The Wolf

Because of Kris, I couldn't play with anyone my age anymore. I had to be distant with people, I had to face the fact that I was no longer a part of their world anymore.

"There's a new family coming into town." Kris hugged me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder, "We should go and introduce ourselves." he rubbed his stubble chin on my face, making me cringe.

"Why should we? They're just another pair of human beings, aren't they?" for the past one hundred years of living as a beast, I had come to dislike humans as much as I disliked vegetables. "Or are they like us?"

Kris let go of me, walking to the window, "They're wolves- the parents are. They adopted a human child, a kid that's maybe...around your age." before I could gasp at him, he corrected himself, "I mean, the age you're stuck in now. He's in high school, not over a hundred years old." he laughed and patted my head, "He still doesn't know about us existing, his adoptive parents haven't told him yet."

Kris communicated with nearly every wolf in the world, he was like a father to many, and a brother to the rest. He created nearly every wolf in the world, the others were created by Kris's brother, Luhan. Their mother had sold them to the devil, wishing that she'd become beautiful and rich; in return of her irresponsible deal, she died as a servant in the palace of a king, only wearing a torn dress and a thin cloth bracelet that Kris had made her. Kris and Luhan, the new children of the devil, were cursed to live as half wolves and half humans for the rest of their lives. A few hundred years ago, Kris learned that if he fell in love with a human girl, and she fell in love with him, there was a possibility that he could turn human if the girl saved his life right before his death; unfortunately, in our case, he met me and fell in love. I was only 18 years old, and I was already dying with an illness that over took half of my village. Kris got scared and didn't want to lose me, making him choose a decision that turned me into this, an immortal wolf. I am grateful, never hateful. I was and still am as madly in love with him as I ever was, and I don't regret ever having being bitten.

"What should we do for them then?" I turned to look at him with a small smile, my arms crossed over my chest, "A welcoming party?" I walked over to him, looking out at the window that showed a beautiful afternoon.

Kris smiled wide and ruffled my hair, picking me up and throwing me on the couch, "We can decide that later~" he showered me with kisses.


We were right in front of our new neighbors house, the strong scent of pinewood and cinnamon were wafting out of the house as the air blew around us. I looked at Kris, his arms were full as he carried my special key lime pie, "Want me to carry that?" I asked him as I knocked on the neighbors door.

He shook his head, "No, just stay alert to the human boy. Don't act too out of place, talk to him about school."

There was one default out of this whole dying-in-youth. Since I'm 18, I was to attend high school for the past fifty years, but when we moved to this tiny town, I was just another high school drop out; Kris didn't like that, but he knew how much I hated and was sick of moving from school to school and learning the same darn thing over and over.

Before I could say anything, the door opened and a lady that smelled of pinewood and cinnamon came out, a giant smile on her face, "Oh lord, you've come! Come in, come in, have a seat- Kris, you remember Kwangmin right? And this is our son, Tao." the lady introduced us to her husband and son as we entered her house.

I glanced from wall to wall, inspecting the living style of these newcomers. "Of course I remember." Kris chuckled and hugged Kwangmin, "This is Tao? Nice to meet you, I'm Kris, and this is Sohyeon." he nudged me forward.

I took Tao's hand and bowed, "Nice to meet you." I looked over at the parents, and both of them seemed ecstatic of our presence, the only one that seemed bored and ready to flee was Tao. I tilted my head to the side as I looked at him closely, my razor sharp eyes running up and down his body, analyzing the high school year he could be. "Senior?" I asked.

"Huh?" he looked at me strangely.

"I meant, are you a Senior in high school?" when Kris and the parents left for the dining room to chat, I stayed with Tao in the living room. "I'm a drop out."

Tao snickered, avoiding my eyes, "So I was told." he tilted his head towards the dining room, "Is he your boyfriend or something? Or your brother?"

"Not my brother, but we're not dating. Why would you want to know, though? Do you have a girlfriend?" when he smirked and looked at me, I felt my face turn a little hot.

"Nope." Tao looked at frame on the wall, a college degree from his father. "Why did you drop out of school?" you sneaky little topic changer.

"I don't like it." I said simply, crossing my legs.

