Accidentally a tomboy!?


Chapter TwolHt2hQ2.pngQ2Ar4ya.pngNbRBycv.png

Your p.o.v


 I woke up with slight pain in my head,im guessing that I must have fallen asleep very late. I tried to keep my balance steady as i rose up ready to head out if my room. As I got up from my bed I stepped on something that made my foot sore! I looked down and seen a green coloured can that was almost fully covered by my foot. And I though that redbull was blue! Or red perhaps.. Maybe I'm going colourblind from drinking it!!
I lifter my foot off the empty object and picked it up. I widen my eyes and rub them,trying to figure out if I'm seeing properly. I even pinched my arm to wake up,I even smelled it and felt unusual.Well I guess that if this is the reality ... I drank beer!?
Omo ! I remember everything that I did last night! I'm so dumb!! Wait..if I almost killed my self in the did I even get here!? Sleepwalking? Yeah, whatever! 
I was about to head out the door when I realized the purpose of me acting this way , last night. Right, the audition. I'm guessing that I'm not accepted.. I didn't receive it yesterday! Just to make sure I went to check my email. 

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From : GlobalStarEntertainment



Hello, we wanted to inform you that you have a very bright future ahead of you.

You have been accepted and chosen to the trainee system.

Trainee system meaning : Being able to pursue your dreams! 

We are also here to tell you some other good news that will make you happy !!

You will have the chance to be a part of a girl group active in china :) 

If you're not this person "goo jaehee" please inform us so that we can find a way to comunicate with her.

Out company needs to get feedback from you in the following 7 days! 

Don't forget to send me a verification letter by the mail, I will then provide you with our contacting number

       eMail address : @ShinShinGlobalEnt 

                                               ~ Sincerely Mrs. Shin (main judge) ~

      Detele note       


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 I widen my eyes and took back at the screen. Okay, is this the after effect of being drunk? Seeing weird things??!!! I was really freaked out and unsure of this being reality.i just wanted to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. "Eommaaaahhhhh" I yelled on the top of my lungs. My mom care storming inside my messy room , along with my shocked father trailing behind her like a lost puppy.  

Both of them looked very concerned and came towards me. "Are you okay"!? My dad asked me while freaking out. "Yo,JaeHee!" Your mother spoke out making me wake up from illusion.
"Mommie.." You whined, looking confused. "Neh?" She responded. "I'm I dreaming?" She had a very displeased look on her face and then just exited the room while speaking. "Deal with your daughter" My dad then came closer to me and asked me why I was asking them. I pointed to my laptop screen and his eyes shot wide open. "Wow! Congrats sweetie!" He hugged me and then we both ran up to my mother. At the same time we started speaking like little kids. "JaeHee has made it trough the audition!" We both repeated at least 1000x times before deciding to act normal again. (Yes, you did speak in 3rd person) I looked at my dad with a huge smile and he responded with a cheeky grin. We both nodded and turned to my mother. We did our victory dance! Instead of my mom telling us to stop behaving like toddlers, she has joined us as well! I can tell that she's proud of me, I'm so happy :) I then ran to get my laptop and reply to the message. Few minutes later I have received a phone number via email. 
"Yoboseoyo"? You greeted the person on the other line .
"Oh hello, you're JaeHee right?"
The lady has spoken
"Oh hi! I am! So, am I going to be in a group?" you asked cheerfully which made her giggle on the other end. 
"Yes you will! But you have to go trough training, in order to success"  she replied with a warm tone and it made happy
"De, I know ! I'm prepared !" You said trying to sound as confident as you probably can" 
"Then prepare your self for tomorrow! You will be flying to china tomorrow night!" 
With that you almost choke on your saliva and began jumping in excitement. You then handed your phone to your mother who reassured everything and set up a meeting for tonight.
Later that day your mother went to the meeting where she has picked up your ticket and other information. 

Your Dad's thoughts 

Oh my baby is growing up too fast! I'm so proud but u don't want her to leave! Aigoo, there comes my emotional side again... (Sobs) 

Your P.O.V

***** The day of flight *****
Me and my family were practically celebrating for 24 hours straight. I stretch my neck to relieve the pain from yesterday. We went to the  airport together with my loving parents. I bid them LONG goodbyes, and then got into the airplane right before the flight started. I was really tired but I didn't want to fall asleep! The ride was supposed to be around 3 hours. I can endure that!! I'm actually kind of afraid of falling asleep In a plane, what if you were transported into a different county? I stayed awake and admired the view and listened to music ,using my headphones.
** After the plane ride **
Ohh ma gosh! I'm so freaking tired yo! I quickly got my info out of the luggage and read the address . I waited for the cab/taxi and drove into the address. We arrived at this huge apartment, building like place. I went to floor 17 just like the paper said and opened the door 1703, while using the key I gave received.
"Hello" I called out , waiting for response. 
"Is someone here?" I yelled again, feeling suddenly weird. Oh right I should use Chinese, right?
"你好 (Ni hao) " I called again but as expected , no answer. 
I waked inside to leave my luggage and went to check the rooms. I'm so tired, might as well take a little nap before the girls come right?

NOONE'S p.o.v

With that you have quickly fell asleep,on the couch . You were enjoying your sleep so much that you didn't notice other's presence.  Some people have been admiring you sleep. They gave grew tired and also fell asleep. Someone right beside you , 2 on the floor, and other two on the chairs that were put around you. You opened your eyes and "AHHH"!!  



 Author's Note
Hello there Subbies ! Im So FREAKING HAPPY! this is my second chapter and ive got subbies :) So... JaeHee's drunk¿ ouo!  Congrats to The messiest squishy AKA JaeHee! She passed the audition :) Why do you think that JaeHee got shocked when she woke up? And who were the people surrounding her ? The Owners of that apartment? Oh , and whatcha think about this layout ? Pretty cool ne?





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K-Reader28 #1
minniemarshmallow13 please come back, this story is way too good to stop writing ❤️
ailoveu #2
Chapter 2: Ooooh I love! I can't wait for the next chapter! ♥
Chapter 2: Lol...WHY??? Why didn't you updated me AFF??! Anyways, I'm so sorry for not commenting on it really!

But then~ Is it MISSTER~? Hehehe~ Can't wait for it~
yeolliee #4
Chapter 2: So where are the next chap?Dying for it ~•~
Chapter 2: your new layout is so cool!! can't wait for chapter 3! bring on MSSTER!!!!!
Chapter 1: Cool!! Cool!!! I'm finding fics like this!!! And thank Gof you created it!!! Haha!! ^^

Can't wait~~~
asianhiphopdancer #7
Chapter 1: Hey yo! Wassup? I just wanna say.... Nice, nice *claps hands* i like how you make the main girl be the lead dancer and rapper. Reminds me of me (not to boast or anything)
anyways this story is good! Please update soon!
Chapter 1: Sooooooo cool!! Please update soon!!<3 I love your story
yay, an update! i like the new graphics! *thumbs up*