Happy Endings Do Exist

Happy Endings Do Exist

"Lee Eunyeon, will you marry me?" Those words that escaped from his mouth made me the happiest girl on earth. Who could ever imagine that my long time crush and boyfriend of 2 years, named Kim Jongin, just proposed to me.


[5 days before the Wedding]


"Kai, don’t you think this is great?” Eunyeon asked.

“I don’t know. Just do whatever you want” Kai answered her coldly and left the room.

[1 day before the Wedding]

“Sunmi-ah, do you think he would still marry me?” Eunyeon asked her bestfriend while tears started forming in her eyes.

“Yah! Don’t think about that. It’s your big day tomorrow. And, I’m sure he will marry you. He loves you remember?” Sunmi said convincing Eunyeon.

“I don’t know. He started being cold to me these past few days. And, I don’t know what to do.”

“Maybe he’s just busy with work. Baekhyun told me that Kai’s department was given a big task by their boss. I think that is to convince this certain Taiwanese investor to invest in their company.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I am. Now, rest! It’s your big day tomorrow. You won’t like walking there looking like a zombie right? I’ll be going now.” Sunmi said and left Eunyeon’s room.




“My princess is all grown up!” Eunhyuk said while admiring his daughter.

“Daddy, promise me that whatever happens, I will always be your little princess right?

“Of course. Just call me whenever you feel alone. Or if Kai’s doing something bad okay? I’ll protect you no matter what.” Eunhyuk assured his daughter.

“Now, don’t cry. You will ruin your makeup. And, oh Hyukjae. Sunhee wants you to be with her.” Hyoyeon said as she fixed Eunyeon’s veil.

“Alright. I’ll leave you two here.” Eunhyuk said and went to his granddaughter.

“My daughter’s finally getting married!” Hyoyeon said while looking at Eunyeon.

“Mom, you were not this emotional when Donghae-oppa got married.”

“It’s different. Donghae and Jessica are practically together for since childhood and I know they’ll end up together. While, you. 2 years. Is that really enough?”

“Mom, you know we already talked about this.”

“I know. I’m just scared for you, my dear. You are just 22. Yet, you’re going to tie yourself already.”  

“Mom, I love him.”

Hyoyeon smiled.

“I know. And, I’m happy that he makes you happy. And, makes you feel loved.


Where the heck is Kai?! The bride is already here!!”  Eunmi screamed

“Relax, love. He’ll probably be here in a minute or two.” Lay said and calmed Eunmi.

“I swear, 5 more minutes, and he’s still not here, I’m going to tell the situation to Eunyeon.” Lira said

“Don’t. She’ll probably freak out and we don’t want that to happen.” Kris said.


“Guys, big problem. I swear. A very very big problem!” Gyumi said

“Just tell us.” Suho said

“Well, you see. My friend who is a flight attendant texted me and told me t-t-tha-a-t .......” Gyumi stuttered

Kai eventually left the country.” Sehun continued for Gyumi.

“WHAAAAAAAT?!” all of them screamed

“Yah, how are we going to tell this to Eunyeon?”

Going to tell me what?” Eunyeon said asking the group.

“Oh. E-e-Eunyeon.” Subin stammered

“What is it?”

“It’s just that.....” Sunmi stuttered and can’t help but start to cry

“Kai actually left the country. We don’t know where he went. Gyumi’s friend actually confirmed that he boarded the plane this morning.” Xiumin blurted out knowing his dongsaengs can’t tell the whole situation to Eunyeon who’s actually sitting on the floor and started crying.

“Oh my god, unnie. Don’t cry. You’ll ruin your make-up.” Gyumi said

“Even if I ruin this, it’s okay. He left me already and will never come back to me.” Eunyeon wept.



“Eunyeon-ah, are you sure that you’ll stay here? We are going to America since Sunhee’s doctors told us it would be better to have her surgery there.” Hyoyeon asked her daughter once again.

“Yes mom. I’m fine here. “ Eunyeon refused. She knew that Kai is staying in America, and she doesn’t want to bump into him just in case, so she decided to stay.

“You know, Eunyeon, if you have any problems you can always talk to me. I’ll always be here to listen I promise. Your oppa and I will be here beside you no matter what.” Jessica said and tapped Eunyeon’s shoulder.

“Thanks, unnie. You’re really the best. I hope everything goes well for Sunhee’s surgery.”


