Chap 15 Jealously is a Dangerous Game

For the one I love ..~

Chap 15 Jealously is a Dangerous Game


Sandeul POV


,,well her fever is pretty high a bit longer and i couldn't help her anymore but we are caring for her now, but one thing ..''

,,what ?'' Laila asked worriedly.

,,she keeps calling a name.... ''

,,which ... which name ?!'' HaeMi asked.

,,Sandeul as i remember..''

,, name.. why should she..?'' he asked himself.

,,Can i go in ?'' he asked the doctor.

,,Well, she actually need to rest but you can go in for 5 minutes the others have to go'' the doctor said looking after Sandeul which already made his way into the room.

Sandeul sat down on the chair looking at SooJi which still had a hard breath and kept sweating like no tomorrow.
,,Cnu told me u wanted to see me... and it was all his fault and his game... did you wanted to talk to me..?''

Sandeul took SooJis shaking hand hold it tightly trying to calm her by his appearance.

,,Shht SooJi ahh i'm here...''

,,Opp....oppa...'' SooJi mumbled in her fever sleep.

,,I'm here'' Sandeul kept saying.

,,Jebal...stay away...from me..'' she said turning her head to the right and to the left restlessly.

Sandeuls eyes opened wide in confusement.

,,Mwo..? wae..w....wae you wan't me to stay away from you..'' he asked silently but SooJi didnt talked any futher.

,,What is wrong with her god damnit !'' He thought angrily.

,,Mr. Lee you have to leave now 5 minutes are over'' The doctor said coming into the room.

Sandeul nodded making his way out with the doctor.

,,We will keep you updated probably she is better tomorrow'' he said looking at Sandeul smilling.

,,Thanks Doc'' he said and bowed respectfully before leaving alone since the others already had to go.

,,oppa stay away from me..., why she wanted to see me ? to tell me this ? .. why she wanted to see me while she want me to stay away from her ?' gosh this girl.... what should i do with her... she made me fly high... and now she make me falling down... '' he thought and sighted.
Sandeul was walking along the dark streets of Seoul with his hands in his pockets.

,,Annyeong oppa why are u out so late ?'' a soft voice asked behind him.
Sandeul turned around trying to find out who it was.
It was a blonde Korean Girl dressing Girly with a pinky skirt, a white blouse with her hair tied up and light red high heels.

,,I just visited a friend in Hospital and who are you ? a BANA ?'' he asked suprised.
She nodded smilling widely.
,,I'm sorry about your friend i hope he gonna be okay soon.'' she said with a worried face.

,,Thank you for ur condolence'' Sandeul said smilling. ,,Well i'll make my way now ..''
,,Wait oppa i'm pretty scared can you lead me home ? '' she asked pouting.

Sandeul let out a light smile.
,,Sure, i'm protector of the BANA ! i need to protect my Gf's '' he said laughing making her laugh out too.

Sandeul and that girl started to walk along the streets chatting together.
,,We arrived thank you oppa...'' the girl said turning to him.

,,So what is your name after all ?'' Sandeul asked.

Suddenly the girl sealed her lips with his holding the kiss long.

,,What is that ? i can't move'' he thought frozen by her kiss.

,,If we meet next time i might tell you '' she said after breaking the kiss and smirked walking into the narrow alley leaving him alone.

,,This interessting..'' Sandeul thought smilling for himself.
,,But i couldn't feel isn't the same as with.. her..''

Sandeul made his way home keep thinking about the misterious Girl he met this night.


,,I totally dissapointed Sandeul... but .. he is having so much luck... with her.... but what... HaeMi said... killed something big in me..
i never thought she would have feelings as this.. if i would have known i wouldn't torture her like that... i feel so bad whatever i do i make it wrong..''
Cnu thought leaning against the stove as suddenly Sandeul stepped into the Room thoughtfully.

,,Sandeul, coming home this late..?'' Cnu asked curiously.

