
Troubled Thoughts

Byun Baekhyun places his bag by his usual desk in the classroom and breaths a heavy sigh. He massages his shoulder off of which his bag has been hanging. He sits down and starts rummaging though the dark brown messenger bag, filled to the brim with books and loose sheets of paper, and picks out his striped notebook. As he straightens back up in his seat his stomach rumbles loudly, and Baekhyun groans with it.


He closes his eyes and makes a shushing sound. Just one more class before lunch. Baekhyun believes his stomach must have heard his thoughts because it calms down and stops complaining about the lack of breakfast that same morning.


Baekhyun's seat is in the front row, right by the windows, with a perfect view of the only entrance into the rugged classroom. As the minute hand on the large clock over the whiteboard comes closer to 12 more students start to fill the classroom. The students in the Advanced Literature class are a mixture of everything from genius-prodigy freshmen to sloppy seniors. It is a jungle of faces and names and Baekhyun never really cared to learn them all. He only knows a few, and those are mostly due to their campus reputations.


Like Sehun for example; the freshman bookworm who always sits at the back of the class. People say his family is filthy rich, but nobody has ever been invited to his house to find out for sure.


Or Zitao; the slightly scary and greatly confused Chinese transfer student who Baekhyun can't really believe is in this class.


Or, the one an only, Park Chanyeol; the tall senior who just stepped into the classroom followed by a bunch of his friends. The guy with an intimidating, deep voice but the friendliest smile on campus, which has earned him the nickname 'Happy Virus'.


Baekhyun watches, rather indiscreetly, as Chanyeol and his friends find seats at the other end of the classroom. Two of Chanyeol's friends, Jongdae and some guy whose name Baekhyun doesn't remember, start making paper palls and throwing them toward the trashcan by the teachers desk. With every paper ball that misses the trashcan Chanyeol laughs and nudges his friends in the ribs.


Baekhyun smiles, too. True to its reputation Chanyeol's smile is dangerously contagious. Baekhyun has known Chanyeol since preschool, but somehow they had lost contact in high school. They used to be best friends, they did everything together; but in middle school things started to change. Baekhyun recalls feeling all bubbly and warm inside whenever Chanyeol was around. It was like sparks were flying around him whenever Chanyeol looked at him. Chanyeol was always popular, what with his amazing ability to play the drums and always be friendly to everyone. Baekhyun, on the other hand was never popular. He was a loner, but Chanyeol understood him.


It wasn't until the last year of middle school that Baekhyun knew for sure he had a crush on the tall, handsome boy. He had asked his brother for advice, but all he got was: You should be careful who you crush on in high school, Baek. Baekhyun had taken his brother's word for it and repressed his feelings. As soon as they started freshmen year he barely saw Chanyeol anymore. Their schedules rarely coincided and they never hung out after school like they used to.


Now, they were both seniors. Chanyeol was still popular and happy. Baekhyun was still a loner.


Suddenly one of Chanyeol's friends looks over his way and Baekhyun quickly averts his eyes. He stares into his notebook and starts doodling, trying to act inconspicuous. He doesn't want to be caught staring with envy at the group of friends. He instead starts writing down his favorite Shakespeare sonnet, sonnet 130, in careful, calligraphic handwriting.


My mistress eyes are nothing like the sun,

Coral is far more red than her lips red.


Baekhyun is a poet, and has been for as long as he can remember. His mother always used to read him poetry instead of bedtime stories when he was a child and since then he has always loved filling entire notebooks with idiomatic haikus and sonnets.


He gets about halfway through the sonnet when the bell rings and their language teacher enters the room.


As the class settles down Mr. Kim, their language and communication teacher, starts explaining their new assignment. "This is going to be a literary analysis," he says and the entire class sighs collectively, except for Baekhyun. "The assignment will be presented in two parts. First you will turn in an essay and then you will do an oral presentation. Which means speaking," he clarifies when the class start snickering. "The essay will be written in pairs while the oral presentation will be done individually."


Baekhyun swallows hard; he hates, absolutely hates, talking in front of people. Ever since he was ridiculed at a school talent show in freshman year for reading one of his own poems he has happily shied away from any kind of public speaking. There has to be a way out of this. Baekhyun is one of Mr. Kim's favorite students, there has to be a way to talk himself out of it.


"I've already assigned your partners," Mr. Kim continues and brings out a list of student names. "Please remain seated until I've read the entire list." A request Baekhyun knows will be utterly and completely ignored.


The announcing of pairs starts along with cheers and sighs. Baekhyun turns back to his notebook to continue his doodling, listening with halfheartedly for his name to be called.

"…Baekhyun and Chanyeol…" Baekhyun looks up when he hears his name read off the list. A nervous tickle grows in his stomach. Chanyeol. He hasn't been paired with Chanyeol in years. He smiles to himself. It would be nice to catch up and get to know each other again.


Happy with his paring, unlike most other students in the room, Baekhyun starts scanning the jungle of students for his new partner. "Hey," he hears and turns back to the front of the class. A tall figure is leaning against his desk, smiling down over him.


"H-hi," Baekhyun stutters with a shy smile. He suddenly remembers how nervous and insecure he gets around people. He rarely talks to anyone except his best friend Kyungsoo, but they've known each other for years through their families.


Chanyeol pulls an empty seat to Baekhyun's desk and seats himself down. "Byun Baekhyun, right?" Chanyeol smiles brightly. "Remember when we used to hang out together in middle school?"


More like when you hung out with your friends and I followed you around. Baekhyun thinks to himself. "Yeah, I remember," he chuckles dryly. You are Park Chanyeol, my first crush, how could I forget you?


Mr Kim calls the class back to attention and explains the assignment furthur. "You will be choosing a literary theme and an era we have previously covered and write a report on how your chosen theme was represented during that era. I will give you until tomorrow to choose." There is a low murmur of dissatisfaction throughout the class room until Mr. Kim clears his throat. "But for now, let's review how to write a literary report. Jongdae, help me pass out these worksheets."


The rest of the lesson passes quickly for Baekhyun, who listens with interest, and before he knows it the bell rings for lunch. Chanyeol, who on the other hand has nearly dozed off in his seat, jumps at the noise and Baekhyun has to hold back a giggle.


As Baekhyun packs away his things Chanyeol turns to him. "So, when do you want to discuss the assignment?" he asks, scratching the back of his neck. Baekhyun can't help but be a bit surprised at how deep and mature Chanyeol's voice sounds. Very different from middle school, it's much more soothing now.


Baekhyun turns his focus back to Chanyeol's question. "I have classes until four…" he starts but is interrupted when Chanyeol chimes, "My soccer practice ends at four! You live near the park right? That's where I have practice. We could meet there around four if you'd like," the tall boy says cheerfully.


Baekhyun looks at him for a second, surprised that Chanyeol still remembers where he lives after all these years. He nods slowly "Sounds good."


"Perfect," Chanyeol cheers and picks up his books. "I'll see you later then." He quickly heads out of the classroom and Baekhyun only stares after him in bewilderment.


He takes his bag and heads off to the cafeteria. He scans the large lunch room and finds his best friend, Do Kyungsoo from junior year, alone at one of the tables at the back. He picks up a tray of the lazy excuse for a school lunch from the lunch lady and heads off toward Kyungsoo.


"You'll never guess who I'm paired with for my next assignment," he says as he sits down opposite Kyungsoo. The younger only raises an eyebrow, indicating for Baekhyun to go on. "Park Chanyeol," Baekhyun announces.


"Really?" Kyungsoo chirps. Suddenly his smile turns menacingly dark. "Lucky you," he says and winks. He knows all about Baekhyun's middle school crush.


"Cut it out! It's not like that anymore," Baekhyun exclaims and stares down into his lunch as he starts picking through it.


"Then why are you blushing?" Kyungsoo laughs and ducks just in time as a piece of bread from Baekhyun's tray is hurled through the air by the older.


