Chapter 5

Fakin' it with Yoseob

Hey guys! I'M BACK!! but not for long T^ has been driving me nuts!!!! But since today I have time I'll UPDATE~~ HOORAY!!! It's also to celebrate my C+ in AP may just be a C but to me it means a lot!!! U see my perfect grades list of A's(nerd here XD) going down and then BOOM! WHAT!?! a D!?! lol so yea i was pretty happy to get a dad would FREAK!! lol super strict T^T..thank god b4 the report cards comes out XD!! so that was now ENJOY~..i gotta say this chapter was kinda boring TT^ out of ideas!!! and plus not edited XD!!


It’s just been a day and Hee Young had already made every boy in school obsess with her! Yes, she now goes to Soseol with me =.=…well at least better than Cube right? That lovely night before went into disaster! After the amusement park we went to hang out a little café…yes, with her. She was practically like glue, stuck right next to him the whole time, even if I did went in between them she always finds a way. Talks to him like he’s the only person there, hugs him like she didn’t just met him, and most of all flirt with him!! You know what I hate the most? Is that Yoseob LETS IT HAPPEN!!! This man is unpredictable! He just sits there smile at her and actually listens! I was fuming the whole time trying to control my anger (sweetie it’s also called jealousy ;)), and not throw my drink in her face hoping that the glass would break on her.

Imagine that look on her face when she found out I was his girlfriend. Hee Young gave out a surprised shocked expression with slightly opened. Yeah, you better back off…but apparently she was still going after it (Yoseob). She spoke in a fake tone going “Really? Ae Mi you’re dating this adorable man?” and pinched his cheeks playfully. Yoseob gave a chuckle at her and I swear I saw her smirked at me saying, if-he’s-you’re-man-I-can-take-him-any-day. What pissed me off was that her flirts with him increased even more, trying to make me jealous. I got to admit…I was. Seriously, how many exclamations marks have you seen so far? A lot that’s what!

Sigh~, so now I’m here packing my stuff for camping. Yep, we’re going camping with Cube High for 3 days. It was our reward for being number one at the athletic competition. I think it’ll be fun, we’re going to do a lot of fun activities. Okay, beside all those bugs biting and your blood. But best of all I get to see Yoseob >W

“You ready?” Nam Kyu said peeking into my room.

“Definitely!” I hopped downstairs waved to my tired parents and left off with Nam Kyu. Currently 5am, It’s gonna take a long time to get there. As I got on the bus I saw that most students were sleeping in the most awkward positions. I sat squeezed in between Hyun Jae, whose reading a book (like always =.=..she’s no fun hmph!) and Nam Kyu, whose listening to JYJ’s Get Out (Yeah currently obsess with this song XD!) I sighed and set my head back and closed my eyes becoming like the rest of the students, sleeping.


I felt a nudge hours later and opened my eyes, seeing Hyun Jae stare at me. “We’re here.” I groaned but got up anyway. “Breath in that fresh air guys, doesn’t it feel nice to be surrounded by nature? For today we’re going to go hiking! So go pick out your rooms and get ready.” Mr. Choi, one of our guides, said.

We all mumbled a “Yeah.” and I just turn my head lazily to the side, but that sight caught my attention and I stood straight back up. Hee Young had waited near Cube’s bus and when Yoseob came out she skipped toward him and linked arms with him. DAMN HER!

“Damn her indeed.” O.O That wasn’t me and I for sure did not say that out loud. I turned around to see Hyun Jae’s nose stuck in a book. As expected.

“Come on guys!” Nam Kyu shouted from ahead and I started trudging my feet towards her.


Walking on this endless trail is so..BORING! And why is bag so heavy!!! I feel cranky, maybe because Hee Young is somewhere stuck with Yoseob!! I want to be 5 years old again and just whine to my mom saying she stole my toy!...Okay that sounded wrong..I was slowly falling behind as everyone pass me. I can care less, I just want to smack down on the ground and just lay there. Which I almost did until someone caught my arm as my knees hit the ground.

“Are you okay?”

“No! Of course not! I’m—“ I got up to pretty much vent out my anger on this person, when..”FANTASTIC!” I ended when I saw that it was Yoseob.

 He sighed in relief and smiled. “That’s good.”

“Y-yeah.” I stuttered. “Where’s Hee Young?” Like I really care, but as caring cousin (not really). I just don’t want her to ruin this one chance I get to see him today.

“Back. I kind of lost her.” He laughed rubbing the back of his neck shamelessly. I smile like an idiot as we continue to walk. “So did you miss me?”

“W-what!?! No! Why would you say that!?!”

“I don’t know, I just felt like I haven’t seen you in a long time.”

I laughed. “Oppa, I just saw you yesterday.”

“Oppa? You never called me that before.”

“Huh!?! I meant Y-Yoseob.” I said his name in a whisper.

A hand landed on my head. “It’s okay, I kind of like it.” And gave me a sweet smile. Oh god, I hope I don’t have a nosebleed right now!

Suddenly a crashing sound interrupted us. A bag was rolling down the trail without its owner into the forest off trail. Me and Yoseob stopped on our tracks and just stared at it go by. Hyun Joong came past our vision and ran after it in a second.

“What was that?” Yoseob asked.

I chuckled. “Oppa must have dropped his backpack and it went rolling!”


“I have no idea.”

“YOSEOB! WAIT FOR ME!!” We heard a distant scream behind us. We both automatically turn back.

“I thought you said that you lost Hee Young?” I asked frantically as that voice belonged to her.

He laughed shyly. “More like I ditched her.”

“You did what!?!” I was shocked! And happy, does that mean he doesn’t lik—

“Come on!” He grabbed my hand and we ran slowly up the trail. It wasn’t even running more like a dramatic slow motion scene of us trying to get out of a thick mud..that’s how slow and steep it was.


After we couldn’t hear her voice anymore we stopped to take a breath. “Is your cousin crazy!?!” He asked suddenly after a breath of air. He thinks so too!?! Ahem! I mean..

“What are you talking about?”

“She’s basically stuck with me for as long as I can remember!”

Hope has arrived! “You mean, you don’t like her?”

“I mean she’s hot but—“ =.=..she’s hot sure why not..”I’d rather…” He turned to look at me and blushed intensely. You’d rather what!?! “I should keep you as a fake girlfriend for a while to back her off.”DON’T DROP THE SUBJECT!!

“I don’t think that’ll work, for her I’m just more competit—“

You guys are a fake couple!?!” Someone interrupted me. We turn to look instantly to see Hyun Joong holding his dropped bag before with leaves all over his hair.

You guys are a fake couple!?!” And our gaze switched instantly behind us seeing Hee Young painting and puffing hard.

Me and Yoseob couldn’t do anything but drop our mouths open moving it in ways without words and explainations..

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kyubigirls #1
Chapter 7: argh i know i am late but i really love this fiction author-nim >< good job and thanks for share this story to us ^^
YYSdyno #2
I read the first chapter and fell in love (:
B2utyForeverLove #3
Chapter 7: I love this fanfiction!! it's so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it so much~ <3 <3 <3 <3
Mistlea #4
Chapter 7: i only just found this story, but.... awww ~~~ it's so adorable and funny ! :3
hope to see more stories like this from you :D
OMO! I love this fanfiction. I was so into it! Screaming and yelling at the computer screen and stuff. Soo cuuute :3
This is one of my favourite fanfics now. :D
Imma read this :D
^^^ this was daebak~! keke like fiction and fact (B2ST X)) subbed :3333
dianaluphjaelani #8
Yoseoooob :)
yeah, the story is complete, but I subbed anyway- because it was a fun story!
SarangYoseob #10