2 months after...

Eunyeon, is starting to forget about Kai. She started working with her friends as an Event Coordinator.


“You’re going to America??? But why? My wedding is in 1 month, Eunyeon!” Lira said.

“I know unnie. And, I’m sorry. I might stay there for a long time.”

“Eunyeon, you promised to be my maid of honor!“ Lira pouted.

Hey, have you girls heard about the boys’ another Chinese friend that will visit here for your wedding?” Eunmi asked

“Well, Kris barely talks about him. But he told me he’s from Beijing and will stay here for a vacation.”

“Unfair. Kris-oppa, tells you everything.” Subin pouted

“What’s the matter?” Lira chuckled at Subin’s childishness.

“I wouldn’t know that they have another Chinese friend, If I didn’t eavesdropped from Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s conversation over the phone.” Subin said.

“You know what, even Baekhyun is not telling me everything. And I respect that because he still needs privacy.” Sunmi said.

“But, still!”

“Anyways, Lee Eunyeon, I’m telling you, you need to be there!”

“Okay, unnie. I’ll see what I can do.” Eunyeon smiled and started eating the brownies that Gyumi baked.


2 weeks after.....

“Auntie!” Sunhee screamed in joy

“Hi, Sunhee! I missed you.”

“I missed you too, Auntie. Are you going to stay here for good?” Sunhee asked

“Nope. Sorry, baby but Auntie’s need to go back to Korea also.” Eunyeon said and Sunhee pouted.

“Thanks for coming here Eunyeon, I know you’re busy with your work in Korea. But, Sunhee’s been looking for you. “ Jessica said.

“No problem, Unnie. Where’s Donghae-oppa by the way?”

“Oh, he’s probably at the doctor’s office. Sunhee’s assigned doctor will be taking a leave, so I guess he’ll  introduce the new assigned doctor to Donghae.”


“Who are you talking to, Sica?” Donghae asked as he entered the room.

“Hi, oppa!” Eunyeon jumped and hugged Donghae.

“Yah. You’re 22 yet you look like a 5 year-old kid.”

“Whatever, oppa.” Eunyeon said and sat on the couch.

“Hey, we’re just going to the cafeteria, can you look after Sunhee first?” Donghae said.

“Sure, oppa. Sunhee’s asleep anyways. Annyeong!”


*knock, knock*


[Eunyeon’s POV]

“Who could that be?” I thought then opened the door. I was shocked. Am I in heaven? If I was dreaming then I hope I won’t wake up anymore. He’s like an angel.

“Uhm. Excuse me? I’m here to check on Sunhee.” He said. Oopps. Maybe, he’s Sunhee’s doctor. Oh my god Lee Eunyeon. You’re so embarrassing.

“Oh. She’s actually sleeping.” I said then let him enter.

“Sunhee.” He called softly.

Sunhee rubbed her eyes and smiled widely when she saw the doctor.

“Hi, Doctor Prince~! “ Sunhee greeted. Prince? His name is Prince? Oh my god.

“Annyeong, Princess Sunhee.” Oh, I think Prince is not his name.

“Doctor, have you met my auntie? She’s the best auntie in the whole wide world!” Sunhee said. Oh my this girl!

“Yes, little miss.” He chuckled then glanced at me. I blushed by his sudden gesture.

“Doctor, when are you leaving?”

“3 days from now. But, I’ll be here until tomorrow.”

“Oh. Who will be substituting you?” Sunhee pouted

“ I don’t know. But, I’m sure he will also be good to you.” He said then look at me. Oh my god, I swear I can die now. His smile is so attractive.

“Can I talk to you for a second? I guess, you’re her guardian now.” He asked then smiled at me.

“Oh. Sure.” I said then followed him to his office.


“Dr. Xi Luhan.” That was the name that is sticked to the wall of the door. He’s Chinese?


“So, I decided to take you here ‘cause Donghae-hyung is not there.” He said in Korean. Okay. Is he an alien? He talks in English and Korean but actually a Chinese.

“You know Korean?” I finally asked him.

“Yes. I stayed in Korea for 2 years. Then transferred here.” He said.

“But, you’re Chinese?” I said while blinking my eyes. He chuckled

“Well. Yes. My parents sent me to Korea to learn the language since my mom is Korean. After 2 years, I went here to pursue my Medical Degree.” He explained.