Tao nodded, his face was stern, totally judging me.

"Come to eat!" said a perky voice, "Dinner's ready."

We both got up from our seats and walked to the dining room, I took a seat beside Kris, while the two parents and Tao sat beside each other on the other side of the table. My pie was sitting beside other side dishes; the table was mostly full of meat. I was more than grateful for this meal. Nearly the entire time we ate, Tao kept glancing at me, and Kris wouldn't stop talking about business affairs from his company with Kwangmin, and the mother would speak to me about how hard it was to be a housewife.

"Thank you very much for the desert, Miss Wu Fan." said the lady as we finished dinner.

"Ah, it's my pleasure Mrs..." I had forgotten her name.

"Mrs. Yook." she smiled gently.

I nodded, opening my mouth, but Tao interrupted, "'Wu Fan'? Isn't that his name?" he pointed at Kris, "I thought he was your boyfriend, not your husband." he took a small bite of a steak, "And isn't that illegal without a parents consent to be married? Or are you two siblings?"

"Tao!" chastised Mrs. Yook. "Another families affairs is not our right to speak on behalf of. What a rude thing to say." he only just shrugged, staring at Kris and me.

Kris only chuckled and swallowed his food, "We're not married, but she took my last name and changed hers." he grabbed my left hand to prove there was no ring on my finger. "I guess you could say we've been close due to how long we've known each other." his voice seemed a little dry, he was probably controlling himself from saying something dumb.

"I'm very sorry Kris, Tao isn't used to socialization. He always seems to say the wrong things at friendly dinners." Mr. Yook, or Kwangmin, said.

Kris and I both said it was okay.

After dinner, we left their house. The walk back home was a little chilly, my body already used to the warmth that the Yook house gave me.

"I decided something." Kris said aloud, when I looked at him expectantly, he continued, "You're starting school on Monday." he took a few steps away from me. "The Yook's think that Tao needs someone around him to feel comfortable. And we thought you'd be perfect to make him more at home in this town."

I stopped walking, glaring at him, "School? What a joke! I don't want to." I shook my head, "That kid is nothing but a rude little boy. I am not going to school for him, it's not worth it." I then finally felt a little sense come back to me, "And who are you to decide things like that? Didn't I tell you I didn't like school? Are you my father? Are you letting Tao borrow me until he finds someone else to get comfortable with?" I snickered, looking away from him, "I can't believe you." I started walking away from him.

Kris ran after me when I was too far from his reach, "It's only for three months. How bad can school be in three months?" he hugged me from the waist, "I owe a lot to the Yook family, this is something I could at least do for them." he kissed my cheek, "Hm? How about it? For me?" he picked me up and started carrying me home. "I swear I'll do whatever you want."

I was still too angry to decide whether or not I should do it. "That Tao kid...what's so special about him that I have to do this?"

Kris smiled as he hinted my agreement in this, "You'll see when you hang around with him more." he rubbed his stubble chin on my cheek.

I pushed his chin away, "Gross, shave that!" I cringed as he kept rubbing his baby goatee on my cheek.

"I thought you were a drop out." Tao and I were walking on our way to school, "Lie much?"

"Kris doesn't like how I don't have my diploma, I have to get it to please him." even though I have like over fifty diplomas under fifty different names in our Memory Bedroom. "Believe me, I wouldn't be going if it weren't for him." I said angrily, still a little ticked off that he even made me do this.

"...What are your classes?" Tao said hesitantly, avoiding eye contact.

I looked at him in surprise, "Erm, I don't know, let me check." I pulled out my schedule, "I have room B-2. You?" I put the piece of paper in my jacket pocket, sizing him up again.

Tao in a black school uniform was like looking at an anime. He was especially handsome now as he had his black hair slicked back, his baggy eyes radiant with first-day-of-school excitement.

"Oh- me too." he showed me his schedule, "Room B-2."

I tilted my head to the side, questioning whether or not it was Kris who had put us in the same class. I looked over at Tao, "Hang out with me during breaks, I don't know anyone here." I don't exactly know what it was Kris wanted me to do, but if what he wanted was for me to get closer to Tao, than that's what I was going to do.

