afar from you

afar from you


It's been a long time since I had a crush on Baekhyun, the star of the university. Soon, I will be graduating and I need to confess quickly. I think I'm just gonna confess today, but I'm afraid if he'll reject- no, you've been like his best friend. And it's okay for him to reject you. Okay, take a deep breath..

"Baekhyun!" I called him.

"wae?" he turned back.

"can I talk with you in private?" I asked vervously, but he said yes.

"so what's up?" he lifted his head up as we got to the balcony.

"I.. um, I like you." I did it, HOLY MOTHA A I DID IT.

"you like me? I.. I don't know what to reply.."

"don't rush it. I'll still be waiting for you to answer any time." I smiled and was ready to leave, but he held my hand.

of course that automatically turned me around and he kissed me on the cheek.

"was that.. um, enough?" he let go of me.

"so.. is it a yes?" I still asked him.

he just nodded and hugged me. So he likes me too? HE, THE AWESOME HE LIKES ME TOO?! , I can't believe it.

"so.. I guess I'll see you tomorrow." he took me home.

I nodded and went inside, still speechless. Tomorrow, the graduation day.


I woke up from my noon sleep, almost late and immediately took a bath and put on my white halter dress.


I wore my white heels and bade goodbye to my mom and left to school with my car. I parked the car and saw everyone in black and white. Even Baekhyun.

he saw me and I blushed seeing him smile and walk towards me.

"you look.. very beautiful." he looked at me up and down.

"thanks.. you look really cool too. The girls' are really into you." I teased. I was actually jealous when girls' look at him like that.

"I don't care about them, you're with me, I don't need anyone else."

those words.. I just wanted to scream and blush so hard (which I am).

"you are so cute." he laughed looking at the-red-faced me.

we went in because the bell rang and the graduation is about to begin.

"students, we have a huge announcement to make!" the teacher said. "the so-called EXO boys is going to be a band called EXO!" he said.

"what?!" I said that while everyone was cheering.

Baekhyun sat miles away from me and he can't see me or even hear me. I went out after getting the permission from the teachers to go home early. I went to a field, a grass field and there was a swing and bench. I sat on the swing and swung myself a little.

If he's going to be an artist, then I'm sure we'll break up. Because he'll have fans and I'm sure they'd hate if their bias has a girlfriend. Why did he kept it a secret from me? There's no way he just found out yesterday. If I knew, I wouldn't confess. I realized tears came out and I can't stop it.

"_____?" a very familiar voice called.

I wiped away my tears and looked at him.

"were you crying?" he got closer.

I shook my head and went in front of the moon, I had to break up with him.

"you were crying.. why?" he followed me.

I took a deep breath, "I don't think we can do this."

"what?! _____, what are you talking about?! If it's about the band, I could not join-"

"no! It's been your dream, and I don't want to ruin it." I turned to him with tears, in the end I couldn't wipe them away.

"_____... please, you've made my life brighter ever since we became best friends. And even more when we are together, so please, don't go." he hugged me tight.

"I don't want to, I never did.. but it's for your sake. If we're still going out, your fans will say bad things about you and I don't want that."

"we can make it out, I promise."

I can't win, I know. So I just nodded in agreement.


3 years later, he became an idol and in less than a year, EXO is on top. Well, they did have some bad comments, it's about me and Baekhyun. I did get some fight with him, but in the end we sorted it out and we all lived hap-

"Ms. _____?" someone called.

"yes?" I turned and found the manager.

"I need to speak with you about your relationship with Baekhyun." he led me to a room.

"You need to break up with him." he said bluntly.

"I.. I know." I looked down.

"I hope you understand that your realtionship can ruin the image of EXO, right?" he asked and stated.

" I understand, but I don't think he will."

"it's okay. I just need your agreement and please stay undercover everywhere." he said.

I nodded in confusion but as long as it's to make his dream into a better one, I'd do anything.

3 weeks later, I haven't seen him since and never made a contact with him. I deleted his contact number and changed my phone number. I've been wearing an undercover ever since that day.


it's been 3 days since she left our dorm and not a single word is heard from her. I lost her hone number and when I went to her apartment, there was nothing inside. To her parents' house, they said nothing.

"Baekhyun." the manager called me.


"we need to talk." he led me to my room and shooed Chanyeol away.

"so..?" I asked.

"she's.. um, gone." he sighed. "you know she right?"

"gone? Where?" I pretended to play stupid, I don't want to believe it.

"stop playing a fool of yourself. You know what I'm walking about. I'm so sorry." he pat my shoulder and left the room.

She's gone, GONE. I can feel tears running down uncontrollably and I started to sob. One thing for sure, I never liked her. I loved her.


After 2 rough nights, I've been able to live with it. At least, not crying anymore. I sometimes see her, but it was just my imgination though.

"______... I miss you. I never liked you, never. But I love you. The times we spent together as best friends, as a couple were all heaven to me, you are heaven to me. I love you, ______. Now, and then." I said to the full moon before me.


hearing him say those words as I pass that field made me cry, but I can't be weak. It's for his sake, but I guess a last goodbye might be fine, right? I scribbled something down and puts it on the ground as I started walking and he turned back.


I turned around and heard some steps. I wanted to follow the steps, but I found a note on the ground.

'I'm sorry, and thank you. Saranghae. -_' (first letter of your name)

"_______?" I looked around, but found no one there. Maybe she really did hear me. I smiled and walked home.


A few months later, it was a show, and I could've sworen I saw her face, but.. nah.


he almost found out. He saw me, but I think he didn't really recognize me.

I went to the back to see if he's out, and there were so many fans lining up, making a fuss. I stood far away and saw him smiling at the fans, but not really that lively. I was really disappointed and got even further away. I look again and took off my cap. Then I looked back and found him looking at me.

He smiled wide and I smiled back, bow we can only see each other from a distance.

Now, I'm afar from you.

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