“Oh.” I said. I was quite amused. Plus, the fact that he’s cute. Hehe.

“Well, let’s get to Sunhee’s condition. The cancer cells on her body are starting to cross the veins that is connected to her eyes. She might be blind sooner or later.”

“There is still cure for that right?”

“Chemotherapy is the best. But I don’t know if she can endure the pain, since she is just 7 years old. I think her body will not be that strong.” He explained

I can feel that tears are starting to form in my eyes. Sunhee’s too young to experience all this.

“Hey, don’t cry.” He told me then seated beside me and wiped my tears away. “She can do this. Sunhee’s a strong girl and I know she’ll fight for her life because she knows her family will always be there beside her.”  He said.

“I just can’t bear seeing her suffer like that. She’s our family’s precious girl.” I said

“She can do that. Because she knows her grandparents, her parents and her aunt Eunyeon is there.” He said then smiled at me. Wait. How did he know my name?

“You—you know my name?” I asked him

“Sunhee told me.” He smiled “I think you should go back to Sunhee’s room. And, please tell Donghae-hyung I already scheduled Sunhee’s first chemo the day after tomorrow.”

“Oh. Sure.” I said then smiled.


[Luhan’s POV]

Her smile is really like an angel’s. No wonder Kai fell inlove with her. I just can’t think of a possible reason that made him leave her. Lee Eunyeon, you’re really something. 


[Eunyeon’s POV]


“Unnie, Oppa. You’re back!” I squealed then sat on the couch.

“Where did you go?” Jessica unnie asked me.

“Well---“ “On a date.” Sunhee answered. My eyes went wide. How could this girl say that?!

“A date?” Donghae oppa asked then furrowed his eyebrows.

“Yeah. With Doctor Prince.” Sunhee said again. Aish this girl.


“You went to date with Luhan?” Jessica unnie asked. Then smiled at me. O M G. What is wrong with the world.

“No, unnie—“ “It’s okay Eunyeon.” Donghae oppa said that made my jaw drop.

“Oppa! It’s not like that!” I retorted.

“Then, what is it?” Jessica unnie said.

“Oh. Uhm, unnie, can I talk to you outside?”

“Why? Just tell it here.” Donghae oppa said.

“No. It’s for girls only.” I said then I made an innocent face.



“What is it, Eunyeon-ah?” Jessica unnie asked.

 “He just told me about Sunhee’s condition.” I can see that unnie’s expression became sad.

“What did he say?”

“Sunhee’s condition is getting worse. She might be blind soon.”

“My poor daughter. She’s too young to experience all this.”




“Mom, Dad!!!!” Eunyeon screamed and hugged her parents.

“Look, what we have for you!” Eunhyuk said then raised an envelope.

“What’s that?”

“A ticket to Korea. I know you want to attend your friend’s wedding. It’s for the flight tomorrow evening.”

“Really, dad? But how about Sunhee? She might get upset that I’m leaving.”

“I’ll explain it to her don’t worry.” Hyoyeon smiled.


“Dad, I’ll be fine. I promise. “

“Okay. Don’t starve yourself okay? Call us when you get there.”



[Eunyeon’s POV]


“Oh, I’m sorry miss.” Aish. This guy can’t he look at his surroundings. Errr.

“Tsskk. Can’t you look at wher----“

“Eunyeon?” “Luhan-ssi?”


“I’m sorry for what happened. I didn’t mean to bump into you. Guess, I’m being so careless.” He apologized.

“No. It’s okay. Going where?”

“Korea. My friends been waiting for me to stay there for a vacation. You?”

“Oh. I’m going back too. My friend’s going to have her wedding in a week.”

“Ah I see.” He said then smiled. His smile can really melt. He’s just… okay, Lee Eunyeon you better stop staring at him.



“Unnieeeeeees! Girls! Girls! I’m baaaack!” I shouted when I entered our office.

“Oh my, Eunyeon! You’re back!!! “ Lira unnie said then hugged me.

“Welcome back!” Gyumi singed then giggled.

“Lira-unnie, Baekhyun called an---- Lee Eunyeon, you’re finally here!!” Sunmi shouted

“Yah! You could’ve broken my eardrums.”

“Sorry. Hehe. Well, Lira-unnie, Baekhyun-oppa called and told me that they already fetched their friend from the airport and they’re going here to pick us up.” Sunmi explained.