"Huh? Oh...okay." Tao stayed quiet for a while, walking with his eyes glued to the ground.

"I heard you did martial arts." I grabbed his shoulder as we entered the schools' gates, "Mind teaching me?" I stopped in my tracks as I felt eyes on the both of us, "My wolf senses are tingling." I said out of mere stupidity, a phrase I always told Kris whenever I felt danger.

"Wolf senses?" Tao shrugged me off, walking off to the building.

I glanced everywhere, trying to find where the eyes were that watched us. I was positive someone was out there looking at us. When I saw no eyes visible, I looked at Tao and waved at him helplessly, "Wait! Wait for me!"

School started and we were in class. Tao was raising his hand all the time, asking and answering questions. I had my head on my desk, sleeping because I already understood and knew everything. Plus the teachers voice was so boring and out of tune that I couldn't keep my eyes open for more than two seconds.

"-you should hang out with us." said a husky voice.

"Yah, play soccer with us." said another voice.

About another ten voices spoke up, and my ears were now perked up, listening in on them.

"You are new, huh?"

"Is she your sister? I saw you coming here with her."

"Ask her to play with us too."

I lifted my head from the table, realizing the tip of my tongue was sticking out of my mouth. I wiped off the drool from my face and stuck my tongue back in, cursing at my wolf soul. I turned my head to look at a group of boys circling around Tao.

"Had a nice nap?" Tao called out, making the boys head snap to my direction.

"A good one." I got up and walked over to them, a few of the boys looked at me with caution, others were kindly smiling. "I heard you're gonna play soccer? Can I play?" I stuck my hands in my uniform jacket, taking in the boys in front of me.

One of the boys with greyish hair stepped towards me, a toothy smile blinding my eyes, "Of course, but...you're wearing a skirt."

I looked down at my skirt and pulled it down lower, the skirt waist band was at the peak of showing my underwear, but the length was at my knees. "Good enough?" I looked at them.

Everybody got up and left to outside. I followed shortly behind, my body gracefully catching up the boys.

For an entire thirty minutes, we split up into teams; Tao and I were on different teams, which seemed to make him happy about it. I won a few games for my team, but soon I pretended as though I was out of breath, even though I could go on for more than a few hours without losing air. My lungs were capable of that.

"Your good." Kai said, pointing a finger at me, a sly smile on his face. "You should join the girls soccer team."

"Hey-" Tao threw a towel at him, "I know that she'd look hot with shorts while running, but she's already got a sugar daddy."

I blushed but laughed, "I came to school to get my diploma, not go into sports."

Xiumin had a baby laugh as he looked at me, "Anti-social much?"

"Hate it." I smiled right back, wiping my sweaty forehead with my jacket.

He's here. a telepathic message was sent into my brain, my wolf instincts made my head snap to the direction the message came from. I bawled a fist.

My ears started to tune into the sounds of nature, clear HD sound was coming from even miles away. I looked at Tao, his laughing face with the other classmates seemed so nice, but the background behind him seemed out of place. I scooted closer to him, feeling as if danger was right around the corner, and was about to attack him out of the other ten people.

Just then, I heard footsteps running towards us, towards Tao more specifically. I heard the light footsteps come closer, once I heard no footsteps, I knew that person was about to jump him, so I threw my body against Tao's as I blocked him from the danger.

"OW!" shouted a females voice. "Who is she?!"

Tao's face was mere centimeters away from mine, which made us both blush as I got off of him and sat upright. I cleared my throat and glanced at the girl, shocked that it was a human girl. I was sure it was going to be some kind of avenging wolf of the Yook family. "Sorry...I heard running and thought danger was coming." I explained.

"She is danger." Tao stood up and helped the girl stand, "What are you doing here?" he looked a little angry, walking her away from our group circle.

Chanyeol and Kyungsoo started to make jokes to erase the awkward silence. I stopped paying attention to Tao and began paying attention to the boys in front of me. In the back of my head, I was a bit curious as to the relationship of that girl and Tao.

School ended and it was around nine at night. Tao seemed to have opened up to me too fast, because as we walked home together, he was handing me snacks to eat, talking about our first day of school and how cool the ten boys were.