"You're just jealous 'cause you'll never get paired with that freshman you're crushing on," Baekhyun says and glares at his friend.


Kyungsoo shoots a quick glance over his shoulder to see if anyone heard him. "Keep it down will you!"


"You started it!"


Kyungsoo rolls his eyes. "Oh please, everyone knows about your crush on Channie over there. Jongin and I are different."


Baekhyun takes a large bit out of Kyungsoo's bread bun, having already wasted his own. "Different as in you being a creepy stalker?" Baekhyun teases.


"Like you were any better!"


Baekhyun shrugs. It's true. He used t be quite the creepy stalker too in his day.


Their bickering continues although their lunch break, which ends way too quickly with a shrill ring from the bell. Baekhyun's afternoon classes pass in a blurry rush and before he knows it he finds himself packing up his things in Mrs. Choi's math class, his last class of the day. He looks up at the large clock on the wall. It's just after four o'clock.


He suddenly remembers his promise to meet Chanyeol in the park at four. He rushes out of the classroom and down the hall to the main entrance. The park is located just across the street from their school and is often used by the high school sports clubs and PE classes. Baekhyun crosses the street and starts searching for the football team. He has always been jealous of Chanyeol's talents in both music and sports.


After a few minutes Baekhyun finds what he is looking for. He stays a good way away from the line of the football pitch, out of view and shielded by thick tree trunks, as he watches the ongoing game. He watches as about ten guys from his school run around chasing a blue and white ball. He quickly spots Chanyeol and stares after him intently. His hair is messy and wet at the temples and neck. The skin on his neck is glistening in places covered with either sweat or water. Whenever he isn't running his chest visibly rises and falls as he pants for more oxygen for his muscles.


Suddenly Chanyeol gets in a ready-to-sprint position and narrows his eyes on the ball. He bites his lower lip and Baekhyun suddenly has to look away. If he had been Kyungsoo he would have happily looked on at the show, he might even be drooling by now, but he's not and something about staring at his former best friend and old crush like this makes Baekhyun terribly uncomfortable.


"Baekhyun!" he hears and his head snaps up again. The game seems to be over and the players are heading to the sidelines. Some are even disposing of their shirts and Baekhyun stares back into the ground again with a deeper blush.


"Hey, sorry it took so long," he hears a familiar voice and glances up. He sees Chanyeol jogging toward him with a wide grin, shirt still on, thank god.


Baekhyun blinks, suddenly at a loss for words. "Th-that's okay. I was late too…"


Chanyeol stops just in front of him and Baekhyun notices just how much taller the other is. "Just let me get my stuff," he says and nods towards the sidelines of the pitch. Baekhyun follows him closely and tries to ignore the looks he gets from the other players as the he walks away with Chanyeol.


"So the project…" Chanyeol starts as he digs through his blue sports bag. "Have any ideas yet?" He grabs a water bottle and almost empties in his mouth in one go.


"No, not really," Baekhyun mumbles, gripping onto the shoulder strap of his bag across his chest tightly.


Chanyeol smiles. "Mr. Kim told me you're good with poetry. Maybe we should do something with that," he says and gathers the rest of his belongings. "Any ideas? I'm up for anything."


Baekhyun swallows hard. What exactly had Mr. Kim told him? By now Chanyeol probably thinks him a complete dork. So much for new first impressions.


On the other hand, Baekhyun realizes, this might be his chance to really impress him. Chanyeol has always been an amazing musician, now Baekhyun can show him his 'talents' too. "I guess I know a few things," he admits with a shy shrug.


Chanyeol picks up his bag and the two slowly make their way toward the path between the trees. "We still need a theme though." Chanyeol becomes quite for moment. Baekhyun steals a glance up at the taller and tries to keep Chanyeol's appearance in his minds eye. Had he thought him attractive in middle school? Because there was no denying that Chanyeol had battled puberty well and was extremely handsome now.  He hadn't just been attracted to Chanyeol's looks, had he? There was something else... "How about love?" Chanyeol suddenly chimes and Baekhyun jumps. His heartbeat is in his throat.  "Isn't love a common theme in poems?" Chanyeol continues and Baekhyun breathes a sigh of relief.


