Chapter 9

When you're 15

Saturday. 1 day to prom

Apparently today was relaxing day so Hyuna went out with her girlfriends to buy more stuff to complete her 'perfectest' look. Sehun showed me her text and she said she was gonna do her hair, do her nails and buy new earrings and shoes and that he better pay attention to all of the little details.

Speaking of which, the reason why they were so quiet last night was because when two guys are together, it gets awkward. Kris complained this to me over dinner when Sehun went to chill with Lay. if two girls are together, they'll complain about every single living organism on the world but if two guys get together, its awkward and no conversation will be held. No wonder boys go out in groups.

It actually fasinated me how he complained that he doesn't have anyonre ot go out and have lunch with him. Mainly because the gang that used to eat with him found another eating heaven, so he's been there along with them everyday. He said he didn't want to eat anymore chinese food for lunch because rice is only for dinner. I totally agree on that.

So I told him to find another gang of friends, who is willing to keep him company and eat other stuff besides that chinese food heaven place. If they were his friends, they would keep him company right? Then he went back to the rule that two guys alone eating is too gay, as if Chanyeol wasn't already gay enough. I always see Chanyeol and Baekhyun when I eat with Minah. They always greet me and they eat pretty well togehter. I told him he could join them but he didn't want to look gay. It's okay Kris, take your time to come out of the closet.

And so, relaxing day wasn't that relaxing after all. Kris threw me to Sehun's house so that he could play the video games at his place and hopefully beat Hyoyeon's high score. I splayed all over the couch because I really didn't get any sleep last night, and Kris was too busy gaming with Hyoyeon. They were all violent and told their characters to kick off each other's heads. They nearly yanked the console off the PS2.

Then Sehun came in and told me to go to his room if I want to sleep. Hyoyeon gave me a smirk while I just brushed it off. Hyoyeon always has weird thoughts, because she's an adult. You know......adults are weird.

The moment my head hit his bed I fell asleep. No kidding, after sleeping on the floor just on a matress everyday, even the stupidest bed feels luxurious. His bed was really comfy and I just slept face down with my leg dangling off the bed. I felt him push my leg up and he sat beside me, fingers running down my arm.

Okay that sounded totally creepy. He meant it in a friendly way.

So while I was half dead and half cursing him (he's still the reason why I didn't sleep last night. Along with Kris), he flipped me over and just starred at me. You know when someone stares at you no matter from where, you feel it right? So he was looking, and looking, and looking. Maybe he was looking at something else, but I was positive it was at my direction. Then he laid down beside me and starred at his ceiling, hands behind his head because I took his pillow and his elbow nearly knocked my face. Missed me by a few inches but he did hit my ear.

Then while I was having this fabulous dream of the bunnies performing at the prom and me being the only fangirl around, they sang to me and they all gave me a kiss each on the lips. And also I took all of their numbers and we texted everyday. But that wonderful dream was shattered with Kris jumping on my back, asking me to wake up because he wanted to go home and surf the net for "cool but easy hairstyles". I dragged myself up and starred at him, and he backed away against the wall.

I'm not a morning person, nor am I a waking up person. If you call me up rather than letting me wake up myself, I'll have this murderer look on my face with droopy eyes and a scowl. Usually my hair will be smooth without any sticking out, but it'll be overly wavy and cover half my face while the others at the back just curl around randomly. Mom said I look like I just revived from the dead.

Sehun told him to go out and he'll search along with him, and thank god he did. Because then I got the whole bed to myself. A nap then lasted until 7oclock at night, and Mom called to yell at us. Kris used his magic powers again to convince her to let us stay over at their place. Then I zombie walked to Hyoyeon's room and fell asleep on the matress on the floor.

Sleep...........I need sleep..................

Sunday. Prom day. Whoohoo.

I think the gods of sleep must have something against me. I will never get another time of peaceful sleep where I can just sloth around on the bed and not worry about any .

Early in the morning before i could even brush my hair Hyoyeon dragged me out just to help her sort of dye her hair with streaks and a different colour at the ends. She then told me to help Sehun out while I just grabbed my hair and piled them up into a high bun. Sehun hasn't decided with his hairstyle, so I had to help Hyoyeon paint her nails while Sehun painted her toenails a dark red colour.

