Chap 13 Conflicts

For the one I love ..~

Chap 13 Conflicts



,,Sooji tell me what the is going on !!"

Sooji lifted her head, her hair was falling out of her face showing her tears flowing down uncontrollable.
,,Sooji... what... whats wrong..?'' Cnu looked at her in shock suprised by her crying. 

JiJi gulped looking away to hold more tears back of coming out until approaching Cnu's eyes again in frustration.

 ,,Tell me'' he said looking at her.
SooJi took a deep breath,took cnu's hands making herself free from his grip. 

,,It's nothing oppa.. '' she said with a light smile while Tears kept flowing.
Without hesitation she took her bag next to her making her way to the door.

,,SooJi what did i told you!?'' Cnu said looking at her seriously making her stop by his words. 
SooJi's head lowered looking at the floor. 

,,I feel like of protecting you .. I NEED to protect you !!'' cnu said seriously. 

SooJi took a deep breath again smilling lightly, taking a look back to Cnu with her swollen eyes.
,,You already protected me by not letting anyone know about my crying right now...gomawoyo...mian oppa... i'll cancel practise today.. '' she said walking out of Entertainment. 

Cnu was about to follow her but stoped at the door looking after her. 

,,She didnt meant it what she said to Sandeul..'but.. why you can't see me..? '' he thought and continued practising to get on other thoughts.


Laila POV

,,I don't know what's going on with her... she isnt telling me anything nor to HaeMi or anyone else... what has happened yesterday...?'' she thought and suddenly bumped into Mr. Jung who catcher her arm to prevent her from falling on floor. 

,,Laila what's wrong ? '' he asked pulling her back up. ,,And where are SooJi and Sandeul today?'' he asked. 

Laila gulped trying to smile at her teacher. 
,,Well.. they doesn't feel really well i guess both haven't had a good dinner yesterday and stayed at home for now SooJi said i should apologize for her. '' said Laila in protection. 

,,Arasso, i hope they will get well soon, and what are you doing here ?'' he asked looking at her in confusement. 
,,Today is yor free day after Managing Super Junior, by the way you did really great as i've heard respect especially kyu should be hard to handle but you did it right.'' he said smilling. 

,,Thank you'' she bowed lightly.
,,I just wanted to get the Schedule for tomorrow and then i'll be gone immediatelly.'' she said smilling bowing again and making her way to her office. 
As she looked up at the Schedule she got suddenly got a call.

,,Yoboseyo ? '' she asked and a soft voice on the other side of the phone was answering her. 
,,Hey Laila our metting at 2pm you didnt forget right ?'' Wookie said. 
,,Aniyo waeyo ?'' she asked. 
,,Because it is 2pm '' he said laughing. 
,,Ohh OHH mianhada i'll be there in few minutes i only need to check the schedule for tomorrow !see you there !'' she said and hurrily hanged off running to her dorm.

,,Im on my way'' she msgd arriving at the dorm. ,,Faithy !?'' she screamed searching for her friend.
,,Hurry you are already LATE ! '' Said JiJi leaning at the Bathroom door with make up products in her hands. 

Laila sat down and Faithy tried her best to get Laila ready as fast as she could.
,,Cutie.. what is wrong ? something must have happened..'' Laila said looking worriedly at her friend. 

,,Nothing cutie.. i'm just overhelmed with Schedule and Sandeul freaked me out the last days especially yesterday he confused me totally...'' she said finishing the make up.

,,Cutie don't lie to me i know u..'' she said sadly.

,,Here u wear this and then go ! '' she said pointing at the shoes and the dress laying on a chair. 

Laila dressed herself looking at SooJi to get a last check. 

,,Perfect now go '' she said pushing her out of dorm.

Laila was running fastly.
,,OMG 15 minutes to late laila is a genious getting me ready in 5 minutes.. '' she was running like never until she finally arrived. 

,,Hey why are you running like this we said 2:15 pm haha i was just joking with 2pm'' Wookie said jokingly looking at her. 
,,I totally forgot which time i only knew 2 pm i'm sorry oppa so sorry '' she said looking up to him and got stunned by the view. 
The Sun was shining on his back and he smiled messing his hair shyly which made her blush. 

,,It's okay it's good that i called you'' he said laughing. 
,,You....You're really pretty.... the dress totally fits you.. '' he said blushingly. 

Laila blushed deeply looking at him. 



,,I don't know what's wrong with her... i try to be there for her like you both  but she is totally ignoring my help'' Cnu said looking at HaeMi in frustration. 

,,Oppa all of us can't help her she is running away from all of us ..'' HaeMi said sighting. 
,,Oppa... why  ure not caring my feels.?' can't u just look at me for once.... i'm worry.. about her too but.. aish..''

,,Hyung, we dont have any Schedule today right?'' Sandeul asked looking into Cnu' Room. 
,,Oh hey HaeMi'' he said with swollen eyes.

Cnu shook his head looking at his younger friend.
,,Arasso...gomawoyo'' Sandeul said leaving the room.

,,omo... he is still crying ..? .. omo.. he must be so hurt..'' haemi said. 
Cnu putted his hands on her shoulder which made her look at him in confusement.

,,That's why.. HaeMi... help me to find out whats wrong..'' he looked at her worriedly.

HaeMi sighted.
,,Oppa... can i ask u one thing..?'' she said looking down.

,,Ye.. what is it ?'' 

,,Do you love her...? she loves Sandeul... look at me ... iam the one always being there for you...why it isnt me..'?'  she thought.

,,How do you want me to find out when she isn't even speaking with me or Laila.. i think we have to wait till she is ready to explain''  HaeMi said. 
,,I have to go now either oppa i have an job interview.. but i think it doesnt care you either..'' she said packing her stuff walking to the door.