Baekhyun tries to keep his cool, not that he ever had a cool to begin with. "Yeah, it's a really common theme," he answers Chanyeol with extra emphasis, scrambling to collect his thoughts again. "Even in literature from ancient Greece you can find quite interesting depictions of it." Baekhyun doesn't think he can bring himself to say the actual word l-o-v-e without having his voice collapse. Talking about love and feelings with your one-sided crush from years ago isn't usually something that goes down very well.


"Then it's settled," the tall boy beams. "Love in ancient Greek poetry!" Baekhyun contemplates it and nods. He has to admit it sounds interesting. There is a long moment of silence between them. Baekhyun had believed he would be brave and be able to start conversation with Chanyeol after all these years. How have you been? What are you up to these days? Any new hobbies? How's your family? But Baekhyun had been dead wrong. He was even more nervous around Chanyeol than any other person, ever. Chanyeol suddenly clears his throat. "So you like poetry a lot, right?" Chanyeol finally asks trying to initiate conversation again.


Baekhyun only nods. Whenever his interest in literature comes up conversation suddenly starts to run dry.


Unfortunately there seems to be no exception with Chanyeol. "I don't really know a lot about poetry, I'm sorry," he says and bites his lip. Baekhyun can't help but think that the action and apology are distractingly adorable. "I only know stuff about music."


Baekhyun smiles. "I like music, too," he says in an attempt to keep conversation going.


"Really?" Chanyeol exclaims and beams up.


Baekhyun smiles and nods. I'm still a teenager, Park Chanyeol. Of course I like music. "But perhaps I'm more biased toward good lyrics than good tunes," he ads, hoping it didn't come out as boring as he heard it in his own head.


He is relieved when he sees Chanyeol nodding in agreement. "Yeah, people seem to forget to appreciate good lyrics these days," he says with  what looks to Baekhyun like a sad frown, but suddenly his expression changes and Chanyeol smiles. "You should check out this band…" he  smiles brightly. "They're called Fall Out Boy. I don't think I've ever recommended them to anyone," Chanyeol says and lets out a short laugh. "They're a bit strange, but I think you'll like them."


Why? Because I'm a bit strange too? Baekhyun thinks and smiles to himself.


Chanyeol continues, suddenly a bit shy, "Listen to the song What A Catch Donnie and let me know what you think," he says and Baekhyun can hear how excited he seems about the song.


There are so many things Baekhyun wants to ask, so many things he wishes they could talk about, but he just doesn't know how to phrase them after all these years. He had always considered Chanyeol his best friend, even though it might have been one sided. They had met in preschool and would always hang out together. Then they advanced to middle school where things started to change, and now, coincidentally, they were in high school together, where things had really changed.


Baekhyun's chance to initiate conversation is, however, pulled from him when Chanyeol suddenly stops and curses. "I forgot my keys!" He turns on his heal and starts back down the path toward the football field. "You go ahead, I'll see you tomorrow okay!" he yells back to Baekhyun as he breaks into a sprint.


Although Baekhyun might feel slightly disappointed at the length of their conversation, he can't help but smile while looking after the tall boy. Even if their first chance to start afresh was cut short Baekhyun knows they are off to a good start.


For now he is just happy to be paired with Park Chanyeol again.

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OnWooNielSeob #1
Chapter 2: Update please :3
choiannie #2
Chapter 2: I almost die when I noticed there wasn't a 3rd chapie ;w; I'll be waiting the next :3 Great story, it's catchy!
seoulbeat14 #3
Chapter 2: Awwwww they're back to old times again <3
Chapter 2: really amazing!!! update soon please!!! ^-^
seoulbeat14 #5
Chapter 1: OHMYGOD update soon! ^o^
So excited with the fluff!