“Oh, I hope he’s handsome!” Gyumi squealed.

“You know, if Sehun can hear you, he’ll probably throw tantrums at you again.” Subin scolded.

“Oh, He won’t. The boys told me that their Chinese friend’s favorite dongsaeng is Sehun. So, Sehun won’t mind , I’m sure.”

“Tsk. Whatever.”


“Lira!” Kris-oppa said then went to Lira-unnie then kissed her cheek. Baekhyun-oppa did the same to Sunmi-unnie. And, also Sehun to Gyumi.

“Ew. Do that in private please. So disgusting.” I said and made an ew face.

Get yourself a boyfriend so you won’t be jealous.” Kris-oppa said.

“He’s here!!! Our friend is here, and I know you’ll all like him.” Lay said.

“But, I like you more.” Eunmi said then hugged Lay-oppa.

“Ohmygod. Another ew.” I said but they just shrugged it off. Tsk, these lovebirds.

“Whatever, Eunyeon.”

“Guys, guys! Here he is. I think Lira might remember him. He graduated at high school with you, Kris and Xiumin. It’s Xi Luhan!!!”  OH MY GOD. Am I dreaming?!?

“Hi, guys.” He said then smiled . PLEASE TELL ME I AM DREAMING.

“So, this is Lira-noona, Sunmi, Gyumi, Eunmi, Subin an----“ Baekhyun was explaining but then…

Eunyeon. I know her.” Luhan said then smiled at me. OH MY GOD. I am dead right now. I can see that the girls are giving me a how-did-you-know-him look. And, the boys are giving me a how-come-you-already-know-him look. I gulped. Sht.

“How did the two of you knew each other?” Lira unnie asked and looked at me with a teasing smile.

“He’s actually the doctor of Sunhee.” I immediately answered.

“Getting defensive Eunyeon?” Xiumin oppa said

“No, I’m not!”

“Tsss. Whatever. Now, let’s all go to my house. We’ll eat dinner there.” Kris-oppa said then looked at me. “ Oh, and Eunyeon, you can ride with Luhan.” And, my jaw dropped. How come they’re teasing me!!!


“Guess we have no choice.” Luhan said then went to his car. This is so awkward.

What an awkward silence we have.

“Are they always teasing you like that?” He asked finally breaking the awkward silence between us.

“They’ve been like that…. ever since… ever since..” I said not wanting to continue the sentence.

Since Kai left?” He asked. I couldn’t answer. And, I’m starting to cry. Sht. Why do I have to cry every time someone mentions that jerk.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that.” He glanced at me then held my left hand. I could feel shivers running down my spine.

“No. It’s okay.” I tried to smile.


2 days after.

“I invited him.” Kris said.

“Huh?” The 10 boys asked

“I invited Kai to the wedding. He texted me yesterday saying he’s back.” Kris explained

“Wouldn’t it be bad for Eunyeon? We know she still hasn’t got over with what happened.” Lay said

“I know that.”

“Then, why did you invite him?” Luhan asked

“I think he needs to be there. He’s still our friend after all.”

“Well, it’s your choice hyung. It’s still you wedding after all.” Sehun said


“The girls are on the way here.” Baekhyun announced.

“WHAT?!” Kris shouted

“What’s the matter?” Xiumin asked

“But, Kai is going here! Fck. Eunyeon can’t see him.” Kris panicked

“I think it’s okay.” Luhan announced

“What, hyung?” Tao asked. Bewildered by his hyung’s answer.

“They’ll eventually see each other at the wedding, so why can’t they see each other here?”

“Well, I think Luhan has a point.” Xiumin said. Earning a nod from Suho and Lay.


“Hiiiiii everyone!” The girls shouted.

“You’re here already? The food is not yet ready.” D.O. announced

“Oh? Then we’ll help!” Eunyeon said

“Actually, we need someone to do the groceries.” Chen said

“Eh?” The girls asked

“Maybe Eunyeon can go.”


“Eunyeon just go. Luhan, just accompany her.” Lira-unnie said then pushed the two of us at the gate.

“Okay. What is happening?” I asked then I turned around……… And saw, the worst nightmare of my life.


K-K-K-Ka-Ka-Kai…” I stuttered. Sht. This is not the right time to stutter Lee Eunyeon!!

