
2PM: Game Over

“Hyung! … Please wake up! … Hyung!”


The voice sounded like a distant echo. In an empty space with no walls shrouded in darkness the voice was like a dim beacon of light.




The beacon suddenly exploded, its light and debris piercing through the air. The voice was deafening and Wooyoung immediately opened his eyes and tried to sit up, only to feel a sharp and jetting pain penetrating through his side as he clutched his abdomen with his left hand. Collapsing back down on the ground, the stabbing pain relentlessly pulsed through his body.


“WOOYOUNG! Are you okay!? Get up! GET UP!!


“Junho-shi, please calm down, he’s just been shot. Wooyoung, does it hurt badly? Please try to stand up”


As his vision slowly cleared up from a hazy blur, Wooyoung looked around trying to absorb in his surroundings. He sat up slowly, clenching his teeth as the pain in his side shot through him once again. He looked down at his left hand to see it covered in blood. They were in what seemed a confined room. Dirty walls stained with mold glowed in the light of the florescent light fixtures hanging from above, half of them broken and the rest either dim or flickering on and off. To his left was Junho, his usual arrogantly calm demeanor gone out the window. Directly to his right was Nichkhun, reaching over to the hysterical Junho trying to calm him down.


“We need to move! WE NEED TO HELP TAECYEON HYUNG AND CHANSUNG-SHI IMMEDIATELY! PLEASE we need to do something!!” Nichkhun put his left arm on Junho’s shoulder with his right arm pulled in the back of Junho’s head closer, forehead to forehead.


“Junho, please pull yourself together. We need you to be rational so we can all get through this, can you do that for me?”


After a few deep breaths, Junho nodded, biting his quivering lip as tears streamed down his cheeks. Wooyoung felt someone behind him grab his back and gently pushed him forward to help him sit up straight.


“Wooyoung-ah, are you able to stand up?”


Wooyoung turned around and saw Minjun staring back with a pained yet encouraging expression on his face. Minjun’s eerily calm demeanor and Junho’s maniac behavior signaled to Wooyoung that something had gone terribly wrong. Even when Junho had broken Taec’s arm last year in an arm wrestling match, none of s acted out of character like right now.


“Ne Hyung, I think I can stand up.”


“Good, we need to move fast”


Junho, still trembling, took Wooyoung’s left shoulder while Minjun took the other as they helped Wooyoung to his feet. Nichkhun took a few steps forward, facing what seemed to be a TV screen the size of a wall showing nothing but static.


“What is the meaning of this? Where are you holding Taecyeon and Chansung?” demanded Nichkhun. His booming voice and firm tone took Wooyoung by surprise.


“… Ahehehehe… Why don’t you see for yourselffff..” hissed a voice seeming to come from the shadows.


The TV screen suddenly switched to a split screen of a CCTV camera view two small rooms, the size of jail cells. On the left was a hysterical Taecyeon, screaming his lungs out while punching and kicking the air. His eyes looked manic, tears in his eyes, the look of the utmost fear plastered over his face. On the right was Chansung, in the fetal position in the corner, rocking back and forth. His hands covering his ears, eyes glazed over and staring into space, Chansung looked broken and defeated.




“… I’m all alone… hyungs aren’t here… hyungs aren’t coming for me… I am all by myself… I am so alone…”


Junho ran to the TV screen and starting pounding at it with his fists, manically screaming back before collapsing to his knees, sobbing into the palms of his hands.


The TV screen switched back to static as the robotic snake like voice came slithering back.


“... ahehehe what kind of beast idols are 2pm? What are you when you are faced with your deepest fears? Two beasts cracked… four more to go.. ahehehe”


“What sick game is this? Who are you?


“ahehehe.. oh dear baby faced Nichkhun, your time will come too. It won’t be long before your two precious members die at each other’s hands…”


“THAT’S ENOUGH! Tell us what you have done with Taecyeon and Chansung, immediately!”


“ahehehe… didn’t your mom ever tell you patience is a virtue dear Khunnie-ya? Let’s take a peek into Taecyeon’s brain right now…”


The TV switched to a horrific first person view of rabid, blood thirsty animals snarling and jumping at the screen. Dogs with red glowing eyes, sea otters foaming at the mouth showing their fangs, birds screeching and dive bombing, the amount of creatures stemming from nightmares were endless.


“ahehehe… now let’s see what happens when we give Taecyeon a weapon…”


The TV screen split once again, with the right showing an additional view of the same CCTV angle of Tacyeon’s room from before. A machete suddenly fell from the ceiling next to Taecyeon as he picked it up, swinging through the air manically. The left side of the TV showed the rabid animals being slayed one by one as Taecyeon attacked each one mercilessly.


“ahehehe… Taecyeon, you must kill all the animals to escape and see your brothers…”


“I must kill all the animals to escape and see my brothers…”


The door to Taec’s room suddenly opened and he bolted out of the room, machete in hand.


