Fruit Salads

One Last Kiss

School had ended for the day and Kevin breathe a sigh or relief as he stepped out the doors. He looked back and smiled as Dongho, Eli, and AJ followed behind him. It was one of those times that Kevin felt happy that he was really popular, because he brought him friends that actually liked him and then some. But Kevin wasn't in for the popularity anyway, he was particularly liking the fact that he was happy and if it came with popularity then it just was something to add. 

Eli wrapped his arm around Kevin's shoulder and AJ doing the same on the other side, the brunette could automatically tell they were up to something. Right now Kevin wished that Dongho paid a little more attention to him then his music as they walked. "So, how was it?" AJ asked, smirking at Kevin.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Confused at AJ's question he then turned towards Eli. "He's asking if your date with Kiseop was good." He help complete Kevin's confusion with a answer. But what exactly happened next the two didn't expect. Kevin pulled away and clung onto his books a little stronger. "It wasn't a date! He was just following me and we ate food that's it!" He squealed, shaking his head.

Aj and Eli looked at each other then back at Kevin, grinning. "So what you're saying is it's not a date. But you did eat, which dates do." Eli added, walking towards Kevin. "Yah, and you two were alone at a spot." It was AJ who said it and as Eli did, he stepped closer. They knew how their friend feelings about Kiseop and they knew that Kevin secretly somehow liked him.

Dongho looked up and sighed, it was times like this he wished that Eli and Aj left Kevin alone. Because seriously, it wasn't healthy and Dongho didn't feel like seeing another breakdown. "Yah, C'mon guys. Just leave Kev alone. If he likes him, then well okay. But if he doesn't then that's too bad." The youngest finished his eyes were kind of cold at first, before he smiled. 

"Plus we all know how it's going to end." He raised a finger, getting laughs from the two. Leaving Kevin the only upset one. "That's it guys! I'm going home by myself." Kevin stomped away, he felt his face completely heated from their joking. Though he tried to forget the conversation, they made it valid that he was going to fall in love with Kiseop.

That wasn't the case, Kevin thought and looked to the sky as if there was going to be an answer that fell from it. But as if the sky answered him.  "Yoboseyo Kevin!" Kiseop ran up to him. He groaned and glared at the sky. "Aish, That wasn't the answer I was looking for!" He squealed, making Kiseop stop and look at him in shock.

Then he looked at Kiseop and cracked a smile. "S-sorry for that. It was a math problem that I was trying to answer."

"Oh, well I get like that some times. But I really came over to ask you about algebra. I knew that you're pretty good at it; and I at it really." Finishing he rubbed the back of his neck, laughing to ease the embarrassment. But Kevin didn't laugh back, he just watched the nervous teen. "So, what you're saying if you want my help?" 

He really didn't say it bluntly, but he did say it to the point where Kiseop thought that he was being made fun of. "Yeah, is that a problem?" 

"Oh no, I was just wondering. I guess I can teach you." Kevin then flashed his signature cute smile. That had made Kiseop blush lightly, what was inside this teen Kiseop surely didn't know. But one thing was for sure, Kevin knew how to flaunt whatever he was given. "Oh thanks, c-can you help me today?"

He opened his eyes looking at Kiseop. "Now?"

"Well, at your house." 

He contemplated for a second. Was it safe to let him go to his house? It wasn't like he was a problem. But Kevin's parents were, Mother; completely obsessed with who ever Kevin brought home, questioning about if they liked Kevin a lot, to the point that she scared them away. Father; well, let's say he was strict, as hell. So right now Kevin didn't think that was such a fabulous idea.

"I don't really think my house is where we should study." Right now he hoped that Kiseop changed the location, he couldn't have him thinking that his family was a freak or something and Kevin was along with them in freaky Ville.


"You wouldn't want to meet my parents."

Kiseop laughed, "I've met all kinds of parents, Kevin yours won't be a problem. C'mon let's go." the older male grabbed Kevin's hand, pulling him along. 


They soon ended up at Kevin's front porch, in his mind it scream regret. Usually it was Eli or AJ or Dongho who would come over to his house. They were perfectly fine with Kevin's parents. But this boy, this flirt, could convince anybody that Kevin was just as mental as his family. It wasn't like Kevin wanted to keep his family bottled up, but he rather have that, then everybody he knew at school find him so weird that they didn't like him anymore or worse hate him. All Kevin did want was love an affection, but friendly anyway.

He took out his keys, moving as slowly as possible to put them in and unlocking just as painfully slow. Twisting the knob to open the door, he looked inside. "Hello Kevin!" Mrs. Woo said, waving at him as he entered the door. "Hello mother." 

They both walked in, Kevin's face lowering from his mother's stare. "Oh why Hello. You must be a friend of Kevin." She answered, walking over and shaking his hand. "Yes, Kevin's mother." He then bowed and took off his shoes. "Oh, please call me Yun." 

"Yes, Yun. I'm one of Kevin's friends." He didn't know why Kevin was so worried for him to see his parents. So far his mother was a really kind lady. "So you guys want anything, I just cut up some fruit and made a fruit salad." She offered, walking back toward the kitchen. 

"I would love some Yun." 

"Thanks mother!" Kevin raced into the kitchen took the bowls from her, kissing her cheek in the progress. "Let's go Kiseop." 

Following Kevin up the stairs, Kiseop waved goodbye to her. 

Crossing her arms as they left, "Oh Kevin, always so shy..."


Okay time for some romance! XD

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SHINeeFan-Key #1
Okay this fic was cute, you did a good job ^u^
Chapter 7: I really really loved it! The grammar wasn't the best, but I loved the story so much! :D I bet your other fics are good too c: