

It was the 6th of June, year 2009. Jongin does a double take on the neighbor's window when he notices a flash of red passing by. Well, more like running, since he just saw it for 3 seconds before it disappeared again.

It always made him wonder. He knows there's someone living in that house, albeit the fact that it looks a little rusty and no normal person would wanna live in it.

He feels someone, whenever he touches the it's brick walls from outside, whenever he hears someone humming a beautiful melody along the lines of "rum pum pum pum" in the neighbor's shower (which is actually situated near his kitchen), or whenever he's lazily sitting on his bed, her eyes wandering on the window on the other side.

He hasn't really seen anyone entering or going out of that house, and Chanyeol's ghost jokes weren't as funny as it was before.

"You're just delusional, maybe it's because you're lonely. Dude, you need a girlfriend!" his tall best friend the last time they met.

But something always pulled Jongin back whenever he has the thoughts of finding a girl to spend the rest of his life with. And he feels that maybe it was because of his mysterious redhead neighbor.


It was the first of firsts. Jongin found himself shaking violently as if he'd seen a ghost. But it wasn't because of a ghost, heck it was worse.

He saw someone coming out of the creepy house. His brows furrowed.

It's 2 am in the morning, where is she going?

It was purely accidental, Jongin woke up in the middle of the night because of a bad nightmare and had to go down to get some water in the fridge to quench his thirst.

That was when he heard a door shutting from the opposite house. Not even bothering where he was looking, he powerwalked all the way to his living room, bumping into things along the way, and peeping through the thin layer of curtains.

And he saw her. She has red hair, she was wearing girl clothes, she has a bag slinged on her shoulder, and her eyes.....

Her eyes were definitely breathtaking.

He found himself following her behind her back. It wasn't just because he was curious about her, it was because it was part of his nature. She was a girl. And it's midnight.

"Why are you following me."

His eyes widened. Surely he wasn't making any noise.

She turned around and Jongin found his jaw dropping.

Her facial features look too familiar in his eyes. As if he had seen them before. Although he doesn't recall meeting her anywhere.

"Uhhh....." he couldn't find the words to say.

He searched for an answer but failed to reply once he realized he was standing alone outside, and wondered as to where redhead had gone.

Chanyeol couldn't believe what Jongin was saying the next morning too.

"Jongin, you have reached the ultimate peak of idiocy. Stop muttering nonsense!" he screeched, his eyes as wide as their other friend, Kyungsoo.

"But it's true! I saw her last night! I followed her! She even asked me why I was following her! I told you Chanyeol! She is real...... And she kinda looks familiar too......"

"Aish! Snap out of it will you?! You're giving me the creeps! I'm gonna take you to the mental hospital if you don't stop with all of this!"

Jongin didn't hear any of Chanyeol's babbling though. He was busy staring at the redhead girl standing by the window, looking straight at him.

"Yo! Jongin!" Chanyeol hollered, looking at the direction he's looking at. Yet, he saw nothing but a window. He started to freak out a little bit.

"You have seriously got to stop." he said with a neutral tone.

"I'm not even doing anything."

"You're staring at the empty window. Are you seeing something? Because I don't."

"What?" Jongin looked at him. "There's a girl right there! Can't you see?"

"Oh my god Jongin. Is your third eye open or something......"

"What? She's not a ghost you moron, she's--"

He looks back at the window, but gets disappointed when he saw that she was no longer standing there staring at her.

But she was just right there.......


They meet again for the second time after a few weeks. He had completely forgotten about the window incident. He also stopped telling Chanyeol everything. One, because he kept threatening him about that damn mental hospital. And two, he didn't see her appearing by the window after their meeting, not even a silhouette or a gust of red hair passing by.

But today was different. Today she was wearing a pastel pink colored tutu, matching it with a top with the same color. Her hair wasn't tidy, unlike last time, and she look..... bothered. She looked bothered that she didn't even notice a couple of guys who are about to take advantage of her.

Luckily, Jongin saw the whole thing before one of the guys approached her.

"Oh! baby girl! There you are! I was texting you all night!" he blurted out while slinging his arms on her shoulders.

She gave him a look of somewhat a death glare but he ignored it. Her safety is always first.

