Baby can't seem to stop kicking," she replied grinning.

He smiled as his son cuddled into his chest and his wife cuddled into his shoulder. He thanked fate, God, whoever for giving him the opportunity to meet her. The woman he would grow old with. Life...couldn't get better...he couldn't think of anyway. No matter how hard he tried. 


There we go! The official kickoff! I'm excited let's get those requests in my lovelies!!! AGGGGGHHHH SO MANY KRIS FEELS!!! Anyway hope you liked it. Remember that requests can be put in comments or emails to the email mentioned in the foreword. oh and if no one comments I will still be posting my own oneshots, but I will only post stories regulalrly if you guys start requesting. 

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Could you please make a Luhan one shot for me? I don't particularly care about the type, just as long as it doesn't have a sad ending. Thank you!
mello_marshmallow #2

Can you do a oneshot about either this

or this‎

You choose which one is easier
i dont mind