What Dreams Are Made Of (That's What Friends Are For)

Death Legacy



October 21, 2012...

At around nine-thirty in the morning, Sooyoung's presidential suite could only be describe in three words; chaos, chaos and chaos. A lot of people were in her suite; from her make-up artist to her hair stylist to the people who are on standby if ever some wardrobe or footwear malfunctions happen. Amidst all these people, she's still lonely. Yeah, she talks to the people around her but they could only provide her with small talks because they were busy with their own tasks. As she was comfortably seating in her chair while her make-up and hair are being done, she was savoring her perfect position to admire the beautiful morning sky line of Seoul. After all, that's one of the advantages of having twenty-two rooms below yours. Just then, someone caught her attention.


Sooyoung turned to see a girl wearing shorts and a V-neck white shirt. She had long curly brown hair and chocolate skin. The girl was carrying a paper bag and she placed it on the table as she was heading toward Sooyoung.

"Yul!" Sooyoung said as she stood up. "Miss Choi! Please be careful. You almost ruined your make-up." Her make-up artist reminded her as she almost had a big line of lipstick across her face.. "Sorry." she said as she slowly sat down on her chair and they resumed doing their business.

"You're still careless Soo. Be sure not to trip later." Yuri said laughing.

"Shut up Yul! And why aren't you dressed and why aren't you in make-up yet?"

"Chill Soo! Just dropped by to say Hi to you! The maid of honor has the responsbility of making sure that the bride is ok right?"

Sooyoung narrowed her eyes. Yuri ignored her and instead examined the room.

"The North Wing Presidential Suite of Shilla is really something. The Parisian aesthetics are remarkable. This is almost the same as your room at home right? The size and interior?" Yuri said while looking around the suite.

"No. This is room is three hundred ninety square meters. Mine is only around three hundred fifty."

"Well, considering the fact that this room serves as a whole house, yours is still bigger because it's only the size of your room." 

"Did you seriously go here just to talk about my room?" Sooyoung had a smirk on her face.

"If I could do that to prevent myself from stating my real reason, I would." Yuri was now facing the window beside Sooyoung. 

Sooyoung became concerned. She motioned her make-up artist and hair dresser to stop and for everyone else to leave them alone.  After there was only the two of them, Sooyoung spoke. "What's up Yul?"

"I don't want to ruin your special day but, Yoon will be late." She looked at Sooyoung after she said this.

Sooyoung sighed. "How late is late?"

"She'd be here in time for the reception, that's what she told me."  

"I told both of you to clear your schedules two days before my wedding."

"Coming from the woman who did an overtime at the office last night." Yuri crossed her arms.

"It was a very important business meeting." Sooyoung narrowed her eyes for the second time. 

"And the Paris Fashion Week is a very important thing for Yoon too. You know that she's just starting her name in the business right? And besides, Ms. Wang is there. She has to show her that the heir of the Choi Conglomerate did the right decision of choosing her signature original for her wedding dress " 

"Is Ms. Wang giving her a hard time?"

"Not really. But people are talking that you only choose Atelier Loa over Vera Wang because you're friends with the designer and not really because of her work."

"I am friends with Ms. Wang too. It's true that her designs are one of the best in the world when it comes to bridal gowns but, I just don't really see myself wearing her design on this special day. It's not, I don't how to say it but, it's not there enough for me. I want to wear a haute coutour for this day and not just a regular princess-type gown." 

"Yoon knows that too and that's why to express her at most gratefulness, she's doing the best she can to prove it to the world that you made the right choice."

Sooyoung smiled. "That's Yoon for you. She's thousands of miles away and yet she makes me want to cry."

"Want to switch maid-of-honors?" Yuri said joking.

"Of course not! What are you getting jealous?" 

"Just a little." Yuri laughed.

"I love you both very much. You know that right? You're the sisters that I never had. You've been with me through almost anything and I can honestly say that I don't know how would I survived all of those without the two of you by my side."

"We love you to so much Soo. We want you to know that. Although we don't say it enough, we really do. Before, it was just always the two of us. People can't seem to or rather don't want to understand the two of us. Before we just always keep everything to ourselves in our own little world. But since you came along, you showed us that other people can be trusted and there is someone who would be willing to put in a lot of effort just for our sake. You showed us that the world was a lot better if we let other people inside our own world.  And for that we really thank you."

Sooyoung and Yuri were in tears. Those silent miracles that they've brought into each other's lives were finally vocalize. Yuri wiped her tears. 

"This is the reason why I haven't gone to make-up yet. Hey! You shouldn't be crying You'll ruin your make-up." Yuri said smiling.

"Don't worry. I asked them to apply water-proof make-up for me." Sooyoung said laughing.

"By the way, good thing you're not ditching me too. You were in New York yesterday. I thought I won't have any maid-of-honor."

"You almost did!" 

Sooyoung slapped her.

"Ouch! Hey! I'm here aren't I?"

"You thought of ditching me!"

"Well, not really. My last meeting was beyond stressful. I need all the break that I could get. I also dragged appa with me because he almost missed your wedding. He's such a workaholic."

"Like parents, like offsprings?"

"Yeah. I think it's in our bloodlines."

Both of them continue laughing when Sooyoung caught a glimpse of the clock.

"I hate to break it to you Yul but I think you should really go to hair and make-up now."

"What's the rush? I'm naturally beautiful. It won't take me 20 minutes to make-up. Besides I still need to give you something." Yuri went to table and got the paper bag. She handed it to Sooyoung.

"You and your self-confidence Yul! What's this?"

Yuri smiled sheepishly. "It's something for you to wear to tonight. You know for your first night. Open it!" She was very excited.

Sooyoung opened the paper bag. As soon as she looked inside, she became puzzled.

"There's nothing here but lip gloss."

"Exactly!" Yuri said while winking at her.

It took her a second to realize what Yuri meant. As soon as she undertsood what she meant, she turned bright red. 

"Yah! Yul!" Sooyoung said as she chased Yuri out with a pillow.






Oh! Look at that! The second chapter is up! Hahahaha.

Just some little facts if you didn't know:

Spring/Summer Fashion Week starts in New York in September and ends in Paris in October. 

Atelier Loa is the brand that SNSD wore for their MAMA 2011 red carpet looks.

The Shilla Hotel in Seoul is one of the most expensive hotels in South Korea. It has two presidential suites; the 290.9 square meter South Wing Presidential Suite which is a blend of traditional Korean and modern aesthetics and the  390 square meter North Wing Presidential Suite with an interior vein of Parisian Palaces. 

And of course, Vera Wang is the ever so famous designer to hollywood stars especially if they want something gorgeous for their wedding gowns! As they say, "Vera Wang doesn't fit you, you fit Vera Wang."


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Chapter 2: I don't get the lipgloss thing.. Hahaha
My mind not processing really well xD I guess I really need to sleep now :))
Chapter 1: Awww. She's getting married! :')