Trainee Life pt.2

Go For It

Summer 2006

Years passed and more people joined our YG family, i met so many talented people and couldnt believe how lucky i was. What has happened to us lately, well Jiyong and YongBae will be debuting in a new group and not a duo anymore, the group is so awesome, each of them have a unique talent but when they are together it's like magic. Some people don't see it yet, YG is always receiving comments about how they won't last or that his company will come down because he is debuting a group that doesn't fit the idol concepts but YG never listens to them. He believes in them and somehow everyone at YG does also. But even though they have his support they get nervous but we will be rooting for them. Did I tell you the name of the group? They will be name BIG BANG.. I guess that that's what they will cause when people see them on stage. 

Also there's two new girls which i get along with a lot they are so talented, singing, rapping and dancing. There names are Chaerin and Minji, if you could just see them when the music starts it's like they become someone else. Everything i come to this building something amazing happens it's incredible and i have this feeling that something good is coming my way.


That same day, YG called me into the office said there were serious matters that needed to be attend. My heart felt like it was about to burst i was so afraid that when everything was going so well my dream was about to crash, but that wasn't the matter. 

-Im here boss, what happened?

-Oh, hey Ae-rin please come in. I called you in today because i have been seeing your progress in writting and producing and also in your ability of dancing. I know you still don't feel comfortable for a debut and doubt you will feel it soon so i was thinking how about we try by producing first.  You know that we are about to debut our first boy group and well producing will start soon and i would like you to join us so you can see the process and start getting into it. You won't be able to work on their debut album but the learning experience will be enough. 

Hearing his words my heart became so happy and excited this was the best thing ever, i would be known for something i would create one day. 

I told Ji what YG had told me and he was so happy for me, he always said that he couldnt wait for the day we would share the stage but even when i knew it was imposible, hearing it from him felt like that day would come one day. Sometimes when I'm around him i get a strange feeling but i can't put a finger on it. I haven't seen him lately since they are preparing  for their stage but i hope we keep being close. Who knew that would only be a hope and not last very long.


April 2009

Years have passed again and now it's Chaerin & Minji's time to debut, they will debut in a girl group name 2NE1, they have 2 noonas who made this team complete when they joined and when they are together you can't even notice the age difference. I've learned in my time here being a trainee that once they debut you see them less and it's sad since i've become so close to them. But i know they are so ready rock the stage with their unique styles. 

The only thing that keeps me sad is i see them moving on gracing the stage but i'm still in the same rooms practicing day and night waiting for the answer that will decide my future. Every once in a while my dreams seem to far away that it gets to the poing where i feel like they'll never get here, but my passion for music keeps me trying. The only question is will i ever fullfill my dream?


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Im sorry im really bad at writting.. this is my first ever story and well truth is it is kind of a dream


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