Something Unexpected

An Unlikely Arrangement

Changsub’s POV

I raked my brain. I was sure I had heard that name before… but when? I looked back to him, his eyes weren’t focused on anything, as if remembering something from long ago. They were darker than usual, I had seen that look before when he told me the story about his past love. It then clicked to me. I looked to the girl to find her staring at me. “You’re…Sujin?” I asked, though I already knew the answer.

“Oh! So you’ve heard of me?” She smiled sweetly but I noticed the slight hint of arrogance hidden behind her tone. Eunkwang replied before I could, voicing the question I was about to ask.

“What are you doing here?” Her eyes shifted back to him and softened.

“We need to talk.” He looked from me to her and I could feel myself getting angry. Then I remembered he promised he wouldn’t hurt me, I should be able to trust him.

“About…?” He sounded anything but interested.

“Us.” Her voice was soft and I noticed the slightest twitch from him.

“There is nothing between us to talk about.” He finally said and I successfully hid my smile.

“Just… just hear me out. I only need five minutes.” I expected him to say ‘no’ but instead he waved her in and led her to the living room without so much as a glance at me.

Eunkwang’s POV

I had waited for her for years and now she finally comes back? Now? When I had only just moved on? I had Changsub now and I had to clear away my feelings for her.

She sat on the couch opposite me and was unusually quiet as she watched me. “You have five minutes.”

“Listen, Oppa-”

“Please speak to me formally.” She looked taken aback, but cleared and continued.

“…Eunkwang… when I left you… I’m sorry.” I watched her eyes fill with tears, tears I had very rarely seen.

“Is that all you needed to say?”

“No! Please let me explain.”

“Sujin!” I guess something just snapped in me, “When you left you made it extremely clear how you felt. I know why you left, I was upset, but I have someone now.”

“Y-you have someone?”


“Do I know her?”

“Him.” I said simply. Her eyes widened.


“I sai-”

She leaped off the couch and ran to me. “Give me another chance! Please? Just one more chance.”

“You want another chance?” she nodded.

“But in the letter you said-”

“I had to say that! I needed you to move on from me. I didn’t want you to be upset because of me.  I wanted you to move on… but now I want you back. Please accept me.” … but what about Changsub?

‘He deserves better than you.’ The mysterious voice in my head said. The voice had never been wrong. I looked at Sujin again and I made the decision.


Changsub’s POV

‘No, Changsub, don’t be worried. Remember his promise.’ I kept repeating those words to myself, but I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that he’d choose her over me. She was in fact very pretty and the main reason, well, she was a girl. They used to be together, he loved her, she left, and now she has come back to him.  

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts and knowing it was Eunkwang I reluctantly opened it. He gave me a small smile and a sharp pain stabbed my chest. “So… that was Sujin?” I didn’t bother hiding the distaste in my tone. He nodded and walked into the room, looking around at what seemed to be everything but me. “Well?” I pressed the subject, “What happened?!”

“She said that she had to write the things she wrote me in the letter I told you about so that I wouldn’t be hurt. She said she wanted me to move one, but now…” He turned to me, “She wants me back.” I couldn’t  really explain the feeling but it felt sickening.

“But you promised.” It came out just above a whisper. I didn’t know why I was suddenly so quiet. It was supposed to come out as a shout but my confidence had disappeared. I felt small.

“I did.” He replied easily.

“SO HOW CAN YOU JUST GO BACK TO HER?” This time I did shout, the walls felt like they were closing in on us.

He let out a small chuckle and I felt the heat rising to my cheeks out of both anger and embarrassment. “You must be really stupid, Changsub.” My eyes widened and I didn’t try to hide my shock.

“W-what?” He sat down on the black, leather couch. I continued to stand there watching him, confused, shocked, and angry.

“Why would I go back to her?”

“Please. Why wouldn’t you?” He seemed to lose the humor that was there not even a minute ago.

“Because I promised you I wouldn’t hurt you.”

‘I told you so.’ A voice said it the back of my mind. I ignored it. He did promise, but I didn’t want him to stay with me because of a promise. I wanted him to stay with me because he truly liked me. I didn’t want his heart to belong to someone else if he was going to be with me. That wasn’t fair for either or us.