"You kept sleeping in class, how do you expect to graduate?" he flicked the side of my head.

I cringed and punched him on the arm, "If you keep doing that I'm only going to get stupider." I rubbed my head, chewing on a stick of beef jerky.

"What keeps you from staying up in class?" Tao said quietly. "What do you do at home that makes you tired the next day?"

I hinted that there was something naughty going on inside of his head, I only nudged him and laughed, "That's none of your business." I kicked a pebble and thought of something to answer. "It's that stupid teachers voice, it's so melodic and boring that it puts me to sleep. My brain automatically shuts down when someone's voice begins to sound like a narrator from the Geographic Channel."

"But seriously, what's your relationship with him?" Tao finally looked at me, "I mean, in public you both act like your family, but one time I thought I saw you guys act a little too intimate." he sighed, but started to smile, forgetting about it.

I decided not to answer, so I jumped onto his back and ruffled his hair. "I thought you were going to be an annoying little punk, but I guess I got used to you too fast."

"You wouldn't detach yourself from my side during the three breaks we had. Even then, you wouldn't stop asking me personal questions. You even drove Jikwon away." meaning the girl that had ran to him.

I jumped off of his back and furrowed my eyebrows, "You should be thankful, that little girl had her arm around your throat the entire time. I saved you from dying." I looked ahead of us, barely seeing his house first.

"I should walk you home." Tao said, clearing his throat. "I just want to thank you for hanging out with me...or trying to befriend me. I know that we mostly hung out with the other guys, but I feel like I got closer to you as a friend."

I nodded, "Alright, walk me home." I linked my arm with his, skipping towards my house.

As my hand touched his bare skin, I felt a little shock. I looked up at him, his human face was so radiant at that moment that I forgot I was walking home.

"Big brother!" Jikwon ran towards us, breaking off my mental thoughts. "Where are you going? Home is this way!" she jumped onto his back and giggled annoyingly, "Was school ok? Did you like it? I'm going to join you too, next week!"

Tao sighed in frustration, trying to shrug her off. He seemed a little weak as he glanced at her face, "What are you doing here? Go home." when she shook her head, she saw both our arms linked, Jikwon grabbed my arm and shook it until I let go. "Jikwon!"

"I heard she has a boyfriend! And your mine! I won't share you~" she rubbed her cheek against his back.

I smiled and looked at Tao, a little annoyed by this little girl. "It's alright, go home from here." I waved at Jikwon, who only returned a glare, "Bye." I told him, turning my back on him and skipping home.

As I stepped on my front porch, I could feel an angry aura inside. I wondered what got Kris's in a twist. I opened the door and walked in, "Kris?"

"I told you to make him comfortable, not to start liking you." he said, his lean body standing by the hallway stairs.

I raised an eyebrow, "Huh? I did make him comfortable. He even made friends- oh, and guess what? I made friends too, with humans. Ha!" I clapped my hands together, "Kris, can you believe that school wasn't all that boring today? I played soccer with the guys-"

Kris grabbed me by the shoulders, "How are you able to get so close to people so easily?" he dug his nails into my skin, and even though it should have hurt, it didn't hurt me. "How is it that people warm up to you just as quickly?"

"What are you talking about?" I then sensed something like jealousy in Kris' aura. "Hey, you're the one who sent me to school. You're the one who pushed me onto him, I just did as you told me, get comfortable with him. What's more comfortable than to get close to a person faster? It just so happens we got closer quicker than normal." I shrugged, not really thinking much about it.

Kris's face turned stern, "A few minutes ago, I felt your wolf." whenever he said that, it meant that my wolf side was calling to him while my human shell wasn't conscious of it. "You felt something on Tao didn't you?"

I thought back to it. "I did feel a shock when I touched him..." I could still feel the tingling sensation of when I touched his skin. "What about it?"

Kris stayed quiet, "Nothing. It's nothing." he shook his head. "Just...if he gets emotional towards you, remember that you have me. Got it?" he held my face close to his, "I've been there for you for the past hundred years, and I'll continue to stay that way." he kissed me lightly, trying to assure himself that I wasn't going to do anything stupid.