Sandeul didn't answered just gaved his hyung an angry glance looking into the refrigerator.

Cnu sighted.
,,Hey, i'm sorry and i know you won't be able to accept my apologize... but you are facing me everyday, WE are facing each other everyday...
and we should try to communicate at least a bit ... '' he sighted.

,,Hyung no worries you were right... '' Sandeul said keep sticking his head into the refrigerator.

,,mwo? aniyo she..'' Cnu tried to continue but got interrupted by Sandeul.

,,She said i should stay away from her, and i will do.. ive met another Girl tonight.. and she seems nice..i should give it a try and i will i'll search and met her tomorrow again.'' Sandeul said pulling out a coke looking at his hyung with a bread in his mouth.

,,WHAT !?!! ARE YOU SERIOUS NOW !?'' cnu screamed angrily.

,,what is the problem hyung ? she want me to stay away so i only do as she wish..'' sandeul said eating the bread putting the coke on the table.

,,What the is he doing ?! why the he is such a ing idiot right now !?'' cnu thought angrily.

,,Sandeul are you so dump !?''

Sandeul rolled his eyes taking his coke and makign his way into his room followed by cnu who almost ran against the shutting door.
,,YAA'' cnu screamed silently to prevent the others from waking up.

,,Leave me alone hyung im old enought to take decisions by my own and you are the one made the mistake not me '' Sandeul said coldly leaving Cnu angrily at the door.

,,He isn't serious now !!!??''



,,you did the right thing cutie..'' Laila said trying to calm her friend who was crying heavily on her shoulder.

,, I thought i can feel his embrace... i thought we will spent much time together.. SooJi told him so many times she don't want anything from him and she told me the same... we both know she loves Sandeul more than her own life... why can't he accept that and why he can't see me... am i so invicible ? do i not deserve a bit of love or luck !?'' haemi asked Laila with tears flowing down.

,,Cutie you deserve your luck and you deserve love you told him now what you thought and how you feel , and he knows about SooJi too, i don't think he is dump as this, and if you want i'll talk to him and i want you to be happy same as i want SooJi to be Happy but... i can't do anything when i don't know what's going on...mian for changing the topic...'' Laila said apologizing.

HaeMi shook her head wiping her tears.
,,You right... we should find out what's wrong but how...? but wait.., whats about you and wookieeeee ?'' she asked with a wide smirk making Laila blush.

,,He wanna see me tomorrow... '' she blushed deeply hiding her face.
,,AHHHH chukkae !! i'm so happy for you !! at least for one of us it's working its way !'' she said laughing.

,,You know he is as i imagined, he totally cares me he doesn't want me to get sick, and he makes sure i always eat enough... i can lean my shoulder on him .. i told him about faithy and he is suspicious either whats going on her he said he is trying to help ... '' Laila said smilling lightly.

,,Well, good so we need as much people as we can since she won't tell us what happened... and she isn't aible right now too i hope she is going to be better tomorrow, the Doc said he will inform us when she can leave the Hospital.''

Laila nodded laying down a bit reliefed.
,,I'm glad he will and i hope she will be leaving by tomorrow''

HaeMi nodded in agreement joining the sleeping position in her bed.

-Next day Afternoon-


Since yesterday SooJi was staying in the hospital cause of her dangerous High Fever, Doctors kept making tests giving her medicine trying to cool down her fever, which showed a huge success in the afternoon.
SooJi woke up.

,,Finaly you woke up miss Yoon your fever is cooled down and your temperature is on 37 degrees now so normal temperature i guess you can leave by tonight, we wanna make sure that it won't raise due the afternoon again so keep rest till then and don't stress yourself, your mobile is at the secretarys office u can get it when you are leaving the hospital for now don't let anything stress you please'' the doctor said leaving the room silently.

SooJi took a reliefed breath looking around in the room until her view stucked on her hand.
,,i had a feeling Sandeul was here yesterday...or did i dreamed it.... '' she thought sighting.

