Chapter 7

When you're 15

Wednesday. 4 days to prom


They were all cheering today, as if it is really the last day. Tomorrow we have art, which is totally irrelavant if you ask me because it's not included in the subjects they count for your ranking in school. I already found out I got a B, so screw the straight As.

Bunbun and I had this arguement about dresses because she was talking about prom. So I told her I will never wear a dress, not to any prom even if the bunnies beg me to (wait a second I'm reconsidering that....). She said we were supposed to wear dresses because dresses were created for girls. In which I fought back with the history of China. Girls used to wear pants while guys wore something like a wrap-around dress outside their pants. She said no because dresses were created in the West. I then said it didn't feel safe wearing a dress but she said I could have worn a pair of pants inside. So tell me what was the point of wearing a pair of pants and wearing a skirt/dress outside when you can just wear the pants?

We then directed the question to Suzy, which she replied it does feel safe. Bad decision indeed. Suzy is the prettiest girl in our form, and magically her seat is always near mine. Im serious, it was the same last year too. Being the prettiest and most popular girl, of course she has a reputation to keep. Henry (he was from the same primary school as her and used to have a crush on her) and I had this mutual agreement that she was a fox in disguise to attack the boys. Lame agreement, but our opinions are totally relavant. Especially his. And according to Minah, she loves dresses, has foundation and concealer and loves Zara. As if her skin isn't already perfect and fair.

Minah and I talked today as well. Well, we talk everyday but whatever. It was nothing relavant, except that I'm sure she still likes Tao in a way. A little kid fell down today, and his knee had a blue-black bruise. Tao actually told him to man up and I said "A kid telling a kid to man up. Wow."

The kid laughed when I kicked Tao in the (he was squating) but then he swore when his friend pushed him again. I told him not to swear because it's bad and it could affect you in the society and Minah went "He's just 11 gosh."

Tao and Minah share the same transport home by the way. We planned this conspiracy against him code named 'Plan C' but she didn't carry it out. Because Tao was chicken and he didn't want to hear anything related to it. And he has the nerve to tell the kid to man up. Pshh.

Anway Tao and Minho were talking then. I noticed that the guys must have something going on that girls will never know. Seriously. Tao and Minho, Minseok and Lay and the guys, even Kris has this thing with Chanyeol that I don't know. There was this time whereby Chanyeol came to our place to hang out and stuff, and I sat through the whole conversation but I didn't understand a thing at all. Sehun told me with a grin that its something girls will never know. Not even their girlfriends. Which was true I guess because Victoria unnie looked clueless when I asked her about it.

Sehun is going to shop with Hyuna for her prom dress today. He said she went with her girlfriends yesterday and couldn't make up their minds "Because they were all pretty." I told him to better make it nice and quick because he'll get fed up with the shopping scenario. He said I was just being me and he will not get bored.

"Oh believe me Sehun. You'll die from the walking."

"I will not. I will walk with her to every store to choose what she likes."

"That's sweet and all, but your legs will fall off at the end of the day."

"Kris hyung can do it. Why can't I?

"Because he's a dragon, he can fly and because he's a gay shopaholic."

"Why do you call him a dragon and address yourself as a reptile anyway?"

"It was a trend previously. Liz are the three starting letters for lizard. And lizards are reptiles therefore I'm a reptile."

"And he's a dragon because?"

"He's a grand reptile."


"Anyway according to studies and girl logic, I'm quoting this. If you want to test out your boyfriend's patience you can ask him to go shopping with you everyday."


"Buy some leg painkillers bro."

Kris seems to be in a good mood today. I'm sure there's something up his sleeve. Probably going to ask me for something later on.

Thursday. 3 days to prom. 

So Kris' good mood was because he hung out with his friends today. I asked him to specify his defination of 'friends' to me but he just brushed it off. "You wouldn't know even if I told you." I then reminded him that I have a bunch of creepo stalkers as friends, and he just went off flapping his hand at me as if he's a king.

Anyway I found out myself when he was walking out of school with Krystal. They didn't see me because I have the skills required for a ninja and also they were too busy with their conversation. I didn't ask what conversation of course, it probably involved some ugly supposedly vintage dresses.

Which sort of explains Kris' bad taste in clothes. The girl friends he has.

And I was so bored today because I could only go back at 1:30. The oppa was too busy to fetch me home apparently he had some meeting (I will hunt you down later). I saw Tao and Minho walking around, supposedly looking for something but I didn't walk up to them and ask. Mainly because Tao is much more closer to Minah than me, and conversation with Minho is just plain awkward. Have I mentioned this before?

So me being me, I just lay down in the hall, which was totally empty because why would you stay in a school after school hours? That's for nerds, and even the nerds went home because trials are over and they have other things to stress over like the real exams. I was drowning in feels and decided to walk around the poles as if I were filming some video or stuff.