“ahehehe.. boys… I should tell you that in Taecyeon’s eyes, Chansung will appear to be the most terrifying animal yet. What do you think will happen when Chansung runs to his hyung, thinking he is there to save him?”


“T-THIS IS SICK!” Wooyoung screamed. “STOP THIS! You filthy worthless scumbag end this right now!!”


“ahehehe …now now Wooyoungie, did you already forget what happened last time you spoke back to me? You don’t want another gunshot wound, would you? ”


Minjun went over and dragged Junho back to where they were all standing while Nichkhun, arms crossed, glared at TV screen.


“Okay, so let’s say we play your game, you must have rules?”


“ahehe.. of course Khunnie-yah. There is only one rule: survive! Ahehe… you have until the coldest time of night, 2am, to stay alive and save Chansung before Taecyeon makes his way there”


“This is insane. This can’t be real, this can’t be serious,” Junho exclaimed as he looked over at Wooyoung and Minjun desperately.


“We just need to stick together and we can overcome this,” Minjun said calmly, giving Junho an assuring look.


Suddenly, from behind, a door opened and an exit sign flashed bright green.


“ahehehe… looks like it’s time to start the festivitiesss…”


Khun turned around to the rest of the boys. The force in his eyes was chilling without a trace of his usual angelic expression. This dark Khun marched right past the boys towards the door before stopping right infront of it. He turned his head over his shoulder, with his eyes piercing through Junho, Wooyoung, and Minjun.


“Let’s go.”


Without hesitation, the three followed Khun with Wooyoung slightly limping behind.


“Oh boys.. ahehehe.. silly me, I forgot to mention that in Tacyeon’s eyes, you will all look like frightening creatures as well…”


Minjun’s eyes widened, Junho let out a gasp, and Wooyoung stopped dead in his tracks. Unphased, Nichkhun took one step towards the door only to fall through the floor, vanishing infront of their eyes. Suddenly, the floor beneath Minjun opened up too and in the flash of a second he was gone. Junho, looking to Wooyoung with a wide eyed terror reached out to Wooyoung only to disappear into the darkness as well.


“ahehehe.. what fun is this if you’re all together? Let’s see which beast comes out on top!... Ahehehehe”


And with one last turn around towards to the static TV screen now in the distance, Wooyoung fell into darkness.

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Hellooo! I have nothing to comment but ioufdjhskvxc this is so cool!! >< hnggg there's so many questions running in my mind and gah i just want to know what happened to them and who's behind this. I see it's been a while since you last updated but i hope you haven't given up on this fic~
Chapter 2: Seriously where on *asianfanfics* are you????? Come baaaack we miss you ... T_T
Chapter 2: Oh no WAIT JUST ONE MINUTE ...
Junho's "reflection" is Youngie? Nuneo killed Youngie?? NUNEO KILLED YOUNGIE??????? OMG nooooooooooooooooo ... Now Taeccie is gonna KILL Chanana thinking he's a monster and Chanana thinks Taec is an evil Channie??? And then it's gonna be Junsu against Khunnie???????? Andwaeeeeeeeee my poor 2PM ... Dont kill any more yet PLS ... Updateeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<3 2PM (but not dead evil 2PM tho) ;)
Chapter 2: Hurryyyyyyyyy i am dying to know what is happening ... Where are you?? TT^TT Come back and finish it ... Youngie is dead? Nuneo killed him? Evil junho or Good Junho? Evil ... I HOPE. Taeccie is gonna kill Chanana ... Uh oh ... And where did Khunnie go?
Plzplzplzplzplzplz updateeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is amazing don't end it there ...
Chapter 2: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???????????????????????????????
Is wooyoungie dead???????????????????????????? Nooooooooooooooooo what about - oh wait is he gonna become one of those evil things?
And what happened to junho? Why did dat happen when he passed - or is that happen when you pass? And what is happening to poor "baby-faced khunnie"? Is he alright? And what about taec and Chan? What happened? Are they alright?????????????????????????
Waahh daebak authornim
plz continue, suspense is killing me ...
You are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep it up! Don't end it there!
nitsukun #6
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: I have to admit, I would have been a bit disappointed if nobody died in a genre like this... but it still hurts a lot. Looking forward to whatever's next!
Chapter 2: dun dun dunnnn. i wonder why 'a' junho tried to attack woo.
Chapter 1: wow, this is a very interesting first chapter. I love how you play out the scenes (like a movie) especially the way you started it. Are you going to write a flashback so we know how they ended up like that? Anyways great job author-nim, this is a really captivating story^^
Yeah, I can see why you're thinking of another title cause the comparisons, Pauly. Pfft.
Chapter 1: Interesting... but this is more SawPM. But why individual?? is to soon, poor babies D:

Nice first chapter :)