I squinted at him, "Hey- Kris- you don't have to act this way. I know you were there for me. Luhan may have left you for a girl, but I'm not going to. I'm staying." I slid my arms around Kris' waist, burying my face against his chest. The strong scent of apple and nature came off of him like home.

I was still sorely confused as to why Kris thought I liked Tao. I just met him, it's silly to like someone who I just met, isn't it?

Or is it not?

"I'm turning eighteen next week." Tao said during lunch. "What are you going to get me?"

It's been nearly three months since I started school again. I only had two more weeks until my deal with Kris was gone and I was able to drop out of school again.

"I don't know, socks." I told him, shoving broccoli into his mouth. "Here you go, healthy boy."

Tao spit out the broccoli, "It's not even cooked right. With no salt." he washed out the taste with a Snapple. "Who eats broccoli half raw?"

"You're so weird." I smiled, "Just eat your vegetables." I laughed.

He laughed as well, putting an arm around my shoulders. "Says the girl who barfs at the mere sight of them going into ."

I shrugged him off, offended, "I do not." I tried putting one in my mouth, but my gag reflexes kicked in.

"Weirdo." Tao grabbed me by the hand and walked me towards a tree right in front of the school, "Would you come to my house if I invited you to my birthday?" he sat down, playing with my hair when I laid my head on his lap.

I looked up at him and squeezed his nose, "What are you going to do, make me wear a party hat and give me a goodie bag?" I laughed, shrugging. "I guess I'll come over."

"What is Kris disapproves?" lately Kris has been keeping me away from Tao during the afternoons, I wasn't sure why, but it sure wasn't because of jealousy.

I closed my eyes, "I'd still go. I can't miss out on your birthday." I smiled.

Tao chuckled and played with my hand, humming a soft lullaby for me to take a nap on.

School ended, and I was back to walking home with Tao.

"Wanna go get some noodles?" Tao looked at me, rubbing his belly.

During the two months of school, some nights we'd go off our trail to get some food, hang out at the park, or just mess around, but every time I got home, I'd get scolded, and so would he from his parents.

"Nah, I don't want to get into trouble by your parents." I kicked a few pebbles on my path. "Kris would get mad too."

Tao kicked a few rocks too, stopping as we arrived at a street crossing path. "Why do you stay with him? Do you not have parents?"

Well...mine died one hundred and something years ago. "Kris is all I have." I muttered, sticking my hands in my pockets.

"Mine were killed." he glanced at the ground, "My real parents I mean. Apparently, a neighbor of ours saw a large wolf bust into our house. I was around three at that time, so I don't remember a thing." he chuckled darkly. "A wolf. Imagine that."

I bit my lip, furrowing my eyebrows, "Did you guys live near the woods?"

"Nope, that's what makes it weirder. We were so far from the nearest woods, and yet such a thing came in."

Such a thing. I felt my heart quicken.

"Anyway, it's all over." he picked me up, "If it didn't happen, I wouldn't have met you." he smiled, carrying me across the street.

I snickered, "What do you mean by that? I'm not that great of a person to say that." when he let my down, I faced him.

His smile only widened, a secret obviously beneath that surface.

"Tell me." I nudged at his arm, "What's so great about me?" I grabbed his hand, and a shock overwhelmed my body.

"Everything. Just you in general." that made my stomach fill with butterflies.

I wanted to push further, so I widened my eyes and put my index finger on my cheek, "What else?" I smiled.

Tao became serious as he saw me acting cute. I thought he didn't like it, so I bit the inside of my cheek and stared at him. He grabbed my wrist, sending major shock waves to my wolf side that I didn't know why. I could only stare at his hand on my wrist as we ran home.

When we were on my front porch steps, I was going to ruffle his hair and bid goodbye, but he caught me by surprise.

"Seohyun..." he chuckled lightly, "you really are a big person to handle." before I could punch him for saying something so offensive to my girl pride, he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a kiss.

My eyes were widened with shock, my heart stopped and was at the pit of my stomach, my intestines were tied in a knot. At first I tried to get him off, but slowly I began to close my own eyes.

No, get him off. He isn't yours. He's human- your wolf side will not allow this! Get him away!

