Evade the Truth

"Yah! Stand still!"

"But it hurts!"

What hurt? Maybe the continuous plucking of sensitive eyebrow hairs. Why did he have to go through this? 

Oh, right, because it was his choice to join an all girl's school to stalk his girlfriend. Well, ex-girlfriend.

He got ripped out of his thoughts and into reality when Kibum plucked another hair, skin burning immediately after. He couldn't stop from twitching every time it happened and it was getting on Kibum's last damn nerve. Taemin received a much more painful smack to the side of his head, "You asked for this! You wanted to act like a girl to go into that school. It's your fault you're going through this so sit still and stop irking me! You are going to go through the entire process if we're going to get you to look decent enough. Understand?"

Taemin winced and rubbed the place where he had been hit, he mumbled a reluctant agreement. "I got it, I got it."

After a few minutes the last misplaced hair had been plucked and Kibum looked proudly at his art work. With a smile he turned Taemin towards the mirror, "How does it look?"

Taemin looked at his now feminine eyebrows, it surprised him; the stark difference in his facial features, "Wah, they came out good!" He ran the tip of his fingers over the flattened hairs, the sore skin stinging a bit. 

"Of course, who do you think did them?" Kibum smiled triumphantly, he turned Taemin again and went to the makeup table grabbing some simple fake lashes and returning to his position, "Now I'm going to make your eyelashes longer."

"Don't make me look like a drag queen now." That remark only won him another smack to the head, to which he winced.

"Do you think I'm stupid? Did you wash your face?"

Taemin looked up at him confused, "I have to wash my face?"

Kibum took a deep breath and held it in for a few seconds, "Don't you wash your face normally?"

"When I shower," he mumbled trying to remember.

And so, Taemin received a very long lecture on how he would have to take care of his skin from now on. It even included the food he'd be allowed to eat from then on. Then Kibum demonstrated the processes. After they had his face washed and dried, the elder proceeded in the next steps of the makeup. Of course it was simple makeup, to make the fact that he's being girly down to a minimum. He didn't want Taemin to get caught so fast. After applying a light gradient lip, he smiled. Looking at Taemin in amazement. The boy was beautiful. Full of pride he turned Taemin towards the mirror again. "What do you think?"

He couldn't believe his eyes, "Holy ."

To this the elder frowned, his eye twitching, "I really wonder if you'll be able to pull it off with that damn mouth of yours."

"Dude you're really going to be able to get into that beauty school with this talent. I look like a chick, for crying out loud I'm totally my type!"


There went another ten perfectly good brain cells. . . . 
"Okay, now for the hair extensions. . ." Mumbled the violent elder.
Taemin rubbed his head pouting, "Aren't we going to use a wig?"
"That's about the stupidest thing you can do, what if it gets pulled off? Or accidently slips off during physical education? What will you do then? It's better to go with extensions," he said while picking up a packet of the extensions. They were Taemin's sister's hair color, a deep brown. He placed the packet on the desk and took out the dye, "I'm going to dye your hair now," he announced as he wrapped an old blanket around Taemin, closing it in the back. Then applied some vaseline to the edges of his forehead, ears and neck. Taemin watched his friend in the mirror's reflection, the elder looked relaxed and comfortable. This suits him the best, he thought with a smile. 
Kibum looked up and saw him, "What's with the dreamy smile you creep."
"Just thought you looked cool," he laughed.
The elder tried preventing his smile so it came off as a smirk, "Psshh, what doesn't suit me? Eh, look up," when the younger did as told, he brushed some of the dye onto his hair line and onto his roots, then spread it to the rest of his hair. He was happy that the makeup hadn't been touched, it looked perfect. 
When he finished Kibum decided to go over their plans while they waited for the dye to set. They talked about what colleges they would be visiting. With their grades, they knew it would be a piece of cake. They had gotten the school situation down in the past week and were now settled in Kibum's apartment. Sporting a couple great looking certificates and impeccable high school diplomas. Taemin's mother flipped a table from the excitement and she agreed so long as she was to join them on their official college choices. Kibum managed to buy a crap load of girl's clothes and brought it to his place for Taemin. He didn't want there to be a chance that someone would barge in and find out he's a guy. Although the younger didn't like it he didn't have a choice. As for his sister? She went to New York, telling her mom she wanted to study abroad for college. Really, she's just having fun. 
"So what do you think she's doing?"
"Probably finding herself a boyfriend. Most likely an American so she can brag." Taemin rolled his eyes.
Kibum pouted, "Oh how I wish, she'd be so lucky."
"You have Jonghyun.."
"I know. Its enough to have my dinosaur, but you can't deny that American guys are good looking."
"Actually, I can deny that. Hey it's been fortyfive minutes already, hasn't the dye set already?"
Kibum jumed up from the chair checking his watch, when the time was confirmed he went right into procedure, leading Taemin to the sink and carefully washing it out. When finished he blow dried it and then attached the extensions, styling it to fix any errors. 
Finally done he turned Taemin for the last time and let him admire his masterpiece. Taemin whistled and touched the soft hair, "Wow, you can't even tell that it's fake."
"That's because it's real hair, damn thing cost me over two hundred dollars. You owe me," he replied while touching up the curls.
"Oh I have money in my wallet, go take out two hundred fifty, might as well pay for the rest as well," Taemin smiled at his refletion, the hair feeling silky as he ran his fingers through it. "I didn't know girls go through so much just for school."
"Pfft, you think this is it? Hah funny. We still have work to do. I have to pierce your ears."
"Mhm. So bite down on this," he handed Taemin a teeth guard. 
To describe the pain he felt would embarrass him to no end. But he was glad that it was quick at the very least. Now he was being dragged over to the walk in closet, he could swear that Kibum was a girl at heart. Having all his clothes organized by color, fabric, and even seasons. Something got flung into his face, it fell into his hands and his eyes widened, "What is this?"
"A bra with gel cups, they will feel like s, and look like them when you put on your shirts, your sister told me her cup size so I got it accordingly. Put it on."
"I can't believe this, are you serious?"
"Who's plan was this?"
Taemin sighed frustrated and grumbled to himself, mainly indecent words that shouldn't be heard. He slipped his t-shirt off and started putting the damn thing on. When the gel cubs touched his chest he shivered, they were disturbingly cold. Kibum turned around stifling his laugh, "Hopefully no one makes you strip, you look ridiculous."
"Oh shut up."
"But how do you know how to put on a bra?"
"I've been with a girl for three years and your seriously asking me that?"
He held up his hands in mercy, "Forget I asked. Now put this on," he threw something else at him.
"A girdle too?!"
"So that's what they're called," Kibum mumbled but looked at him, "Yes."
"Aiishh..." he frowned, "But how am I supposed to pee then? It'll be difficult to take this off and on."
"Hold it in. Or pee before you go to school, now put on these briefs and then put it on. I won't look so don't worry."
When the elder turned around, he stuck his tongue out at him but followed the instructions. After putting on the girdle, he felt like he was going to die. Of both embarrassment and lack of oxygen. Lastly he put on the uniform and shoes. Kibum handed him his sister's bag and he was set. They both looked in the mirror and gave each other glances of approval. 