SooJi kept watching some tv until she fell asleep.

Sandeul POV

,,i need to find her.. it's already 6pm and i kept searching for 4 hours now.. she must be here in the area she is living here as i remember.. i need to know who she is... ''

-Flashback this morning B1A4 dorm-

,,Sandeul u gonna visit SooJi today ? after the interview in few minutes we gonna have some free time, when the Doc is going to call we gonna go looking for her'' Jinyoung asked.

,,No i won't i already have an appointment'' Sandeul said.

,,Are you serious ? who is more important ! SooJi or the Girl you met yesterday and you don't know anything about?'' Cnu asked angrily crossed his arms.

,,Well i know almost everything about SooJi so isn't the Girl more interessting ? SooJi don't wanna see me anyway'' Sandeul said coldly.

-Flashback end-

,,Oppa what are you doing here ?'' a soft girly voice appeared behind him after the clock was showing 8 pm.
Sandeul turned around looking a the Girl from yesterday wearing a white-black dress showing off her legs ily.
,,I was searching for you.. you are not leaving my head after yesterday i wanna know who you are..'' he said smilling.

,,Well i will tell you after a date night'' she said biting her lips shyly.

Sandeul gulped looking at her blushing.
,,Sure why not ..'' he agreed.

,,It feel so wrong... but maybe its the best way...''

The night was going to an end after a restaurant visit with the best kimchi, and cokes in Seoul they walked along the River around 11pm watching the shimmering water holding hands.

,,So you wanted to tell me your name'' he said.

The girl placed a finger on Sandeul's lips. ,,Shht..'' leaved her lips until she sealed hers with his.

Sandeul gulped lightly but gaved in.
,,No... it isn't the same... i just feel ...nothing..''

Suddenly the Girl broke the kiss taking her bag whispering ,,you must deserve it... to know my name'' she smirked, running away leaving Sandeul behind.

,Wh...what was that ?''

Sandeul looked after her.
,,YAA when will i see you again !!!'?'' he asked but the girl already made her way out of his sight.
He started smilling for himself turning around as suddenly he faced a tearing hurt Girl.

,,are you serious...?''

,,SooJi..'' Sandeul said shocked looking at her unbelievable face.

,,ARE YOU SERIOUS NOW !!!'' she screamed starting to cry heavily.



SooJi was waking up looking at the clock.
,,already 7:30 pm.. wow i was really sleepy...''

She looked around for a doctor in her room as her view stuck at the door showing a person in front of it.
,,Laila..? HaeMi ?'' she asked carefully as suddenly the door opened slowly.
Black heels took a step into the room, sooji knew not laila nor HaeMi would wear such shoes if it wouldn't be for buisness.
Her view wandered to the face of the Girl stepping in making her freeze.

,,Hey... SooJi .. you feel better ? well i told you that it'll have consequences if you don't listen to me..'' the girl smirked sitting next to her.

,,The Girl.... the Girl with the masked boys... the Girl with the letters... how she knew..? what she want....?'' SooJi asked herself panically.

,,You probably ask yourself how i knew that you are here... well i told you we are watching you and i know that Sandeul was here yesterday... you did great somehow u made him angry.... and he ended up with me yesterday... my plan is working.. and if you interrupt you know what happens...
slowly ill make him step into my trap..~ and i'll make you responsible for his missing, for his changing, for his non - concentrated working.. he will be mine.. finally and he won't concentrate on anyone else.. or he will be in danger.. for now he is doing it right and he is searching for me already the whole day... if itll will change '' she started to smirk evily.
,,If he will lose his interresst ins me cause your interuption you will be in trouble...oh no better... he will be the one is in trouble'' she smirked looking at SooJi.

,,What... ? he... have interesst in her..? he was searching for her...?...sandeul... why...?''