The guys grew frustrated and just left.

And then she pushed his arms off her shoulders really hard he felt like collapsing on the ground.

"Ow! Hey! I saved you okay you should be thankful!"

Somehow her atittude reminded him of himself back then. Meek, friendless, always giving people death glares. And really, really rude.

"Why should I thank you. Or rather, why should I thank myself for saving me?"

He furrowed his brows. What did she just said?

"You wouldn't understand anyways. Leave me alone. Don't talk to me again." and with that, she left.

Jongin didn't know why he was frustrated over her attitude. Or why he cared. Or why his heart felt like it was going to explode.

But he knew one thing.

She was really something. And Jongin is determined to grab her attention.


"Why are you so interested in knowing me?" she said as she calmly sips her coffee, giving Jongin a few peeks from time to time.

Jongin was rather lucky, for he saw her again for the third time, same time, at a little coffee shop across the street. There were actually zero to none people during 3 am, and he always wondered why she would come out of her house during ridiculous wee hours.

But he was expecting it. He knew she would come out. That's why he never slept anymore. He just patiently waited.

Without a second thought, he briskly walked in and sat on the chair in front of her as she was about to lift her teacup out of it's little saucer.

She looked at her with expressionless eyes, but he was never fazed. Maybe because he was used to it. Maybe because her stares looked very familiar.

"I was asking a question, idiot." she continued to stare at her with those eyes, those eyes that makes you lose yourself in another dimension.

Jongin cleared his throat. He was never the one to space out, especially in fron of a girl. But this girl was so mysterious, he has to know more.

"Why do you even think that I wanna know you?" he replied with the same cold stare she was giving. He slapped himself inside his head for doing that afterwards though.

"Well, you followed me the last last time we met. And the last time we met you saved me from thugs I know I can handle."

"It was an gentleman thing to do. You're a girl after all."

"But I'm not just a girl."

Every word coming out of made Jongin ask why. She's an enigma. She was a puzzle that is so hard to decode.

"I don't care even if you're a ghost, or an alien, or a monster. As from what I see right now, you're a frail and fragile girl that needs-"


Jongin's eyes widened. He never thought she would violently react to his words. He chose them so carefully, oh so carefully.

He woke up to his senses when he sees her stomping her feet out of the coffee shop, not even taking a single glance at him.

"H- Hey! Wait!"

He ran up to her and held her arm, looking straight into her eyes. She seemed to be surprised of his agressiveness too, for she stopped walking.

"Look, I'm sorry okay. I know I shouldn't have said that and-"

"It will be chaos if you befriend me."

"I don't care." he said firmly. "I want to know you better. Ever since I moved into this house, I never saw anyone walking out of the house that you're living in. I have always been curious about you, I can smell your shampoo while I'm eating in the kitchen, I can see your red hair flowing as you pass by your window. You make me go crazy."

"That's the point of my existence here." she said, still neutral.


"You will be in deep trouble. Will you take that risk if you made this desicion of befriending me?"

Jongin thought of a while. He was bothered to what she was talking about, but his curiosity was eating him alive.

"I will take any risk. If it will only lead me to knowing more about you."

He sees her sighing and shaking her head before turning back to him.

"Fine then."

"So...... my name is Jongin."

"I'm......" she hesitates for a second. "Krystal."


"Do you know what a parallel universe is?" Krystal asks as she adjusts her telescope.

Jongin rolled on his belly and looked at her weirdly.

"Hmm...... It's like another dimension where everything's perfect. Why?"

"No, silly. It's a fictional and separate reality coexisting with our world right now." she said as she rolls her eyes at the male.

"I know, but why would you ask me this?"

"Have you ever imagined yourself in a parallel universe? Or have you ever thought of what you would look like in an alternate universe?"

"I think..... in an alternate universe, I'd be the most handsome and most talented guy ever! And I'd be so good with everything, all the girls want me!" he said proudly.

Krystal hits his forehead with his palm and makes a sound of irritation.


"Don't you ever think that maybe you weren't really what you are in the alrternate universe? What if you're a plant, or an animal?"

"Wait, I don't really understand....."

"What if you were me."

It came out more like a statement than a question, and Jongin once again furrowed his eyebrows. He's wondering where Krystal gets all of her ideas from.