We always had this mindset of wanting to film a video of us doing random stuff in class, or maybe in the school compound, or someone's house. We planned that we wanted to do something like a romantic comedy drama, a dance cover of SHINee's Dream Girl that involved us sweeping the floor and just suddenly bursting into the cool dance moves with the brooms replacing the microphone stands, and some quotes and lines that we always say in school. Oh, we also had this list of secret terms we use infront of the teacher and she's totally clueless although she hears what we say.

But all of those are and will remain as plans, because people aren't cooperative. Sheesh, so much for being in the same class guys. Oh, Xiumin had this plan for us all to go to his hometown as well, for a week's holiday or stuff. I constantly reminded him to move on with his plans. You know, check the transport, our living place, how much money will be needed and stuff like that. But no, he asked me why should we plan it so early for since there's about 3 more months to ponder and fuss about it.

You will realize this one day Xiuminnie, you will regret this.

Have I mentioned that Xiumin is one of the people that likes Suzy? Xiumin and Henry had this man talk that one day because teacher wasn't in. Bunbun and I were around as well. Henry told Xiumin to just grow some balls and confess to here. Kind of a #yolo thing. But he said no because he was afraid of rejection. I told him I actually support him more than Minhyuk, who is sort of her top favourite now. He said he'll let her choose, in which I reasoned as stupid because anyway she knows that both Xiumin and Minhyuk likes her, so there isn't a difference if you confess or not.

In the end of the day, Xiumin still didn't confess. And I thought that he thinks if he never confesses, she cannot reject him. Minhyuk is planning to confess on our senior year as well. As if he'll last that long. He crushed on her since two years ago, if it goes according to his plannings his crush will be 5 years. There are plently of other people that passed him and he'll never notice because he only sees her. If he doesn't get her in the end, imagine the dispair.

Wow, being all poetic all of a sudden.

Anyway I stopped walking around and realized I looked totally like an idiot. I walked back to the mini stage thing and lay down there, starring at the fan that was threatening to fall on us and cut off our necks. Sehun came and lay down next to me, much to my surprise because he did say he wanted to go shopping with Hyuna today.

"What brings you here today, prom boy? Hyuna left you an aeroplane?"

"No." he sighed and rolled over to his side to look at me. "Which part of 'I hate pink studded ' do you girls not understand?"

"I take it as she bought something that really needs to be burnt down to ashes and thrown into the toilet."

"Why can't she understand me like you do?" He sighed again

I rolled my eyes. "Because she's a girl Sehun."

"Last I checked, so are you."

"I need details." I told him. He rolled back on his back and lifted his legs to a more comfortable position. Well, the most comfortable position you can get on on a cold hard tile floor.

"We went just now. She went to this similar fugly shop, bought an irrelavant pink spiked hat with the word Boy on it. PINK, Liz, pink."

"Boy London huh. Blindly following trends. So I take it that you didn't buy anything relavant?"

"I got a shirt with a tux printed on it. She gave me puppy eyes but I ain't returning that shirt. Other than that, we walked through 3 damned floors and entered every store. Nothing bought." I gave him a i-told-you-so look.

"She'll just have to live down with that neon green dress."

"Oh. That. Hyoyeon took it because she liked it." Hyoyeon is Sehun's sister, and she's hardly mentioned because Hyoyeon hardly comes out of her room. She's 6 years older than us, so she has 'grown up adult' stuff. She's cool, she teaches me 'the things a girl cannot live without', which actually meant makeup and stuff that I have no interest in.

"I have great taste. So she's going to get a dress and expect you to match her dress colour? You're down to how many days now?"

"3 days. Last I checked, we're going to another mall tomorrow."

"Poor, poor Sehun. You can just ask her to go by herself you know."

"I should just tell her I don't want to go anymore."

"You can tell her that as well."

"Liz. Why am I friends with you?" He looked over to me and gave me a look.

"I don't know. Because I put up with your maybe."

"Do you want to go with me?"


Maybe it was a wrong answer or something, but I didn't hesitate to say no. Because proms are a waste of money. He then leaned down and kissed me on the lips, then asked again. "Now?"

"I'll consider under various circumstances. But still, the current default answer is no." I gave him an unamused look and kicked him. It was really close to his *cough* crotch area, but sadly I missed. I hit his inner thighs and he gave me almost the same reaction as being kicked in the balls.

"Just because we're friends doesn't mean I will go with you. And also, go kiss your girlfriend."

Or maybe I'm just oblivious. To everything.


Going back to Kris. He came home really late today with Victoria and another friend. They all cycled and are going to cycle to the night market later on. I wasn't sure what the hell was Kris thinking. Krystal in the morning, Victoria now? I don't even care who is he going to bring to the prom anymore. As long as her dress is pretty instead of ugly. I will totally judge her with mom.

And in addition to him being in a good mood, he bought me octopus balls, which of course I paid with my own money. I thought he'd buy them last, so that when he comes back it'll be hot. But it was cold. Damn Kris. Damn you.

In the position of a girlfriend, a sister ain't that important after all.

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kkaali #1
Chapter 8: This story is great
amazing writing :)

Can't wait for the next update