Usually, if something was pissing me off, my wolf side would appear and I'd become aggressive. I'd literally become animal like, but even though Tao and I were standing there, melting at each others touch, the wolf inside me seemed to be relaxed.

"What the hell?!" Kris had smacked the door open, rushing to my side, pulling Tao off.

Before I could react to anything, I saw Kris throw a punch at Tao's direction. One of those non-human punches that could leave Tao in serious injuries- death maybe. "Kris no!" I pulled him away from a staggering Tao.

"You've marked her as yours, haven't you? HAVEN'T YOU?" Kris looked at Tao menacingly. "What the hell did you do to her?"

I blinked a few times, not understanding at all of what was going on.

Tao laughed, "I didn't know being half wolf would be fun." he steadied himself, his eyes flashing a red color now.

"What's going on?" I tugged at Kris, scared of Tao's non-human appearance.

"This son of a is a born half wolf." Kris shook me off, looking back at Tao. "She's mine."

Born half wolf? "Wait...he was born half wolf and half human?"

Tao looked at me with a sly smile, "That's why my parents were killed. Because they created me." he ran forward to Kris.

Kris ran forward as well, both clashing. Kris was on top of Tao, his wolf form appearing. "You knew she wasn't yours to begin with. Why did you touch her?"

"I guess your bond wasn't so strong." Tao seemed to be concentrated on something, and before I knew it, both Kris and Tao were in their wolf forms, biting at each others necks.

"Stop it!" my wolf finally felt ticked off.

I turned into my wolf form and fought with the other two, trying to get them off of each other.

"Holy damn, wolves!" shouted a pedestrian.

Tao, what the hell? Kris, get off of him! I mentally shouted at them.

You like him, don't you Seohyun? Don't even deny it, your wolf has already bonded with his. Kris bit Tao's shoulder, making him whine in pain.

You may have been with her for the past one hundred years, but you've never satisfied her longing. All she needed was for someone to talk to her every day, play around with her, make her feel loved. All you ever did was satisfy your manly needs.  Tao retaliated and bit Kris's leg.

It was kind of true. When I was still human, Kris did all those things for me; that's why I fell in love with him. But when I turned into a wolf, he began to slowly become distant with me. He stopped talking to me like we used to, he was always on world travels to meet other wolf families, he made me lonely many times, but yet he never once cheated or left me. He was always there when I most needed him, even if we didn't talk. That's why I liked him more, because I could be comfortable in complete silence with him. He was still the Kris she relied on even now.

I think both Tao and Kris felt what I was thinking, because they slowly stopped fighting. Tao's eyes flashed from red to golden brown, Kris's eyes did the same. I felt myself relax, I'm sorry Tao, but...I still love Kris. I told them.

This outraged Tao though, he ran forward to Kris and I came in between them, making Tao bite me on the neck and Kris scratch me on my face thinking he was going to attack Tao. It didn't really hurt as I thought it would, but blood was seeking through my open wounds.

Before we could transform back to our original form, I heard a shotgun be loaded and aimed. As all three of our heads snapped at the sound of it, I saw a thick gun being pointed at me, the easiest target to shoot since I was the thinnest and smallest.

Dodge it! Kris and Tao shouted in my head.

I couldn't react, I was stunned that for the first time in my life, a gun was being pointed at me. For that moment entirely, I forgot I was still a wolf, I thought I was a human, cowardly shaking at the hands of a man with a gun. My mind couldn't process anything even though Kris and Tao were shouting.

You idiot! Kris was about to run and headbutt me out of the way, but it was too late.

BANG! a shot hit me right in the shoulders. I yelped, my right arm collapsing below me. Kris shouted for Tao to leave, but he wouldn't budge; the both of them were by my side, unable to form back to human to help me because a man with a gun would have witnessed it.

I heard another reload, and this time Tao took the responsibility to run towards the human, Kris placed his mouth on my neck to drag me to the backyard, but another gunshot hit me on the chest this time. I was already losing my wolf form, so Kris's teeth hurt me as my fur became flesh. Kris tried to cover me from the man, and Tao was already chasing him away.

My entire body hurt as I finally became human again, I spit out blood, laughing, "I thought werewolves were strong."