"Are you drunk?" he asked, holding her forehead.

She slaps his hand off and smirks a little, making Jongin hum.

"You smiled! This is the first time I saw you smile. It has been what, 3 weeks since we met?"

Krystal turned serious again and faced him.

"But really, for example, what if I am you, what will you do?"

Jongin sits up and grabs her telescope.

"If you were me in the alternate universe, then I would be shocked! Because I'm such a pretty girl!"

Krystal laughs. Jongin continues.

"I'd say I'll feel weird since this isn't the reality I wanted, but then again I'd like it. But if you were really me and there isn't someone like you in this universe, I'd be sad."


"Because I don't think I would ever fall in love with anyone as much as I have fallen in love with you."

The world kept spinning. But for people who really don't belong to this world, time has stopped.

Krystal found her lips locked with Jongin's. Realizing her mistake, she pushes herself away before running away from him.

And once again, it left Jongin confused.


Jongin has been knocking nonstop on Krystal's door the next day. He didn't care if it was morning or whatever, he just had to see her.

He never thought she'd say no to him. It wasn't that he was confident of getting her, it was because Krystal looked so comfortable with him, he thought there was more/ But he was wrong.

"Krystal, please talk to me! I'm sorry for kissing you! I was a bastard!"

People outside were giving him strange looks. But right now, he doesn't care about them. He cares about Krystal.

Chanyeol saw him mercilessly knocking his hands on the neighbor's door, his knuckles starting to have wounds.

"Jongin oh my god!" he hollered with that low voice of his, running to his best friend's side and trying to make him stop what he was doing.

"Stop knocking on the goddamn door there's no one inside that creepy house!" he said as he pulls Jongin out. 

Jongin's ears were closed. He couldn't hear anything except the fast beating of his heart and his bones hitting the cold wooden door.

Eventually, Chanyeol pulled him out, with Jongin muttering "Krystal, I'm sorry" over and over again.

Night time came. Jongin didn't slept. He went out and stayed outside Krystal's door, hoping to catch her when she comes out. It was freezing outside, but he endured. Because he really loves her.

The door opened with a slam. Jongin looks up and sees Krystal, her breathing rigid, and her eyes looked angry. It wasn't the same angelic, breathtaking one, but one that resembles a monster.

"Get inside." she tried to act calm, although Jongin saw her fists shaking and her teeth clenched.

He hastily brought himself inside and sat on the sofa, rubbing his arms that felt numb because of the cold wind.

Krystal throws him a blanket and sat at the chair farthest away from him, staring at him as if she was gonna eat him.


"Are you trying to kill yourself!" she stood up aggressively. "If you died, what about-!"

"What! What about what!" he was starting to get frustrated too. He doesn't know why she 's so angry and he still wants to ask a lot of questions about her.

"If you died then what about me! I would die too! You know what, you wouldn't understand so just leave! Don't bother me anymore!"

"How can I understand if you don't try to make me understand it!" Jongin's voice was so loud, he was gonna combust. "I love you Krystal! And I hate it when you seem so distant from me!"

Her eyes widened.

"No...... no you can't love me...... No."

"Why not?!"

"Because you're me!!!! I'm ing Kim Jongin from another dimension!" she blurted out.

Jongin think she was going mental.

"What...... Are you okay Krystal? Are you sick?" he tried touching her forehead but she steps back.

"Don't call me Krystal! I told you I'm Jongin! I'm you!"

"Stop saying crazy stuff!"

"I'm not crazy I'm telling the truth!" and with that she lifted her shirt up, exposing a rather big burn on her left waist.

"Didn't you get this when you were 13 because you accidentally lit yourself on fire? This is the only proof Jongin......"

Jongin slowly backed himself away from her. He found himself collapsing to the ground, his eyes wide and welling in tears.

"But why....... how....."

"And you have a best friend. His name is Chanyeol. When you were little you thought Kyungsoo was your soulmate. You liked him and thought you were gay."

"JUST STOP TALKING!" he couldn't take it anymore. He covered his ears and curled into a ball.

"You're a monster! You're an alien! Get away from me!" he tried crawling backwards but failed because he felt all his energy has drained.

