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Cheer Me Up

              Taemin had been locked up in the bedroom all morning crying.His cries could be heard all through the dorm because they echoed off the wall.He still missed his family so much even though it had already been five months since their debut and he had left home to live with all his hyungs in a dorm.Onew and Minho tried to ignore it and continued playing their video games and Jonghyun was in the shower.Key was getting a headache. As much as he loved his 'son', he was getting really annoyed by his crying.


             ''YAH!'' he exclaimed.Onew and Minho both looked up to him.''Taemin just keeps crying and he's just been in bed all morning! He needs to go out! Get some sunshine----SOMETHING!!''


            ''Kibum, as his 'umma', you should've been the one to do 'something'. I figured you'd be good at these things,'' Onew spoke up.


            ''I KNOW! But Taemin ---he can be so difficult to understand---I don't know what to do about him. Can someone just go and take him to the park and just....I dunno---CHEER HIM UP?!'' Key's headache was getting worse.


              ''I'll take him.''

              All three looked to see a half Jonghyun drying his hair with a towel.

              ''I was about to head out there anyway.''


              ''Thanks,Jjong.Goodness,'' Kibum just went off to look for some aspirin.Taemin didn't stop crying.




                Jonghyun opened up the room with his key. He found Taemin curled up in a ball on the bed shaking. His crying was even louder now that he was in the room. Jonghyun went over to where Taemin was.He patted him over and over until he got his full attention.


                 ''Taeminnie~.Taeminnie~,''he began to rock him.Taemin finally started to budge.He sat up,still whimpering loudly.Jonghyun used his index finger and thumb to close the maknae's mouth. Still muffled whimpers. The maknae's glossy eyes were directed at his hyung.''Kibum said you need to get out of the dorm.I'm taking you to the park with me.'' He flashed a smile at Taemin.Taemin nodded giving him the signal 'okay'.

                  Jonghyun finished getting dressed and helped the maknae get ready as well.It was nice and sunny out, so Jonghyun dressed Taemin in a loose t and some skinnies. Thin material. He himself wore some b-ball shorts and a black wife beater. He took one of Minho's good basketballs and headed out with the maknae right behind.


                  ''Have fun~'' Key called out as they left.


                  Taemin sat down on a nearby bench as he watched his hyung shooting baskets. Jonghyun wasn't exactly TALL , but that didn't stop him. Jonghyun took note of how silent Taemin was being. He still had dry tears staining his face. Jonghyun decided to take a seat next to Taemin. He patted his head.

                  ''Cheer up, Taeminnie. Come play with me~''he cooed. Taemin looked down and slowly shook his head. Jonghyun ruffled the younger boy's mushroom hair and stood up. He took the younger's hand and pulled him up. 




                  ''C'mon, we're gonna go have fun. You and me.''


                   When Taemin tried to refuse, Jonghyun carried the boy in his arms (princess style). Jonghyun took Taemin to the playground where the slides,swings,monkey bars,and such were. Jonghyun put him down and watched as the maknae's eyes lit up. Jonghyun smiled. He took the boy's hand, ran up the small stairs, and dragged Taemin to the slide.Jonghyun slid down the slide with Taemin between his legs. At the bottom, Taemin fell in the sand and Jonghyun accidentally landed ontop of him. He quickly got off and helped him up. He cleaned the sand off Taemin's face and clothes. Jonghyun gave him a concerned look. Taemin gave him a bright smile, which caused him to smile in return.

                    Taemin then tried out the monkey bars. His hyung was carrying him for support. Once he made is across, they both had a little victory dance. 

                     They played in the sand at one point. Taemin buried his hyung's legs in the sand.He tried to bury him up to his waist, but Jonghyun eventually pulled his legs out. All the sand fell off, which disappointed the maknae.

                     Jonghyun and Taemin raced each other to the swings.Jonghyun made it first and began to swing almost immediately. His strong legs were pushing him back and forth. Taemin took a seat on the swing next to his hyung. He was having a lot of trouble pushing himself with his thin legs. Jonghyun took note of Taemin's struggling and began to slow down. He got off and came behind Taemin. 


                      ''I'll help.'' He began to push Taemin. Taemin let his legs to limp. He felt a slight breeze as he went back and forth ,his hyung pushing him. Jonghyun saw the wide smile on the maknae's face. 


                       Mission Accomplished.


                       Jonghyun walked with Taemin to a vendor selling ice cream. He bought for himself and one for Taemin. They took a seat together on a nearby bench. They had a good talk. A good laugh. Watching Taemin laugh made Jonghyun's heart skip a beat. 


                        As Taemin ate his ice cream, some was left on the corner of his mouth. Jonghyun focused on it. He lifted Taemin's chin,leaned in, and it off the corner of the maknae's mouth. 


                        ''Sorry,Taeminnie. It was bothered me,'' Jonghyun smiled. Taemin gave a short nod,understanding. Jonghyun pet down the bangs of the maknae's mushroom hair. He earned a small smile from the young boy.


                        ''Thank you for cheering me up,hyung,'' Taemin's cheeks showed colour.''I don't feel so alone anymore.''


                         Jonghyun leaned in and pecked the younger boy's cheek.''I would do anything to see you happy. It's the most important thing to me.''Taemin shut his eyes and bit his lower lip as he felt his hyung leave light kisses on his nose and cheeks and chin finally landing on the corner of his lips. Taemin freed his lower lip and felt his hyung's soft lips against his own. 

                         Breaking the kiss, Taemin slowly opened his eyes again seeing a bit of colour on his hyung's cheeks. Jonghyun embraced Taemin. His grip was tight. Taemin only buried his face in his hyung's shoulder and returned the hug.


                         ''I love you,hyung.''


                         ''I love you,too, Taeminnie.''


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Chapter 1: So sweet and adorable?
Chapter 1: Lindo e fofo.