Getting ready was the easy part. Actually getting out of the car to enter the darn school seemed to be the hardest thing Taemin has ever been faced with doing in his life. His friend patted his shoulder in support, "You can't back out now, just see it to the end. The faster you get your answer, the faster you'll be able to leave."
He nodded and gulped, "I can do this...I can do this..." With a final deep breath he got rid of some of the fear and got out of the car. Closing the door behind him to walk forward a few steps, of course the way his sister had taught him. He watched his friend drive away, now he really was alone...
A girl he recognized as his sister's best friend ran up to him, he wanted to run away but he knew he had to face her. Besides he already knew what her and his sister always talked about. He smiled as she closed the last few feet of distance between them, "Soo min! You won't believe what that has been doing all morning! Ughh. . . I really can't stand her anymore. After what she did to your brother? Gosh she's such a ."
He was taken aback for a few seconds. First because of the mouth on her and then what she said afterwards, "E-eh?" He spoke in a higher pitched voice, but mentally punching himself in the face because he stuttered.
"That Kim Rae Ae! She's been hanging all over that new teacher all morning. I just saw her in his office alone with him, she was putting her moves on him. Gosh she has some nerve, she seriously pisses me off," the girl huffed in frustration. 
His eyes widened, "What do you mean? What teacher?"
"You know, the new one that started...two weeks ago was it? Mr. Choi," she paused and looked at her watch, seeing the time she grabbed Taemin's hand and ran for it, "Hurry we're going to be late!"
He didn't have time to object, the girl was damn strong for her small size. Why is it that around him she was always so quiet and shy? He was pulled into a classroom after running up two very long flights of stairs. Bending over he tried to catch his breath, "Yah...Yah.. why did you have to run so fast?" It was hard enough for him to breathe with the stupid girdle in the first place, why must he go and exert himself too?
The girl looked at him shocked, "What are you talking about? You're part of the track team and you're calling me fast?"
First mistake. He straightened up and smiled punching her shoulder playfully while holding back his need to breathe heavily, "Ahaha, I was just kidding. Of course I'm not tired. Let's go sit down, and you can tell me more about what you've seen."
Nodding they both walked to their seats, luckily the girl sits next to the desk his sister informed him was her's. After sitting down he turned towards her, she bent closer and started, "Well you know how she's always flirting with guys?" Taemin forced himself to nod, despite the desire to do otherwise, "The teacher is her new target. I was guessing she was interested in Mr. Choi, but to actually go and dump Taemin over him? She's lost it. Absolutely lost it!" 
Taemin felt his heart drop to his stomach, "That can't be... Shes been so nice when she came over, how could she do something like that to my brother?"
Her eyes bulged, "You..you, have you already forgiven her?!"
Before the conversation could continue, a large group of girls walked in and to his dismay, in the center stood Rae Ae, he went to smile at her but she rolled her eyes and scoffed. He looked down in confusion.
What the hell is going on?
"S-Sung Ah?" He called her name quietly, his sister's friend turned to him again.
"Maybe it's because I've been stressed lately about my grades, but I can't seem to recall anything. I will need you to exlplain many things. Can you?"
"Huh? Oh yeah sure. During lunch?"
He nodded keeping his mouth in a hard line. He watched as more girls walked into the classroom taking their seats. A nudge on his arm made him look to his left, towards Sung Ah. "Hm?"
"How's your brother? Is he still depressed?"
"Oh, he's. . . fine."
"Really? Would it be okay if I get his number?"
He blinked staring at her, he saw the twinkling in her eyes. Oh no.. "Do you by any chance, like my brother?"
Her face went red, "I thought we spoke about this before."
"Uh..I meant to ask if you still like him, sorry.."