Eunyeon-ah” He called

“Sht. This is not what we planned.” Luhan thought.

“Yah, why are you still here? Eunyeon and Lu--- Ohmygod.” Eunmi shouted that made everyone rush to the front gate.  


“Luhan, Eunyeon just go. Kai, you can come inside.” Kris instructed.




[Eunyeon’s POV]

Why did he even came back? I was starting to forget him. I was in the process of moving on.

“Hey, you okay?” Luhan asked me.

I’m not okay.

“I’m fine.” I blurted out.

“I know you’re not.” He said then parked the car.

“Hey, aren’t we supposed to do some grocery? Why are we at an amusement park?”

“I know that if we went to the grocery, we need to go back there. And, I know you are not yet ready to face Kai. So, for now, let’s enjoy the rides.” He said the grabbed my wrists then pulled me to the ticket booth.


I admit. He made me happy. He made me forget that Kai is actually back. Thanks, Luhan. You made me smile. The real smile that my face had been missing since Kai left.



*kriiing kriiiing*



‘Who’s this?’

‘It’s Kai.’

‘What do you want?’

‘I want to talk to you. Let’s meet at the park. 5pm’


Eunyeon was battling with herrself, deciding whether to tell the girls about it, or to ask the boys for back-up just in case, Kai is planning something bad. Eunyeon’s in front of the mirror checking herself. Eunyeon wore a black polka-dot dress and a flat shoes. Eunyeon, didn’t wear any makeup. By 4:45 pm , Eunyeon left the house since the park is just 10 mins. away.


She saw Kai, standing there waiting for her.

“I’m glad you came.” Kai said then led her at a bench

“What is it that you want to talk about?” Eunyeon asked, sounding that she’s okay. When in reality she wants to break down. She wants to ask a lot of questions. 

Us. I want to talk about us.” Kai sincerely said. “I still love you, Eunyeon-ah.

“If you love me, then why did you leave?” Eunyeon asked not bothering to look at Kai.

I was afraid. I’m afraid, Eunyeon-ah.” Kai admitted.

“Then, why did you propose at the first place? You want the marriage to happen as soon as possible then you’re telling me you’re afraid?! Do you realize that, Kim Jongin?! You left me! You said you loved me, but you left me there. I looked like a fool. “ Eunyeon said. She finally broke down. She started crying.

“Eunyeon, I’m sorry.”

“Your sorry can’t bring back anything. You left me. We can’t go back to the past.”

“But, I still I love you. Can we have another chance? A second chance for the two of us?” Kai sincerely asked, he too is starting to cry.

I’m sorry, Kai. But, I don’t love you anymore. I have someone else now.

Is that Luhan-hyung?


“I knew it. Ever since, he stole everything from me.

“What are you even thinking?! You left me, Kai! You left me at the day of our wedding!! And, now you’re blaming someone else for what you did. I can’t believe you. I thought you’re sorry for everything. I was wrong. You’re still a jerk.” Eunyeon said then left Kai.


Kai, on the other hand is boiling up. He’s thinking that Luhan stole Eunyeon from him.



“Hey, Kai what’s with you? Luhan’s your hyung. Respect him at least.” Baekhyun said

“You.” Kai said then grabbed Baekhyun’s collar. “Don’t interfere with us.” He said then pushed Baekhyun.

“What’s wrong with you, Kim Jongin?!” Kris shouted.


“Kai.. What’s wrong?” Luhan asked. Bewildered by Kai’s actions.

You’re asking me what’s wrong?! YOU! You stole everything from me. My parents, praised you even if I am their own son. The teachers always praised you. The boys always sided with you. And, now even Eunyeon!!! You stole her from me!” Kai screamed the punched Luhan 3 more times.

“Jerk!” Luhan shouted then punched Kai. This made the other 10 boys amazed and shocked. Luhan’s the type of guy that will always remain calm. He’s not the type of a guy who shouts.

“It’s your fault. You left her hanging. Now, you’re blaming me?”

“It’s your fault. Remember, this Xi Luhan. I will not forgive you.” Kai said then went to the door. When he opened the door. All the girls, were there. Including, Eunyeon.

“Bastard.” He heard Eunyeon whisper. He ignored it then rushed to his car.


“Luhan!” The girls screamed. Eunyeon, reached him the fastest.

“I’m fine…..” He said then faked a smile.

