
Trying to Study




I ran my fingers through my hair for the 100th time as I looked over my study sheets again. It seemed never ending, finals were coming up and I had to get at least a 90% to keep my GPA where it had always been. So for the past 2 weeks I had spent most of my time at home with my books and papers, not really paying much attention to my boyfriend but I knew he understood that I had to study to so well.

I closed my eyes and let my forehead hit the table and a groan fall from my lips, my head throbbed as it had for the past hour from looking at the same things over and over again.

“Baaaby.” Dongwoo walked down the hall as he called for me.

I groaned in response, too exhausted to form words.

“What ‘cha doin?” I felt him sit on the sofa behind me, his hands gently resting on my shoulders.

I groaned again and motioned to the papers that littered the table and floor.

“Can’t speak?” He laughed as he slowly started rubbing my shoulders.

I lifted myself to lean more into his touch and gather the next set of papers I had to go over. I spread them in front of me and started re-reading and highlighting important parts.

“Baaaby, do you have to study even more?” He had started to whine a little. I nodded.

“Yes, I do Dongwoo.” I reached for the highlighter beside me on the floor, only to find it in his hands instead of beside my .

“I neeeed that.” I whined, looking back at his always smiling face to see him with the highlighter balanced on top of his head. He gave me a huge grin and wiggled his head, making the highlighter dance on his brown hair.

I sighed and looked around the table, finding another one I started highlighting important things on the papers. Warm hands were placed on my back sliding back and forth, up and down till they reached my shoulders. They rested there for a moment before I felt Dongwoo slide off the sofa and onto the carpeted floor behind my, his legs on either side of me and his chest pressed to my back. He nuzzled into the crook of my neck and shoulder.

“Can’t you take a little break?” His breath breezed past my neck, sending small shivers down my spine. I shook my head and tried to focus on the papers on the table instead of the small kisses he was planting along my shoulder.

“Pleeease. Just for tonight” He wined, pressing his chest to my back more firmly. I could feel the muscles in his chest and abs when he took in a breath and let out a sigh. He ran his fingers through my hair, brushing it to one side, before his lips made contact with my skin once more. Small soft kisses were left trailing from my shoulder to just behind my ear.

“Dongwoo, I can’t study with you like that.” I tried not to moan as he the small patch of flesh behind my ear.

“So don’t study, come play with me for a little.” His voice was raspy and low. His fingers now playing with the hem of my shirt as he pulled me into him.

I sighed and relaxed into him, hoping that would suffice while I tried to get back to my papers.

He groaned into my neck, his hands now traveling across the skin under my shirt. He nuzzled my neck, nipping and before pressing his full lips to it again. His legs had risen slightly to encase me between them.

“Dongwoo…” I muttered, but before I could say anything more he pulled himself and me with him backwards, away from the table. His back now resting against the sofa with me leaning onto him, his fingers danced across the flesh just under my s.

His hips rose slightly, pushing his now half hard member into the top of my . I let out a small moan when I felt him grind against me.

“Pleease just come play with me for a little…See what you’ve done to me already?” He whines into my ear as my nipped at my earlobe.

“Pleease baby” He was lifting my shirt as he continued to whine. I sighed, letting my head fall back against his shoulder. I looked back at my papers once more before I took his hands from under my shirt and stood, pulling him with me. I pulled him down the hall and pushed him into the bedroom.

“Ok, but I have to study after.” I had just enough time to close the door behind me before he had attacked me.





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