


"Let's talk about boys!" ChaeDa, the boy crazy friend of mine, suggested. The girls in our cabin dorm formed a circle and one by one we talked about the boys we thought were cute. Everyone knew each other's crushes, but for me... I never had one. It was my turn to tell them my crush.
"I like SuHo." I announced and all their jaws dropped. ChaeDa had to add something to make everyone else agree. It honestly was embarrassing.
"You guys would look good together." She thought aloud and onward we talked more about the boys from the church. It was the last night of camp, so we ended up talking about boys until sunrise.
"I can't wait for Unity Camp." My friend from a private school, Ellie, called me. I agreed and told to her what to pack and my crush. She was finally going to meet the guy I was crushing on for a while now. She rushed to my house and we went to my church to get to camp. On our way she rode with me and my two cousins from the church. Their names were MaeLi and Krystal. They were stoked and were going to go boy hunting. Once we arrived, we got out the car and we saw SuHo stretching giving all the girls from other churches a slight peak of his abs. He stopped and looked over my direction and smiled his deadly grins. I waved slightly and shied away.
In a matter if moments, ChaeDa's car drove up and she ran out the car and launched herself to SuHo. SuHo was surprised, but decided to not make a big deal because of how clingy she always is.
"What the hell?" MaeLi thought making Ellie and Krystal nod while leaning back.
"Isn't that your crush?" Ellie asked and I nodded.
"And that's a . She's going down." Krystal pounded her fist into her other hand.
"Let me give her a piece of my mind." MaeLi was ready to charge, but I held her back. They looked at me confused.
"I am not going to let my cousin's boy get stolen by her." Krystal and MaeLi whined.
"If he wasn't mine to begin with, I can't lose him." I took my backpack from the trunk and decided to help unpack the things. I could hear ChaeDa telling SuHo about how I like him, but he already knows so I don't see what's such a big deal. It wasn't until I noticed that everywhere ChaeDa went was because SuHo was there. It irked me, but I had to stay calm.
"Sometimes we need to be mad for you." Ellie said while shaking her head. I shrugged and went to go sit down with my friends from all the churches. I saw MaeLi, Krystal and Ellie go over to ChaeDa who kept taking pictures with SuHo, who obviously didn't want to anymore.
"I need to talk to you. SuHo, you need to come too." They pulled ChaeDa and SuHo away and I had an instinct to follow, so I sneaked behind the bush to hear them.
"You need to stop being a damn and leave him alone." MaeLi came right out with it.
"What are you talking about?" ChaeDa was trying to act all innocent.
"You know who likes him and yet you still flirt with him? How low can you get?" Ellie screamed letting out her anger.
"You are?" ChaeDa asked with much attitude.
"I am her best friend." She stepped up making ChaeDa back away.
"For you, SuHo. We could see the way you look at her. We see the sneaky peeks you take. We see how you like her too. Admit it." Krystal pointed at SuHo making him shrink.
"How am I supposed to do that? I like her, but I can't do it. I'm so nervous." He confessed. I couldn't hear anymore, I stood up straight and stepped on a twig snapping it. I crouched down to hide, but they found me.
"SuHo has something to say." They pushed SuHo towards me. He looked down and shuffled his feet which was utterly cute.
"I like you." He looked up at me to see a wide ear to ear smile.
"Me too." I said shyly.
"Purple?" He asked and he reluctantly reached for my hand. I grasped his hand and nodded making him smile larger than I was.
"What's purple?" Ellie asked, since it was her first time here. MaeLi and Krystal stopped aw-ing and answered her.
"You know that girls are pink and boys are blue." MaeLi hinted.
"When they mix?" Krystal added. Then it clicked into Ellie's mind.
"Purple! They become a couple!" She shouted for everyone to hear. We all shushed her reminding her that couple-ing isn't allowed here.
"Oops, sorry." She whispered and all our friends as in mine and SuHo's came over having their mouths completely open maybe having flies fly in and out.
"Oh my gosh!" They fangirled and fanboyed.
"Don't mind me." In a matter of moments, I felt something warm and squishy touch my jaw. Ahhhhh! He just kissed me!
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Chapter 1: ChaeDa..I always read it as ChenDae -_-
good job author xD
Chapter 1: Lawl... purple lol. Just lohohohohooooool~ my friwnd would choke the air once she hears that girls are pink. Lol
Chapter 1: lol I didn't even get that purple part until I read it all. lemme guess Ellie is me of course
BeeF_steAk #4