"Yeah, you know I've liked him since the first year of high school. Yah, are your grades really that bad? You've forgotten something so important," with a pout she turned away.
This could turn bad in so many ways. For a few minutes he shut his eyes and thought about his situation carefully. When he had stepped onto the school grounds Sung Ah hadn't recognized him at all. In fact she called him by hs sister's name. As long as he was careful nothing could go wrong, it could even work to his advantage. He glanced in her direction, Sung Ah was writing down something on a sticky note. He sighed, taking out a piece of paper and writing his number down and placed it on her desk. 
She looked at it then looked back at him smiling widely, "Omo, thank you so much! But do you think it'll be weird if I text him?"
He shook his head with a smile, "Its fine. I'll tell him that I gave you his number he won't be mad." 
She held the paper to her face and jumped in her seat a bit then settled down, immediately saving the number on her phone. Watching her fangirling was odd after seeing how she was in his house. He could have never figured out she liked him this much, but it wasn't unpleasant. "I wonder what I should talk to him about..."
"Just talk about anything. He's a guy, they get entertained by dumb things," he chuckled, well more like giggled. Oh how he felt so gay at the moment...
She nodded biting her lip, without another thought she texted him a greeting, he replied, hiding his phone in his bookbag. This carried on for a few minutes until the girls in the classroom started shuffling in their seats loudly. Taemin looked around curiously, watching them fix their makeup and touch up their hair. A raised eyebrow indicated his confusion. He felt the phone vibrate in his hand, when he looked down it read; 
Oh boy, you should see all these girls, they're getting ready
  to flaunt themselves at the new teacher. How sad. . . ~(='.'=)~
The door of the classroom slid open, it caught his attention so he fixed his eyes in it's direction. At that exact second a tall man walked in, dressed in a neat suit with raven hair that glistened in the light of the fluorscents lining the ceiling. Every girl in the room turned to each other giggling quietly. The man however remained oblivious to the whole thing. He picked up a chalk and started writing on the black board, Taemin assumed it was the work that needed to be done during class. When the man finished he set the chalk down and headed for his desk, all Taemin could see was the side of his face, but that was all he needed to see to have his pride take a huge blow. This was Mr. Choi? This is the man Rae Ae had been flirting with earlier this morning according to Sung Ah?
When the teacher turned towards the class he smiled, full lips spreading to reveal pearly white teeth, "Good morning girls," the man spoke with a voice that was deep but gentle.
They all stood up, Taemin stayed seated, still too shocked to move. Mr. Choi looked at him with ominous eyes and he felt himself freeze on the spot, Sung Ah poked his side, "Yah.. Get up.. This man is scary when he gets angry..." she hissed. 
With a nod he stood up rather awkwardly. Once he did they all bowed in greeting towards the teacher, whose attention was still fixed on Taemin. Regardless, he bowed in return and had them take their seats.
There was no way Taemin could deny the jealousy he was feeling. 
Rae Ae couldn't have left him just because of him, could she? That couldn't be the only reason. A relationship that lasted three years couldn't have ended just because she was attracted to this man. Thinking of this he glanced back at his ex, who gazed up at the teacher with a glint in her eyes. Her bottom lip had been caught between her teeth with a tiny smirk. A strand of her hair curled around her delicate fingers. 
What was written on her face couldn't have been more obvious; I want him. 
His heart officially hit rock bottom. 
Though he could see her desire for the man as plain as day, he still refused to believe that he was the cause of their break up. There had to be another reason.
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Chapter 2: Poor taemin. I'm not liking his ex. Watch minho like taemin instead. its a slap to her face lol.
Taemin sister friend is cute. And taemin is beautiful
taeminieumma #2
Ommo..... God i love your poster., taeminie looks so pretty