Trouble in paradise

My Idiot

(A/N Kris im warking you bro dont read this ...)

The girl next to Kris lets out a scream an buries her face into the gap between the him and the couch “You scream like a girl” he chuckles eyes not leaving the television. “I am a girl” she mumbles voice muffled by the pillows, The sound of a chain saw fills the room and she squeaks a little burring her face further into Kris’s back. 


“We don’t have to watch... If you don’t wan’t too” he sighs looking down towards the girl huddled next to him. “No its movie night and its your birthday tomorrow, You get to choose the movie” she says not sounding as confident as she had hoped. The girl up from his shirt towards the TV just then a particularly gory scene appears and she jumps and hide her face back into the couch.


Kris gently takes her hand in his own regretting it immediately as she squeezes it with bone crushing force. Later when the movie finally finishes he switches off the TV and looks at the girl beside him “its over you can look now” he whispers in her ear causing her to jump. 


“How can you watch that?” she complains uncurling her self and stretching her tense muscles. “Because its all fake” he yarns putting he arm over her shoulders and pulling her close “thank you for watching it with me” he smiles and she puts her head on his shoulder.


“Big day tomorrow” she gets up gingerly stretching again and sighs “Im going home”. “Want me to walk you home? the big scary fictional character might get you” he teases and she hits him over the head “For that you get no goodnight kiss” She pouts. Before she could react Kris jumps up and presses his lips to hers rapping his arms around her slender waist. She weakly tries to pull away but eventually melts into the kiss, when they finally part for air she hits him gently on the chest “meany” she mumbles walking to pick up her keys. “I’ll see you tomorrow” she smiles walking out the door and into her apartment right across from his.




“Kris” a voice whispers and Kris bolts awake ready to fight of the intruder, the figure swims into focus “Lauren?” he asks warily. She stands in front of him hugging a pillow to her chest “I had a nightmare” she mumbles into the pillow. Kris sighs trying to calm his heart, he shuffles over and pulls down the covers beside him. She jumps onto bed and curls up beside him falling asleep almost immediately. 




Kris wakes up looking over at the girl next to him snuggled into his side gently he puts his arm around her. “How did I manage to get a girl so beautiful” (A/N because you are gorgeous duhhh) he muses quietly, suddenly she stirs and he freezes “Mmmm *giggle* Luhan your so cute... mmff you can’t tell Kris okay? its a secret~ *giggle* Luhan stop” the girl beside him mumbles in her sleep.  


Kris is in shock, sleep addled brain trying to process what he was hearing ‘Who’s Luhan?’ he thinks He listens for more but she says nothing ‘Is she cheating on me!’ suddenly discussed he retracts his arm and sits up. He runs his hands though his hair frustrated ‘I cant believe she would cheat on me’ he looks at the clock 7am “Its my birthday today... Great way to start a birthday.” he mumbles getting up and taking a shower. 




When she wakes up the first thing she notices is that Kris isn’t there... In panic she sit up but then hears the shower from the bathroom and lies back down on the comfy pillows. Eventually the shower turns off Kris emerges from the bathroom hair damp and but unfortunately dressed. “Good Morning!” she smiles sitting up again he doesn't return her smile. Immediately she senesce something is wrong “Oh its your birthday! Happy Bir-” she starts but Kris cuts her off “Save it” he says coldly.


“Kris whats wrong” She asks worried wracking her brain for things she might have done to upset him “I don’t know you tell me” he say crossing his arms and leaning against the door frame. “If this is about me coming last night you could have said no... its just I was really scar-” she says quickly but again she is cut off “THIS IS NOT ABOUT LAST NIGHT” he yells causing you to flinch. 


“I WOULD HAVE THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THAT! I THOUGHT I FINALLY FOUND A GRIL THAT WOULDN'T USE ME FOR MY MONEY OR MY LOOKS” he yells walking towards the bed. “Better than what? Kris what are you talking about?” she says slightly afraid. “I should have known it was too good to be trues.. you could at least do me the destiny of not playing dumb” he looks down at the floor anger replaced with a heart breaking sadness in his voice. “Kris WHAT THE ARE YOU TAKING ABOUT!!!” her patience snaps and she stands up to face him. 


“WHO THE US LUHAN!” He yells and her eyes go wide with shock... “so you are cheating on me” he says looking at her shocked expression and crossing his arms. “no im not” she whispers mind still trying to figure out how he would out about Luhan  “I can see it on your face! Why do you insist on lying to me” says Kris gritting his teeth. “How did you find out about Luhan...” she asks quietly “It doesn't matter! Where is he!” he fumes.


“Uhhhh in my apartment” she replies honestly... bad move “WHAT THE HELL YOU COME AND SLEEP WITH ME WHILE YOU HAVE ANOTHER MAN IN THE APPARENT! you... !” he Yells. ‘Owch... Wait what?... does he seriously...’ she thinks “Come” she says grabbing his arm and dragging him out of the apartment. “Im not cheating on you” she confirms opening the door to her apartment “Stay here” she commands leaving him in hall way. 


‘How could she! How could she! when I see him I am going to pull out his intestines and strangles him with them’ Thinks Kris fists clenching. ‘Im no waiting here.’ he thinks following her around the corner.  She emerges from the bedroom with something in her arms ands she turns around to face him “Oh! Kris you scared me” she jumps “Its a dog...” he says confused “Very observant Kris” she smiles he just splutters “Kris meet Luhan, Luhan meet Kris.” she says holding up the puppy to give him a better view.


“Your cheating on me with a dog?” he says shocked and she wonders why she have such a dumb for a boyfriend. Ignoring him she continues “It was meant to be a suprize..” you begin “That you are cheating on me with a dog!” he says still shocked “NO KRIS FOR S SAKE I HEARD HOW MUCH YOU WANTED A PUPPY SO I GOT ONE FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY!” She yells and he falls silent. 


She watches realization hits Kris and it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off his chest, he makes a mental note to kill Tao (the only one who he has told about his childhood dream) later. “Oh ... I acted like a idiot” he says running his hands though his hair, “Ya think” she says smiling putting the wriggling puppy down which immediately begins to run around the pair tail wagging. “OH MY GOD!! I called you a ! IM SO SORRY” he says bowing a full 90 degrees. The puppy takes this opportunity to jumps up and kicks his face, You put your hand on his shoulder and force him to stand up straight. “Im forgiving you but only because its your birthday and now let me get dressed before we have to explain to the neighbors why we were yelling so early in the morning...”


Da enddddd


(( A/N... Raaarrrwww i know its terrible but uhhhhh... creative critsism willhelp me inprove~))

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KimMinjae #1
Chapter 1: Omo~~ kris is so cute here~~ asdffjshshdkdja i cant even. Kyaaaaaa!! XD
lazyoongi #2
Chapter 1: hahahaha it was so funny, "you're cheating on me with a dog?!" lol stupid kris XDD
Chapter 1: benben hahahaahahah otl this is great
kpoplove_exo #4
Chapter 1: That's my dumbzhang! *sorry Kris. Love you~*
Chapter 1: hahaha what?? so luhan is the name of dog? lol~ kris youuu paboooo xD
so funny!
hanxiaoyi #6
Chapter 1: So luhan is a dog…hahaha
wonderexo #7
Chapter 1: LoL
Kris you are sooooo dumb
Cute n funny story ^ ^