"I'm....... I'm sorry Jongin......" Krystal was starting to tear up too. "If only I had known you would react like this, I never would have volunteered to come to your world to watch over you....."

"Wha..... What? Wh.... Why would you come here..... How......" he was panting heavily now, he felt frail and lifeless.

"You were alone. You were interesting, and I wanted to see you everyday, I wanted to feel like what would it be to be you..... I never thought you would know I exist, and I never thought you would fall in love with me. I'm sorry........"


"What if I fall in love with you? And you stay here forever? What wil happen?" Jongin asks her as they hung out on the rooftop, something they always did before. After the horrifying events last week, Jongin became cautious. But his heart was too strong, it had taken over his body and he found himself standing outside her door at 2 am in the morning.

"Jongin....." she pleaded. "Don't make this harder for me than it already is."

"I just wanted to know."

"You will die."

Jongin gulped. She sighed.

"We are one after all. Everything you do, everything you are here I do all of them in the universe that I'm in. But to be with you and stay in this world...... It will life threatening, not just for the two of us but also for the world."

"What do you mean?"

"We're from different universes, Jongin. We can't simply break what has been made. If I stay here, that means the alternate universe will break and it will bring complete danger to this world, because our worlds are still connected after all."

"But you already came here. Isn't that enough breaking the world apart?"

"When I travel here, another one of me takes over my position. It's an alternate universe after all. Anything can happen."

"But why would you come here? Did you come here just to see me get hurt because of you?"

"It's because I wanted to watch over you, Jongin. I want to be in the universe that you're in. It's..... complicated....."

Jongin sighs and rubs his temples.

"But I love you......"

"I know...... Because I do too...." She looks into his eyes. "But Jongin, our love doesn't make sense. We're from two different worlds. We can't be. Our love will destroy mankind."

"If you go back there, will you be able to come back here?"


Jongin feels his tears coming.

"If you go back there and become me again, will I forget you?"

"It depends. I don't really know......"

"I want to be with you, Krystal......"

"No Jongin...... You can't have everything you want."

She stands up and dusts her tutu.

"I'll be departing tomorrow. Jongin..... please take care of yourself."

"But Krystal......"

"I know. I love you too......"

She leaves him crying on the rooftop. 

"I love you Krystal......."


It's the 6th of June, year 2013. Jongin stares at his neighbor's window. He feels there was someone inside, watching over him.

"Jongin!" he can hear Chanyeol yelling outside. "Darn it this kid is such a lazyass. Jongin!"

"Wait a minute!" he replies, putting on a shirt before running to the door.

The moment he opened it however, his eyes widened.

"This is one of my classmates. Her name is Krystal, she needs some dancing lessons. Can you help her? It's for their recital." Chanyeol said.

He felt as if he has seen her before..... But where......

a/n: what. did. I. do. loooooooooooool I'm sorry is this bad or what I don't really know but I think it's good! I like these kinds of genres!

Anyways, rum pum pum pum was really addicting like omfg I wanna learn the steps bUT WHAT'S MORE ADDICTING IS EXO'S TEASERS FOR GROWL DFOJGOGOFKDOFKD KILL ME NOW YES I COMMAND YOU TO KILL ME.

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imkimkaiswife #1
Chapter 1: OMFG I CHOKED ON MY COOKIE BC OF YOU. This was amazing, woah good job. And pleASE I WANT A SEQUEL YES YES A SEQUEL
exostal #3
Chapter 1: Completed?! Sequel please! T^T
Love your story so much! <3
Chapter 1: omg...... this fic is so asfklsakvzlksdlsk sequel please!!!
Chapter 1: OMFG~~~!!!!!!!! This is hella awesome fanfic! I couldn't stop reading it, every scene is so entertaining. And woah to the plot twist, author-nim~!

Make a sequel for this~! Upvote~! And good job~!!
Chapter 1: sequelll pleaaseeee!!!!!!!!
yoong_soojung #7
Chapter 1: You should make a sequel!!! I loved every part!!! *o*
acacia #8
Chapter 1: Wow.... You are very good!
The title caught me, I need to read this. This will be epic I know it :o. would you mind checking my fanfic out? sorry for advertising :D