Rainy night


A short drabble about Dongwoo and Hoya


It was night when it started raining hard. The boys were at their dorm resting after having dinner. Dongwoo and Hoya were sitting on the floor watching videos on a laptop, enjoying themselves. They were laughing and talking a lot maybe the most noisy in the room besides Woohyun who  was complaining about how Sunggyu was pushing him away from the couch, claiming it all to himself.

Being bored and looking at the others Sungyeol stood up from his chair and walked to the rap duo with a mischevious smile on his face.

"You two are really close." he squatted down between the two placing his hands around their shoulders looking at them both who's attention was now on the choding. "You should probably go out."

"It's pouring outside if you haven't noticed" Hoya said lifting his eyebrow a bit.

"I didn't mean it in that way" he turned to Dongwoo. "But you understood me. I can see from your expression."

The older did get his meaning. His smile was gone and he looked a bit panicked.

"What are you talking about?" he tried to pretend to not understand.

"Oh you know perfectly well."

Sungyeol kept on teasing the both of them, mostly Dongwoo until he stood up saying he'd go out for a walk.

"But the rain.." Sungjong said after being quiet the whole time looking at the back of the rapper as he walked out.

"Good going, Sungyeol" Sunggyu looked not approving at the younger who shrugged starting to feel a bit guilty.

Outside the rain was pouring but the boy didn't care. In fact he was glad.

"Wait" Hoya grabbed his hand turning him around but the older shake it off.

"Leave me alone" he raised his voice but realized it when it was too late. He looked down.

"Why are you like this" the younger took a step closer so the other could see his chest. "He was just teasing like usual."

"But.. he was right" the last part he mumbled making it hard to hear. But Hoya did. He wrapped his hands around the older hugging him tightly. Dongwoo blinked surprised at the action of his fellow member trying to brake free but he wasn't able to. "Why.." he whispered, his hands shaking wanting to do the same but not daring to.

"Because, hyung.." Hoya paused before parting a bit from the hug to look into Dongwoo's eyes with a small smile before leaning in to peck his lips gently whispering into them. "I like you."

The words through the older's mind. He stopped thinking when the younger leaned again this time to kiss him longer. Dongwoo's hands reached up on the other's back hugging him too. The rain kept falling making their clothes and hair soaking wet but they didn't care. Somehow that little tease Sungyeol did made a confession come out. And now they only thought of nothing but the present.


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