Life As Their Maid (LATM)

*IU's POV*


I did a small cough to ease the tension going on between us, literally all of us.

"So you're Baekhyun, I see. Um okay. And you are?"

Good. That's good. Try to change the subject and not think about the ert, who's gonna make you suffer. Good. 

"Suho" he replied

He's so mysterious but he's trying too hard to be one. He should just be himself though. He's so tense and now that I think about it, they're all tense. Well, duh I just mentioned that they're tense. Hence, why I wanted to ease it. Like freaking tense though. So scary- like they're hiding something. Obviously, I'm a stranger who just barged in to their house and decided to be their maid. Haraeboji wanted me to be their "nanny" but I doubt I'll be one knowing they're all freaking big and doesn't really need a nanny- or whatever. Whatever my job is. They decided to talk within themselves. Um hello, I'm still here. I feel so left out.

"I'm sorry about that, they're just shy"

A guy suddenly tapped my back and then continued,

"As you can see. We don't really talk to a girl who's the same age as us. This is the longest to be honest. Haha. Um hi, I'm Luhan"

"Hi, are you sure? It's as if they hated me or something"

"You're very curious and over-thinking stuff, aren't you? Haha"

"Haaaa- not really. I just can read minds", I said sarcastically

"Bwo? You can? You're like us?", a guy suddenly jumped in front of me

"Joke, it's a joke?"


It didn't really hit me until few minutes of silence.

"Wait... just like you guys?"

"Um yeah cus we like to play guessing game really often and so we're quite good at reading people's mind. You know?"


*Baekhyun's POV*

Pabo. This stupid Chanyeol just suddenly won't shut his mouth up. Ugh we have to-

"Oh, really? I see! So, you can read my mind? Haha. There's no need to think before I talk then. That's amazing. So that's why you guys don't really talk to girls just because of your game? Because you can read their minds. Girls need to keep up with their games then. Haha. So fascinating", she said while laughing

Ah this girl. I feel like we're going to have a long way to go with this girl around. So.... fascinating. 

Hi, I hope y'all will like the updated chapter of LATM. Sorry if it bores you, I just need to get you really into the introduction because it's really important. You know. I mean, I think it's important. Okay, so in order for me to update regularly, I need y'all to do something from me. Comment, Vote and Subscribe! Would mean a lot and I would have the mood to update all the time. Nyeh, just me being greedy. But anyways, I'll see you guys in the next chapter. 

Love ya lots. 


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Next chapter will be better and longer. I promise! x


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nitaluviu #1
pls update soon
iufang #2
Chapter 6: Pleaae update soon..
Plooky #3
Chapter 6: Haha your story's really interesting and fun ! The "SUPER MAIID" just killed me XD ! Update sooon, fighting ! :D
Chapter 6: update soon faster as you can~~~! i hope you can update before my holidays end on 22 march (/ T_T)/... i must study for exam this year.. I REALLY LIKE YOUR STORY ~ <3 Chu~
TaheeraR #5
update soon! heheh love your story!
Chapter 6: Update soon:))))
Chapter 6: Yay! You finally updated please update soon *\(^o^)/*
sorashim #8
Chapter 5: Yeey finally
Chapter 5: Update soon, it's lng time since you update, i miss this story s much :)
AdrianaLee #10
Chapter 5: IU and Baekhyun is so funny. XD