Chapter 44 Make things clear and Open Up

my fair princess

next day


DBSK's With Hana and SS501... they're sitting at the Dining table with Hana in the center..


"so, you're the heiress to a very huge company?" Jaejoong asked.


"uh-huh" she replied..


"you owned the largest malls, best pubs, Seoul Elite and Seoul International?" Junsu asked this time.


"uh-huh" she nods.


"you're also the gang boss at night and the so called dark angel?" Changmin asked.


:"uh-huh.." Hana replied..


"your grandma knows all about it?" Yoochun asked.


"uh-huh" she replied with a nod.


"then why didnt anyone told us?" Yunho asked as he shook his head.


"well, like I said. No one asked me or even them" Hana said as he points SS501.


"we're scared to ask you and even them.." Junsu replied..


"you shouldnt be.." Hyun Joong replied.


"well, can I ask you something?" Changmin asked.


"sure. go ahead." Hana replied.


"whats going on with you and your grandmother?"


everyone .looks at Hana..


"well, I guess you should tell them, the truth.. to make things clear." Baby said.


all ears on her..


"well... my parents died when I was 4 years old. I alredy met SS501 then... I used to have a brother.. his names Joong Ki.. he's best friends will Il woo oppa.. We grew up with our Grandma.. well, she's cold and that but we dont mind her.. Business is the most important thing to her.. I'm only 8 years old when my brother died..he's only 15 then when  he was stabbed.. I saw what happened same withn Il woo oppa..I promised my self to take revenge on that person who killed him.. then, after that incident I moved to France with my grandma. Being the only person left to her, she started to control me. she told me that I can live with out friends but not with money.. she brainwashed me and turned me into another person.. well, good thing my SS501 oppa's keep on touch with me and help me cope up with everything.." Hana said as she remembered everything.. "I trained to use guns and learn different martial arts and at the age of 14 I became one of the best in 'underground' back in New York and England.."


"wow... I cant believe it.." Junsu said.


"sounds impossible right?" Hana said..


"so that's what happened" Jaejoong said.


"well, we cant replace your brother but.. we will try our best to protect you.." Yunho said..


"I knew that already" Hana said as she smiled.. "that's why I'm thankful that you guys became my friends..." 


"we're all in this together now../" Yoochun said..


"all for one and one for all..!!" Changmin said..


"but you cant court princess!! Jung Min said..


"aish.. we wont..." jaejoong said."for now" he said as he smirked..


they all laugh...


deep inside they're happy that she opened up. they found out a lot of things about her.. they're happy because they know that they already melted the 'dark angels' cold heart..

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Keahun #1
Chapter 67: mmm, mmm intersting story, thanks
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 67: OMG this is so awesome!!! Both of the ending made me cry T^T So daebak!!
Wahhhhh the first ending made me cry. The second one made me cry too!!! Tears of sadness then tears joy! :)
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
Two ending?? I choose the happy one ^^
Princ3ss_BubbLee #6
this is a great fic, thankyou so much for writing it :D
JoJomontano #7
aww nice :))
Thank you guys!!! Love yah!!!!!! <3
EkaSha #9
OMG!! This Is Such A Great Fanfic...<br />
I'm Gonna Read Your Other Fanfics As Well^^
thank you!!! ^^.. many thanks to you guys!!! love yah all!!! ^^