,,well... since u never have the respect to me to talk i will make my way out of here facing my future boyfriend.. i let him wait the whole day he probably gonna be nervous as hell and i don't want him to wait for to long anymore'' she winked smirking evily leaving the room.

SooJi's eyes filled with tears and the doctor stepped into the room.
,,Soo Miss Yoon do you feel alright ?''

SooJi looked down nodding lightly.
,,Well good then your temperature look a bit higher 37,8 but i guess u can go'' he said leaving the room leaving the phone on the table.
SooJi sat up looking on the floor.

,,he will be mine.. finally and he won't concentrate on anyone else.. or he will be in danger..''

the words kept repeating in her head making tears fall down from her eyes until she got shocked thinking about the words over and over again.
,,or he will be in danger...? He is already in danger... !!..
slowly ill make him step into my trap..? HOW CAN I BE SO ING DUMP... I need to stop them... better i'll get hurt as him.... it's more dangerous when she is around him.... and itll get even harder when her plan making me responsible is working... '' SooJi thought grabbing her phone running out of the Hospital as fast as she can.
,,Sandeul dont be so dump... please.... please don't fall for her... '' she thought running and calling him but he didn't thought about picking the phone up.

SooJi ran even she felt out of breath... her temperature was raising but still she kept running out of worry as she suddenly arrived seeing them kissing.

The Girl broke the kiss whispering something into his ear while looking up to SooJi smirking.
,,No... you... didn't... oh god.... my heart.... this is.... oh god why this is hurting so much.... ''

The Girl ranned away leaving Sandeul behind.

,,YAA when will i see you again !!!'?'' he asked but the girl already made her way out of his sight.
He started smilling for himself turning around facing SooJi who breathed heavily tearing.

,,are you serious...?''

,,SooJi..'' Sandeul said shocked looking at her unbelievable face.

,,ARE YOU SERIOUS NOW !!!'' she screamed starting to cry heavily.

,,What !? what is the problem !? Shouldn't you be in the Hospital?'' he said raising his voice.

,,I'm here now ! AND I TELL YOU TO NEVER MEET WITH HER AGAIN !'' she screamed angrily.

,,What !?!? are you serious now ?!?!? YOU ARE NO ONE WHO CAN TELL ME WITH WHO TO MEET AND WITH WHO NOT ! Why is it so important either you don't want to see me either ! you said i shouldn't come close to you !! Why do you even care what i do and with who i meet !!??'' he started to scream at her in anger and confusement.


,,SooJi...'' Sandeul said silently tears welling up into his eyes.



,,I CAN'T ! I DONT WANT YOU TO GET HURT !'' she started to cry more and more gulping, trying to swallow down her hurtfull feeling.
,,You should stay away from me... but you shouldn't be with her either... but what.. can i even do... i never was supposed to be the hero in this story... how can i think i can save you .... i can't ... but i'll keep on trying because if i wont try... everything will be lost...'' SooJi's breath got heavily.

,,my temperature is increasing.... i need to go i can't do this anymore..'' she thought looking at him.
Sandeul couldn't say anything in his confusement and shock he was gotten into.
SooJi felt how akward the situation got and how bad she felt with every second passed.
So she whispered ,, Sandeul.... ..take care..'' and ranned away crying leaving Sandeul behind until she arrived her dorm.

Laila and HaeMi opened the door in suprisement.
,,hey we just wanted to get you ..'' they said, sooJi lifted her head looking at her closest friends with swollen eyes full of tears.
Both looked shocked pulling her in.

,,SooJi what happened !?''...~


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I decided to write the POV'S in the persons Version now :) just that you're not confused


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SueBiDu #1
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: this is perfect... Now my heart is Racing too ...
IAmLaNinja #2
Chapter 6: I'm very picky with the stories I read, but sincerely, I'm enjoying this one. I just have a few technical suggestions, you can message me if you want to hear them. Good job though. BTW are you German?
jennifer1801 #3
This is jennifer the admin on b1a4 bana international kekekeke