We then left her alone to leave her hair dye and nail polish alone. I helped Sehun surf the web to find some somewhat acceptable hairstyles that were easy to do but it'll look cool. We settled with pushing his bangs upwards and leaving the sides. While I was fondling with the flat iron Kris came so I opened the door for him and he shoved a tons of bags in my face. I noticed my accessory box in one of his hands and he just shrugged and moved to the computer for his hair.

Hyoyeon finished with her hair shortly (because she wasn't the really patient kind) and washed off her dye. It looked really cool. Then Sehun somehow fell asleep in his chair so we both splattered the remaining hair dye on his hair. Hyoyeon and Sehun had matching hair colours that day but you couldn't tell because the flashy lights were doing their job of being flashy.

When he woke up we shoved him into the shower with the help of Kris (we threatened to cut his hair into a military style) and Sehun couldn't do anything while I rolled on the floor laughing. He washed off what he could and we just compromised to cover the undyed parts with hair spray.

When they were finished and walked out in suits they looked really good, handsome even. Kris had his hair fall right above his eyebrows while the back was somewhat tousled but neat; Sehun has his parrot hair with the middle bangs pulled up in a curve; Hyoyeon and her parrot coloured hair and her green dress and she looked fabulous. I procceeded to shoo them out but Hyoyeon pulled me into her room and threw me a bag.

"Change." she demanded. "or you'll loose a month's supply of chips." I changed quickly and walked out in a pale blue dress that was tight in areas that were supposed to be tight and loose in areas that were supposed to be loose. I looked quite okay, except for that uneven hem but I ignored that. Hyoyeon then told me that I was going as well while I gave her a "what?" look. She shrugged (i see where Kris got that habit from) and we all went to the place.

it was a hall full of well dressed teenagers dancing around in a dimly but oddly lit room. I strolled over and grabbed a bottle of coke and sat at a table in the corner, watching everyone. I told them I was there, and they could join me if they were tired of doing whatever they were supposed to do and they walked off to attend to their dates and friends.

Sehun caught sight of Hyuna in a black dress which was similar to what all her friends were wearing. She whirled around and smiled at him but the smile turned into a frown and pout when she saw his hair. I could somewhat make up a scenario of him sighing at her complaints of his "unacceptable hair colour. this is fashion disaster, youre a fashion terrorist!"

I turned to where Kris was enjoying his time with Krsytal at their senior table. She was sitting on the high stool, legs crossed and her kill heels were those really y looking kind. Kris was somewhat leaning on her while standing behind her, a hand on her chair. They were talking about something I guess but Krystal looked totally unasmued while Victoria was laughing.

After I finished a bottle of coke, I grabbed a bottle of shandy and went back to my table of loneliness and observing, pouring a cup for myself. Sehun appeared later on, demanding me to give him a mouthful. I didn't want to because I was the one who took the bottle and we had no other cups around, so he just grabbed the bottle and drank directly like a wacko.

"Trying to act like some heartbroken movie star are you." I asked

"I should just hang with you for the night."

"Cool. Grab a cup and a bottle of coke."

Hyoyeon came by soon, saying that she noticed Hyuna dancing with some other guy except for her brother and Sehun just sighed and rolled his eyes. Hyoyeon rolled her eyes as well and joined us. She said Sehun had no balls at all and he could have pulled her back if she went too far.

"But she laughed at my hair. And her clothes, god be damned Hyo her clothes!"

"Let's just judge everyone silently." Hyoyeon said and we all agreed.

After Kris coming over because Krystal had to leave early, we all sat at our corner table, drinking bottles and bottles of coke and shandy while Hyoyeon chugged down what seemed like vodka and just judged everyone with their dates, their clothes, their hair and even the hall was judged.

We then went back when Sehun deemed the place too stuffy and Hyoyeon was getting out of control. So Sehun hauled Hyoyeon in the car while Kris and I returned home, saving all the details and just telling mom vaguely what happened because honestly, nothing big did happen.

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kkaali #1
Chapter 8: This story is great
amazing writing :)

Can't wait for the next update