Freaking Misunderstandings

No Words Are Needed To Be Said [H I A T U S]


Please forgive me. I've just been very busy lately TT_____TT

I know, this is kinda late but hey, it's worth reading (I think? kkk)



“We’re home!” My voice boomed in our dorm.


“Welcome back guys. How’s L.A.?” Sooyoung asked.


“Awesome. It was exhausting though.” Sunny said while sitting on the sofa.


“Glad that you’re all back. Jessica’s been acting.. err.. like a scary monster.” Eh? Did I do something bad?


“Why? Something happened?” Taeyeon asked Sooyoung.


“Uhh. I think you should check the photos that our fans have uploaded on the net.. while you were in L.A., that is.” Sooyoung got her iPad and a bag of chips out of nowhere.


“What’s with the pictures, then?” I’m getting curious. I wonder what it is this time?


“Here. The three of you should SERIOUSLY look at it.” Sooyoung emphasized.


“Lemme see.” Sunny squeezed in.






- - - -


“Kim. Taeyeon. Room. NOW.” Oh . The bunny’s mad. Taeyeon stiffened and gulped while following Sunny in their shared room.


“We’ll talk about this later, Miyoung.. if Taeyeon survives.” *gulp* She’s so scary!! Someone save me!


“R-right.” I answered back. And the door of their room slammed shut.


“So, what’s your plan?” I almost forgot that Sooyoung’s still in the living room.


“What do you mean?” Of course I knew what she meant.


“Well.. How are you gonna face your one HELL of a lover?” She continued on munching.


“Would you please stop emphasizing words, Youngie?! You’re making me more nervous.” I should really think of an awesome plan.


“Okay. Just saying. Chill, bro.” She laughed like a 15 year-old.


“Shut up, ‘bro’. I need to think of something.”


“Good luck with that. Sica’s been giving us deadly glares these past few days.” Soo’s serious this time. “It gives me the freaking chills!” She added.


“You’re scaring me, like seriously.” What to do? What to do?? Think Stephanie!


“Yah, shikshin. Have you seen my –“ . “Oh. You’re back.” Her words were like daggers.


“H-hi.” Oh man. I’m stuttering.


After that short conversation, you could just hear the slamming of the door.


“Told you, bro. Good luck.”


“Shut up, Soo. Leave me alone for a moment.” I need to think of something.


“Sure. Tell me what happens later. That is if you’re still alive.” Sooyoung smirked.


“One more and you’ll die sooner than I do.” I threatened her. Then she quickly ran out of the living room.


Aish. Whatever. I should just confront Jessi. I haven’t done anything wrong anyways. What happened was just an accident. Sones even captured that? Wow. They’re really like ninjas.


- - - -




No response.


“Jessi.” I knocked on the door.


“Jessi, can I come in?” I asked of her.


After that, I can hear the door knob clicked.


“Hi, Jessi.”


“Hello.” There she goes again with her icy tone.


“How are you?” What a dumb question, Tiffany.


“Fine.” A cold response.


“I see.”


Awkward silence…


“I missed you, Jessi.” I sincerely told her.


She did not respond.


“You didn’t missed me?” Okay. Time to use my cuteness technique!


“I did.” That was one blunt reply.


“Then why are you not responding to me?” I got near her bed.


“I.. I just..” She was pondering with her words.


“What is it baby?” I asked her.


“Don’t call me ‘baby’.” She glared at me.


“Ouch, that hurts. What’s the problem, then?” I asked her, as if I didn’t know why.






“And that erted little kid.” Way to describe Taeyeon, Jessi. She wouldn’t like to hear that.


“Taeyeon and I? Why? Have we done something wrong?” I should just pretend that I don’t know anything.


“Maybe, that is if you’re not cheating on me.” I haven’t seen her like this since the ‘#forever’ incident. And that was just a misunderstanding!


“I’m not. Why would I? And Sunny would have killed Taeyeon and me if that happened.” Just thinking about it gives me the shivers.


“Care to explain this?” She tossed her phone to me.


 “This was just an accident.” I faked a shock expression.


“Yeah?” She raised her brow.


“I’m telling the truth, Jessi. Taetae was just going to fix my hair but I suddenly flipped it sideways and this happened.” I felt cold sweat forming on my forehead.


“Does Sunny know about this?” She demanded.


“Yes.” I answered her truthfully.


Another moment of silence.


“Are you mad at me? I swear it was just an accident. And it was just for a split second. Both Taeyeon and I were shocked at what happened. We didn’t know that our fans would notice such an incident.”




“Jessi, I’m sorry.” She got out of bed and walked closer to me and what she did next surprised me. She kissed me just like that.


“W-what.. J-jessi.. I-I thought you were and..” I kept on stuttering.


“Got you, babe.” She grinned. WHAT THE HELL?? “Did you seriously think that I would get mad at you that easily and that I don’t trust you with all of my heart?” She chuckled.


“Well I—You were so—And.. What?” I’m seriously confused right now.


“Let’s just say it’s a hidden camera for your birthday.” She laughed.


“What the hell, Jessi. I thought you were really mad at us, or rather jealous.” I explained.


“Well, maybe.. But that doesn’t matter. I trust you.” She sincerely smiled.