“Dude, we know you’re not.” D.O. said

“I’ll go get the first aid.” Baekhyun said. “Nope. I’m getting it. You have a bruise, Baek.” Lay said then rushed to the kitchen to get the first aid.

“I’m sorry, Baekhyun. You were bruised because of me.”

“Nah. We’re brothers, right?”


Luhan, I’m sorry… It’s my fault.” Eunyeon cried.

“No. It’s not. He’s just… drunk.” Luhan said.

“What happened to that kid? He’s not like that..” Suho said, still not believing that his precious dongsaeng just punched Luhan.

“I guess… alcohol.” Chanyeol said


“It’s me.” Eunyeon announced which made the whole group look at her.

“What makes you say that?” Sunmi asked

“We….. We were together a while ago.” Eunyeon confessed.

“WHAT?!” The group asked

He asked for a second chance then I said no… He.. He thought, it’s because of Luhan..” Eunyeon said

“He actually thought of that?” Xiumin asked.

“I can’t believe him. He left Eunyeon, for an unknown reason then comes back unexpectedly, then thinks Luhan stole Eunyeon from him.” Eunmi said.


After a few days, it was finally Kris and Lira’s wedding. The wedding was extravagant and fabulous much to Lira’s happiness. It was her dream. The group congratulated the two. It was indeed a happy moment for all them. Little, did they know. Kai is planning something to ruin their happiness.

Let’s see, if you can still be happy after this.” He said as he finished his business.


“Congrats, Kris & Lira!!!” Xiumin shouted and raised his glass.


“So, who’ll go with who?” D.O. asked

“I guess these lovebirds will go together. Suho and D.O., you can ride with me.” Xiumin announced.

“Hey, how about me?” Chen asked

“Then, you can go with us!” D.O. cheered

“Hey, oppas, what about me?” Eunyeon pouted

Go with Luhan, duh.” Eunmi said then rode Lay’s car.

“See you on Sunday, everyone!!” Xiumin shouted then drove off.


“Luhan-oppa, you can just drop me off at the store near our village.”


“I need to go buy something.”

“Then, just buy at the store at the gas station. We’ll be stopping by there.”

“Okay.” Eunyeon answered. She felt her heart beating fast. It was as if a bad sign.

“Sht.” Luhan suddenly said.

“Why? What’s the matter?” Eunyeon asked. She saw Luhan was already sweating.

“The brake. It’s not working!!” Luhan said


“Call Xiumin-hyung!! NOW.”



“What’s the matter, Eunyeon?” It was Suho who answered.

“Oppa, the—the brake of Luhan-oppa’s car is not working. It’s broken!!!” Eunyeon shouted.

“Sht. WHAT?!”


Eunyeon’s hands were already trembling. She’s nervous and at the same time panicking.

“Eunyeon, go.” Luhan suddenly said.


“There’s a parking near here. I’ll let the car bump into it. You, open the door and escape. NOW!” Luhan shouted.

“But, I can’t leave you. I can’t just go.” Eunyeon started to cry.

“Just go, Eunyeon. Save yourself. I promise, I’ll be okay.

“But, oppa!”

Fck. Just do it! You need to save yourself.” 

And, with that Eunyeon opened her door, and rolled outside. She’s still crying… and within a few seconds……




The car bumped into one of the parking walls.

Luhan-oppa!!!!!!!!!” Eunyeon shouted. The rest of the group started arriving. The ambulance is also there. And, not to mention the police.

“Eunyeon!! Are you okay?” Eunmi shouted and hugged Eunyeon. She was responsible for the girls now. Lira is not around meaning she’s the eldest within the girls.

“Unnie… Lu-Lu-Luhan oppa… Will he be okay?” Eunyeon cried in Eunmi’s arms.

He’ll be okay. I promise.” Eunmi said.


“What’s the matter sir?” Lay asked.

“The brake of the car is gone. Making it impossible to stop the car.” The police officer announced

“How could that happen? Luhan’s car is okay when we went to the reception.” Suho said.

“I called the security of the hotel where the reception happened. They said they’ll look into the parking’s CCTV Cameras.” D.O. said

“Is everything okay here?!” Kris said

“Hyung! Why are you here? You’re supposed to be at the airport.” Tao said

“Dummy. Why would we be happy if our friends are in a critical condition?” Kris said

“Where’s Luhan? And, Eunyeon?” Lira asked

“They’ve been transferred to the hospital. Eunyeon suffered a few bruises.. But, Luhan-hyung.. I don’t know.” Sehun said.