“Then go back to her.” It hurt but I wouldn’t take these words back.

“What? Why would you say that?”

“I don’t want to force you to be with me because of a promise. I don’t want you to be with me if your heart is with her. That wouldn’t be fair for either of us.”

“It’s not just because of the promise.” I shook my head. I wasn’t going to believe that. People’s feelings don’t change that quickly. “I’m being honest with you.” He stood up and came to me. His hand rested on my shoulder and he waited until I looked at him before he continued. “I’ll admit I was surprised when I saw her. What was more surprising though was that I didn’t feel anything. I spent so many nights imaging and thinking of scenarios of what I would do if she came back to me.” A small laugh escaped him. “Every time I went back to her. I guess I didn’t count on someone, that’s you Changsub, coming into the picture and pulling me away from those burdening feelings I felt would be with me for the rest of my life.” He removed his hand from my shoulder and looked down. I noticed his cheeks turn a light shade of red and then instantly made my heart feel lighter. “I can’t even imagine losing you, Changsub.”

The next thing I knew my arms were wrapped around him. I felt embarrassed but I didn’t pull away. He would never know how much this meant to me. I no longer felt afraid of losing him to anybody because if he chose me over Sujin there couldn’t be anyone else. His arms wrapped themselves around me and he placed a small kiss on my forehead. I wasn’t used to all this lovey dovey stuff, but I wasn’t complaining.


Peniel’s POV

“Its been four days!” I groaned and fell back on my couch. Four days and still no word from Changsub. To be perfectly honest, I don’t know why I’m still chasing that kid around. Maybe for the challenge? That could be true. I had never met anyone who could resist me. Man, woman, and man again, nothing has ever been able to escape the charms of Peniel Shin. I was a legend. People chased me, I didn’t chase them, and now here I am wrapped around the finger of some snot-nosed, good-looking, innocent, cute, fabulous, wonderful, charming, con-. Woah! What?! No. NO. NO. NO. What just happened? What was that tightening in my gut? And why do I have a smile of my face? This is weird.

“I could just call him…” I thought out loud into the empty room. “But that would make me seem desperate.” An idea popped into my head and I didn’t have to think twice. I grabbed my jacket and ran out of the house.


-45 Minutes Later-

I knocked and knocked and knocked again but still no answer. “IS” ‘KNOCK’ “ANY” ‘KNOCK’ “ING” ‘KNOCK’ “BODY” ‘KNOCK’ “HOME?!?!?!” ‘KNOCK1 KNOCK! KNOCK!’ I waited another minute but still nobody answered. “What a waste of time.” I muttered before turning away. I got down the first few steps before I heard the door creak open and Mr. Chan, the head butler, popped his head through the crack.

“Excuse me, Young Sir,” he said, “But next time I ask you to please not knock so loudly.”

“I knocked like a human for the first five minutes but a man has his limits.”

“You should have rang the doorbell. Might I say how foolish of you.”

“D-doorbell? There’s um… a doorbell?” He rolled his eyes at me and pointed to a white button near the door. I coughed to hide my embarrassment.

“Is Eunkwang here?” I asked while coming in. He closed the door behind us and I found him to be wearing red and white stripped pajamas. I held in my laugh at his bunny slippers.

“Young Master Eunkwang is in the home theater watching a film with Mister Changsub.” Eunkwang spending time with Changsub? Since when did the two of them become able to handle each other. “Well if there isn’t anything else, I’ll just be on my way. I was in the middle of a drama… before I was so rudely interrupted.” He frowned at me and began walking away.

“Wait! Mr. Chan! Aren’t you supposed to me to the theater?”


“Then why-”

“My drama is waiting. Goodbye.”

I watched as he left. I couldn’t shake the suspicion that he didn’t like me but that was something to investigate at a later time. Right now I just needed to find one thing. Changsub.


I heard laughter and entered the dim theater. They were sitting next to each other in the middle seats. I looked at the screen to find the ending credits playing and when the lights turned back on, I could clearly see them holding hands. Hell no. I called dibbs. You can’t break dibbs.