,,Mwo ?'' he said grabbing her hand jumping out of bed.
,, I surely care ! you are also important for me... come i'll take you there'' he said taking his jacket making HaeMi smile.
,,Gomawoyo oppa..'' she said following him to the car getting ready for the Job interview.


Sandeul POV

The whole day he couldn't stop to cry and think about what SooJi have said.

,,Why... why did she even replied the kiss.... i thought... she feel the same...''

 He thought crying his eyes out. 
,,But why... why is she doing this to me... i would like to ask what's wrong and why all of a sudden but... she already gaved me an answer...'' 

,,i dont wanna work tomorrow... '' he thought,walking towards cnu's room knocking and looking into the room. 

,,Hyung, we dont have any Schedule today right?'' he asked looking at Cnu noticing HaeMi.

,,Oh hey HaeMi'' he said with swollen eyes.'' ,,Should i ask her how SooJi is doing..? No... sandeul stop caring... '' he sighted.

Cnu shook his head looking at his younger friend.
,,Arasso...gomawoyo'' Sandeul said leaving the room.

,,I need to get out of here.... '' he thought taking his jacket , leaving the dorm.




SooJi took a deep breath inhalating the refreshing night air. 
,,Aigo... it's good not to hang around in the dorm crying all day long... i hope ... Sandeul is save now..'' she thought walking around putting her hands in her pockets until she arrived at the Park sitting on a bench watching the sky above her. 

I have a habit which is I cannot look up to see the evening sky any day.
I hate the feeling as if the whole world is gonna leave me.

That sun falling faraway will come here tomorrow.
It seems that it would not the sunshine that brightened me.

Love comes again though you leave me.
Even if I had a clamorous parting.
You weigh on my mind over and over like this.

I laugh for loving something occasionally.
I feel the happiness more occasionally.
But you are deep in me.


She sung Evening Sky by Ailee while watching the sky with tears in her eyes. 
As she lowered her head to normal and looked around she noticed that no one but her was around. 
She looked up at the clock noticing that already 30 minutes has passed. 
,, oh 11:30 pm i should go home now 30 minutes are enough at this time'' she said to herself so she stood up walking along the path.
Suddenly 3 people were walking behind her following her on her way. 
SooJi got nervous increacing her walking pace gulping nervously as suddenly another 3 blocked her way. 
,,SooJi..'' one of the whispered making SooJi get in panic standing still gulping hardly. 
Suddenly one of the boy's grabbed SooJi covering . 
,,Shhtt u gonna be really quiet now okay ??'' he said smirking n hiding his face.
SooJi felt panically couldn't move or do anything else, she felt like crying but shuted as she was told. 
Suddenly a Girl appeared from the dark hiding her face with sunglasses and a mouthmask. 
She was approaching, SooJi fastly holding her chin. 

,,You did well, so you took it as serious as we meant it, but better you stay away from all of them, i'm sure u planned to seduce them all why do you even stay in their Entertainment, think about away NOT getting in CONTACT WITH ANY OF THEM ! are you listening to me ? or Sandeul will be hurt... '' she said seriously letting go of her chin. 
SooJi's tears started to flow, nodding slowly and ahrdly by the guys grip.
They guy was letting go of .
SooJi was looking at the Girl in frustration.
,, I .... will do whatever you Want.... but please... don't hurt him...'' she said seriously looking at the Girl.
,,It depends on you ...'' She said walking away slowly with her Gang leaving SooJi in panic and shock.

,,SooJi ?'' A voice said behind her making SooJi scream in panic. 
,,AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I WILL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT I SAID WHAT YOU WANT FROM ME!! ''she screamed in panic boxing her arms around until she got pulled into a depp hug were she kept screaming and jumping trying to get away panically hitting the persons chest hugging her. 
,,SooJi SooJi shht shhtt shtt it's me Cnu shhht'' he tried to calm her caresssing her hair hugging her more tight.
SooJi started crying heavily grabbing Cnu's shirt digging her head into his shoulder.

,,What happened ? its almost 11 pm what are you doing here outside alone? what happened ? and what u were talking about with i said i do whatever you want ??'' he asked worriedly keep caressing her hair to calm her down. 

SooJi kept crying couldn't start to explain just tightening the grip. 
,,SooJi.. stop crying .. calm down and tell me whats wrong...''
SooJi couldn't stop crying continued to cry even harder as suddenly Cnu broke the hug and sealed his lips with hers making SooJi eyes opening wide pushing him softly backwards to break the kiss looking at him in shock.

,,Why are you pushing me away?...'' he said hurtfull.
SooJi gulped taking a deep breath. 
,,i'm sorry oppa... but it seems... i'm not feeling the same as you in love with Junghwan oppa... ... but please ...don't make it hard on me now... '' 
,,I always cared you i'm always here for you !! why it isnt me ?'' he asked. 
,,i apreciate all of that but i didn't asked you to do all of this... you did it by yourself oppa and... what you just asked me... you should ask it to yourself about HaeMi...'' she said gulping making Cnu not saying anything more. 

SooJi breathed in deeply starting to make her way as Cnu was running in her way. 
,,Stop... you didn't told me what you meant with ,, ill do whatever you want'' '' ... he said serious looking at SooJi who was crying silently again.

SooJi looked up her tears kept flowing, looking at Cnu. 
,,Oppa... help me... jebal''





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I decided to write the POV'S in the persons Version now :) just that you're not confused


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SueBiDu #1
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: this is perfect... Now my heart is Racing too ...
IAmLaNinja #2
Chapter 6: I'm very picky with the stories I read, but sincerely, I'm enjoying this one. I just have a few technical suggestions, you can message me if you want to hear them. Good job though. BTW are you German?
jennifer1801 #3
This is jennifer the admin on b1a4 bana international kekekeke