“I think we should go to the hospital too. The police officers said they need to talk to Eunyeon to confirm what happened. “ Baekhyun said.


“Eunmi-unnie. I feel so helpless. It’s all my fault. It’s my fault.” Eunyeon cried.

“Shh. This is no one’s fault. No one wanted this to happen.” Eunmi said.

“It’s been 45 minutes!! How come the doctors are not yet telling us what is Luhan-oppa’s condition?!” Sunmi said.

“Relax, unnie. Panicking will lead us to nothing.” Gyumi said.


“Eunyeon! Girls!” Lira called then rushed to the girls.

“Any news about Luhan?” Lay asked

“Nope. No news at all. It’s already been an hour.” Eunmi announced.


After a few more minutes, the doctor finally went out.

“Doc, how is he?” The group asked simultaneously.

“Just talk to me Doc. I’m the eldest here.” Xiumin said

“Well, Mr. Xi’s in a not-so-good condition. Thankfully, his brain isn’t damaged. His arms only suffered a few bruises. The glass from the car’s window that pricked into his chest was removed safely. However, he is under a comatose condition. We’ll still be monitoring his condition for the next 36 hours.

“He will be okay, right?” Eunyeon cried..

“We’re not yet but we’ll do everything we can.” The doctor said then left the group.

“He’ll be okay, Eunyeon. Luhan’s a strong guy.” Suho said.

“Guys! Guys! I saw the CCTV record already.” Baekhyun announced

“Really? What happened?” Chen asked

“You would not believe it.” Chanyeol said

“Just spill it.”

“No. You guys watch it.” Baekhyun said then played the video in his Ipad.


Fck. Kim Jongin. You’re going to get it this time!” Kris said

“The video was already passed to the police and they started searching for Kai.” Chanyeol said.


“Eunyeon, don’t you want to go home? You’ve been here for 2 days already. Plus, eat this soup first. You haven’t eaten anything yet.” Eunmi said.

“I don’t want to go. I want to be here when he wakes up.” Eunyeon said

“Then, atleast eat something. You don’t need to starve yourself.” Lira said

“I’m not in the mood to eat.”


“Eunyeon’s being really stubborn. She doesn’t want to eat. She also doesn’t want to go home. I’m afraid her health will be affected.” Sunmi said.

“Give her time atleast. She’s still in shock.” Baekhyun said

“But, I’m worried about her. We don’t know what’s going in her mind. She kept blaming herself for what happened.” Sunmi cried.

“She’ll be okay.”


“Eunyeon-ah, Wo Ai Ni.” Luhan said as he caressed Eunyeon’s face.

“Nado Saranghae, Oppa.” Eunyeon said.

As time flies by, Luhan’s image is starting to get blurry…

“Oppa? Oppa? Where are you going?”



Luhan slightly opened his eyes. He saw an angel sleeping in the chair with her head resting on the side of the bed. Luhan caressed her hair that covers her eyes. He then saw her crying…

Eunyeon-ah” He softly called.

Lu-Lu-Luhan oppa?” Eunyeon called

He smiled. He was yet happy. The bruises he got from the accident still hurts but seeing her beside him was enough to forget all those pain.

“You’re fine now. You can be discharged in 2 days.” The doctor announced which made the group yell for joy. The doctor excused himself.

“Finally, you woke up, Luhan. You don’t know how much stubbornness Eunyeon earned these past few days.” Lira said earning a whine from Eunyeon.

“Stubbornness?” Luhan asked

“Yeah. She doesn’t want to eat anything and refused going home. You see, that’s the reason, she’s the first person you saw when you woke up.” Eunmi said

“Unnie!!” Eunyeon once again whined, she can’t believe her unnies are telling that.

Really?” Luhan asked then looked at Eunyeon, which made the girl look like a ripe tomato.

“Ohhhhh. Seems like love is starting to blossom..” Chanyeol remarked which made Luhan and Eunyeon blush in embarrassment.

“Oooppps. I’m hungry to death. Need to go to the cafeteria.” Sunmi said and dragged Baekhyun with her. Soon, the others also murmured some excuses and then, Eunyeon was left with Luhan.