“Ah… taking the next step in your relationship, huh?” I decided to leave my annoyance out of my voice and put a small smile on my face.

“OH MY GOD!” Changsub screamed, not expecting another person in the room. Gosh he was so cute. No, Peniel, no. Stay focused.

“Hey, Peniel. What’s up?” Eunkwang asked. I glanced at him but set my eyes on Changsub, waiting till he stopped avoiding my eye contact before answering.

“I just came by to see why Changsub decided not to go on that date with me, but… I think that’s kinda obvious now.” I made sure to glance at their intertwined hands.

“Peniel hyung I-”

“Well he kind of is my fiancé, Peniel. You shouldn’t be asking him on dates.” I noticed Eunkwang grip Changsub’s hand tighter and I didn’t try to hide my smirk this time.

“You didn’t even like him if I remember correctly. Besides, I liked him first, I called dibbs.”

“Dibbs?” Changsub questioned?

“Didn’t you also say that you didn’t care what I did with him?” Changsub looked at Eunkwang now and frowned while Eunkwang kept a straight face.

“That was before all of this happened. Before I figured things out. All I needed was a little bit of time.”

“So you cancelled our date because Eunkwang suddenly got lovey dovey?” My question this time was directed at Changsub.

“I- Uh.. I-. I’m sorry, Peniel hyung, but I shouldn’t have accepted your date request. I did it for the wrong reasons and I’m very sorry. It’s Eunkwang that I like.” His words hurt me more than they should have, but I didn’t let it show. I snorted a laugh but dropped my smile.

“Yeah, Changsub, it’s okay. When he ends up hurting you, you have my number.” I turned to walk out when Eunkwang spoke.

“I won’t hurt him.” I continued to walk out as I tossed my last words to him over my shoulder.

“Yes you will.”


It's been a while since i updated, right? Sorry guys TT^TT I have been extremely busy lately. 

Well... since theres a new chapter.... DID YOU GUYS LIKE IT?

I did proofread and i'm 98.5% sure that everything is correct O-O

I say this everytime but i'll try to update more iften and hopefully my updates are good becuse i dont want you to become bored with this story TT^TT Thank you all for staying subscribed and I love you all okay T~T

i hope you liked this...

P.S What did you think of Peniel's new feelings O~O


To all my readers, subscribers, and commenters... SARANGHAEYO!!! ♥♥♥♥X10000000000

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Okay update today as soon as I get home from school


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taratata #1
Chapter 18: Just come to this story as i just know btob a year ago, and i love this fic. Thankyou so much for this fic, and i hope you can continue it
Chapter 17: Such a nice story ♡
I hope you can continue this ff :')
Chapter 17: asdfghjkl Eunkwang asking for a kiss, fluffy cuteness! >_< and Chang's coffee addiction! And Hyunsik helping with Eunkwang and Changsub's relationship. Ahhh! I really like this chapter. I think I read some chapters and forgother to return to comment. Mianhae. :( I really like that Hyunsik is getting focus time. Hm…will you continue this story to the point of their marriage (if it happens)? I really hope so. Kwangsub fluff is always good.
marchtwentysecond #4
Chapter 17: omg!!! update!! finally!!^^ thank you thank you thank you!!!

yes! the boys are coming back! let's help them achieve their first win!
daesungx #5
Chapter 16: Update please ! Love this story <333
Chapter 16: hi! i love ur stories! update fast! btw,its a nice chapter ^^
marchtwentysecond #7
Chapter 16: nnnoooo! peniel! please don't go between them! noooo! >_<

anyway, thanks for updating!!! nice chapter^^
Chapter 2: Hey! I just found your story and I love it so far! Its very funny and I love the way you write. I'll catch up and subscribe!

*bookmarking chapter to take a shower*
almostlatee #9
Nice one! :)
marchtwentysecond #10
Chapter 15: O.M.G!!!! they're together now!!!! /jumping with joy/
but.... can i ignore the fact that sujin is back??? >_<
nice chapter author-nim!!^^