Kris turned back as well, tears in his eyes, "Stupid, you weren't born wolf, you could have been killed instantly if he shot you in the heart." he placed my head on his arm, his other arm wrapped around my bloody body. "I told you to move."

"I couldn't. I had this moment where- I thought I was human again." I looked at Kris excitedly and tired, "I felt like I was still human."

"Is that such a thing to be happy about?" he squeezed me against him, "Just shut up and heal." he bit his palm, cutting flesh to leak out his blood, he placed it on my mouth, but I was gagging.

The night he transformed me, his blood tasted like apples and honey, but now it started to taste like iron. I spit out his blood in disgust, gasping for air, "I am not drinking that!" I shouted.

Kris furrowed his eyebrows, "Are you really stupid?!" he yelled back, "Drink it!" he placed his palm back into my mouth.

"When you've saved a life once, you can't save it twice." whispered Tao, his form was a human, but he still had his furry tail sticking out of his .

In despite of everything, I laughed, choking on the blood that was rising from my chest to my throat.

Kris looked at Tao, surprised, "What did you say?" he had tears spilling from his eyes now, his eyeballs glistening with shine from the tears.

"My mother said that to me not long ago. She said that a monk had told her that when she was sinking for help."

Kris had saved my life once already, and now that I was bleeding through the wounds of a shotgun and the wounds both Tao and Kris had given me, this was my end of the fairytale.

"No...no I'm an Original. I populated this race by giving everyone life of a wolf, I started her life, I won't let it be taken away." Kris touched the scratch his wolf paws had given me, and more tears spilled. When he looked at the bite Tao had done to me, his face got angrier. "If you hadn't tried to attack me, she wouldn't have meddled and gotten like this."

Tao bulked up his chest and glared, "I'm not the one who injured her as badly." he kneeled down beside me, touching my bloody wounds.

I felt my head go dizzy, a pulse beating in my head as if a club was partying inside. I tried to keep my eyes open, but Tao and Kris' fighting tired me. I reached out and grabbed Kris's shirt, pulling him down to me, "Kris. It was just a kiss. I may have...developed something for him, but you're still my Seohyun." even though blood spilled at the corner of my lips, I pulled him in for a kiss, making Tao look away with his own tears in his eyes.

"Your dying and your going to do that to me right before you die?" Tao punched the ground, getting up and kicking a rock. Tao glanced at me sadly for the last time, walking away from us.

Kris picked me up and carried me into the house, the man who had the shotgun was running right back to us.

"There were wolves right in front of your house! Big ones!" the man shouted.

Kris ignored him and closed the door behind him as he laid me down on the couch. "You're not going to die. You are going to stay here."

I rested my head on a pillow, my eyes drowsily trying to close. "Kris-"

"No, not going to happen." Kris grabbed a first aid kit, pulling out tweezers, ripping my shirt off to pull out the huge bullets within my system. "Don't say my name until you're all better."

I stayed quiet, cringing and shouting in pain as he pulled out both bullets. I felt even more dizzy and tired, maybe because so much blood was coming out of me...so...much...of it.

When he was finished putting gauze all over me, he prayed for mercy on his beloved one. He made little promises of how, if I lived, he'd bring me to the trips he'd take around the world, he'd converse with me until I'd be the one to be tired, and how he'd make me feel loved, that he'd give me his beating heart if I asked for it.

Soon he had fallen asleep, and my will to stay awake was at the tip now. I closed my own eyes, I knew I was not well, so I didn't dare go against Kris's words, so I said his name in my head.

Kris...I still love you so much. Please don't think I changed from yours to Tao's. I made a mistake, my wolf made a mistake. You're the only one I'd stay with after all this nonsense, maybe I had a moment of change of heart, or maybe I'm just stupid. But I love you Kris. I love you.

As I slowly and painfully raised my hand to pat Kris's head, I fell limp. My soul being out of the body I've been in for so long. I saw Kris sleeping beside me, before I left the world, I kneeled beside him, hugging him tightly. "Kris...hwaiting!" I said happily, letting him go.

His face was relaxed, but a tear had fallen from his eye. "Seohyun..." he mumbled my name for the last time.


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