“Don’t tell me, you need to eat too?” Luhan said earning a ‘what’ face from Eunyeon.

“Maybe, you can be with me first? You didn’t eat for 2 days so I guess you won’t mind staying right?” Luhan said


Why did you stay by my side all this time?” Luhan asked which made Eunyeon blush.

“I.. I just think it’s my fault that you suffered like this.”

Luhan smiled then held Eunyeon’s hands. “It’s not you. No one wanted this. No one wants us to be involved in this type of accident.” He assured her.




“Ahh!” Eunyeon screamed then turned around to see a smiling Luhan.

“You scared me!”

“Sorry, princess” Luhan smiled then hugged Eunyeon.


It’s been 3 months since the accident happened. And, it’s been 2 months since Eunyeon and Luhan were officially together.



“Oppa, where are we going?” Eunyeon asked

“We told you, Luhan’s in the hospital. His leg is hurting.” Lay said.

Eunyeon is in the car with the 10 other boys. They fetched her from her house saying that Luhan is in the hospital, were in fact they’re actually heading to a garden near the hospital.


“You need to wear these.” Chen said then gave Eunyeon blindfolds.

“And, why do I need these?”

“Just, wear it noona.” Sehun said.

“Fine, fine.”


She was escorted by Xiumin and Suho since she can smell their perfumes.

“Oppa, where are headed to?”

“Just relax. We’re finally close.”


Tao removed Eunyeon’s blindfolds. And, when the blindfolds was removed, Eunyeon’s jaw dropped. There, in front of her. She saw a smiling Luhan, holding a bouquet of flowers. Roses to be exact. Her favorite.


“For you.” Luhan said.

“What is this for?” Eunyeon asked.


Luhan didn’t answer her and just smiled. Just when she was about to say something, the piano began playing. It was Lay playing it. Chanyeol was the one playing the guitar. And, then there’s Luhan singing ‘Angel’. It was her favorite Chinese song. Lay and Chen was also doing the back-up.

I’ve fallen in love with you and there is no way of turning back,
The wings are gone, eternal life which we had has been stolen away, Oh no,
But I still feel happy, the one reason is,
Because of my constant, eternal love for you,

When I ride the wind and landed in your world, yeah,
The white-coloured wind surrounded you, from you,
You asked where I came from, the smile in response is a secret,
All I want is for you and I to continue walking,
Heaven is at any time and is anywhere.


Eunyeon was starting to cry. She definitely didn’t expect this to happen. Although, she must admit, her affection and feelings for Luhan are starting to grow deeper as time passes by.

Lee Eunyeon, will you be my girl?” Luhan asked and kneeled in front of Eunyeon.

Eunyeon smiled widely then said, “ Yes!”

Luhan carried her and turned her around. He was definitely one of the happiest man on earth.

“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” The group cheered.

Luhan then obliged and kissed Eunyeon’s cheek. He then whispered, “They shouldn’t see our first kiss.” Which made Eunyeon giggle.

“Aish. Hyung’s no fun. You should’ve kissed her lips.” Sehun said.

“Whatever. Just be happy, I did your request.” Luhan said then hugged Eunyeon.

“Okay. Now, we only have 4 guys who doesn’t have any lovelife.” Baekhyun announced.

“And, what are you trying to say Byun Baekhyun?” Xiumin asked

“Hyung, don’t you want to find someone who can always be there for you?” Chanyeol said

“Definitely not in the list of my ‘to-do’ things.” Chen said.

“Aish. You’ll be alone forever, hyungs.” Sehun said.

“No worries, as long as you guys are happy.” Suho said.

“You guys, you know, you don’t know how to add a spice in your life. I predict your lives will be boring.” Lay commented

“As long as I can eat Baozi, then I’m happy.” Xiumin remarked which made the group laugh.



“In life, we always experience ups and downs. We can’t always be happy or sad. Even though sadness may hit us, happiness will always find its way towards us.”



Hope you guys enjoyed! Wrote this in 3 days with a total of 5,689 words. lol :))) 





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cathyokrane #1
Chapter 1: love it author_nim ~~ it is really sweet
Chapter 1: Cute oneshot <3 Luhan is so romantic and the EXO boys are funny! :)) But what happened to Kai my loves? :)))))))))
kissme4evaaar #3
Chapter 1: wow! loved this story! fighting!