“Awww. I love you even if you’ve tricked me.” I hugged her.


“To tell you honestly, I was kinda pissed off when I saw that photo and I guess I’ve been rough with Sooyoung and the others.”


“Tell me about it. Soo was seriously freaking out a while ago when she told me about the situation.”


“I should apologize to them later. I should’ve just vent out my anger on you.” Oh, what a devil.


“You should really apologize to them. But hey, really? You couldn’t stay mad at me.” I .


“What if I do get mad at you right now?”


“Please don’t get mad at me. Consider it as a birthday gift, baby.” I back hugged her, lightly placing my chin on her right shoulder.


“Stop that, Tiff. Your breath tickles.” She softly laughed.


“I don’t want to~” I nuzzled my nose on her sensitive neck.




“Did you just moan? Or am I just imagining things?” She just slapped my arm.


“I told you to stop it!” She didn’t answer me and just whined.


“Ok, ok. I’ll stop.” I chuckled.


“Can’t you just be sweet sometimes?” She scoffed. “Whatever happened to my cheesy Fany?”


“She became an exclusive ert just for Jessica Jung.” I bluntly answered.




“Haha. Ok, I’ll stop. I was just kidding.”


“You’re getting on my nerves, Steph.” She crossed her arms.


“Aww. Sorry babe. Forgive me?” Aegyo attack!!


“Fine. How can I ever refuse your aegyo?” She pinched my cheeks and turned back again. I just chuckled.


“I’m tired. Sleep with me?” Uh-oh. That sounded seductive.


“Are you trying to seduce me?” She raised her brow.


“No!! I’m just tired. You do know that my voice gets husky when I’m tired.” I explained.


“Okay then. I believe you. What happened to Taeyeon and Sunny?”


“Oh no. I don’t know either. Sunny’s really pissed off.”


“Who would not get pissed off with that photo anyways?” She huffed.


“Uhhh. Our fans?”


“Sheesh. Don’t remind me about it.”


“You were the one who asked it though.”


“Aigoo. Stress! Remind me to kiss you infront of our fans next time?” She suggested.


“I got a better idea, babe.” I smirked.


“Hey, I can feel you smirking back there. I don’t wanna hear any of your erted thoughts.”


“Waaaae? It will be fun. Infront of everyone else.. Hmm.. Why don’t I just grab your boo— OUCH!“ She freakin’ slapped my arm! That hurts!


 “Serves you right, you byun.”


“Oh gosh, that hurt. Why are you so violent?” I whined.


“Because you’re so erted.”


“You should be glad that I’m only erted for you.” I hugged her again after rubbing my stinging arm.


“Should I be glad?”


“Yes. ‘Coz if you’re not then is it fine for me to look at other people’s awesome body?”


“I soooo want to hit you right now.” She confessed.


“Just kidding, Jessi. I wouldn’t be looking anywhere else but you and your smokin’ hot body.” I whispered through her ear.


“If you’re trying to seduce me right now, I think it’s working...” I can hear her breathing unevenly. .


“Tiff..” Oh no. I think I’ve just activated her hormones. If I don’t stop this right now then..


“Steph..” Ohmygod. Her whimpering is.. , Jessi.


“Jessi.. S-stop.. I wouldn’t be able to stop myself if you continue on saying my name that way..” Why is she so hard to resist.. ALL the time? Tell me! Why?!


“Miyoung-ah..” She leaned her body closer to mine. Her body temperature’s burning hot.


“Don’t blame me if you can’t get out of bed tomorrow, Jung Sooyeon. You asked for it. I ain’t holding back.” I inhaled her vanilla scent and carried her ever so gently to her soft bed.


What happens next is…















It’s seriously up to your creative imagination. *evil laugh*
















And oh, Sooyoung can't  even enter their shared room that night >:)





Doesn't it leave you hanging? LOL

And I'm in the process of doing a SunYeon one-shot. Tahaha. SunYeon's part of this story.. maybe *smirks*

I hope you guys will wait for it :)) KEEP ON COMMENTING GUYS. I LOVE YOU ALLLLLLL <3 Trust me. *O*

Thank you for loving my one-shot collection too :*

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I'll be updating soon!! :)


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joonajung #1
Chapter 22: write this chapter in sunyeon too pleasee, hehehe
thanks for updates :)
Chapter 22: Woaaah hahah XD a complicated between the four XD lol
Good plan sunsic XD
But oh my god since when Tiffany became that ert ? O_o XD lol
Thankyou , update more ! ^^
Ma poor poor SunSic gurlz, always living with JEALOUSY ISSUES by TaeNy!!!
GLAD JeTi and SunYeon are REAL!!! >~<
Chapter 22: Tsssss.... JeTi JeTi JeTi....
*shakes head* aigooo

I wanna see HyoYoung next!!
SooHyo-Chan #5
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaa. . . soooo SWEETIEEE!!!!

jasminelep #7
Chapter 21: HAHA!!! I love that gif omg XD
TOTALLY describes the love square WAHAHA
Chapter 21: Haha!! I know right~
They're like rivals forever~ hahaha!!
TaeNy vs. SunYeon vs. JeTi vs. SunSica vs. Sunfany vs. Taengsic!!!!

But on the gif, somehow I felt Sunny is a player~ xD