Chapter 6

Their Story
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"Bow now"

"Raise your head"

"This is our last class where we will be having a full session since exams are almost over for most of you, but if you have any question in regards to anything please free to send me an email to or we have one-to-one session tomorrow afternoon."

"GoogLuck for the exams" the man said as he gathered his belongings from the table as students starts getting off their seats working in groups and chatting about the revision they still need to do for the exam.

Passing the students, SungGyu started walking towards the teachers lounge as he pulled out his phone from his pocket to see if he got any messages from his husband- who is suppose to pick him up. Not seeing any messages being left from his husband SungGyu sighed.

How many years have they been married for almost 16 years now. Today counts as a 16 years of marriage (not including when they first started dating.) Although, SungGyu is not a believable of first love becoming your true and last love but he so far he cannot describe his relationship with his husband in any other way but that. That First Love can be a true love as well. But that doesn't mean that they didn't struggle- they did, they have their ups and downs but with together they have been able to overcome them. And SungGyu hopes that in the future he will still be able to be with the same person everyone morning, day and every times he hopes that they will be able to be together. 

"SunnnnngGYuuuu hyunnnng” a voice shouted, as all the students who were still around the hall way of their cram school, turned their heads to look at a younger looking teacher practically slam his body on top of their other teacher. 

SungGyu groaned, as he stabilised himself, as he turned his head to the man who is almost leaning on top of him, “ JinHoon ah, can you stop doing this all the time?” SungGyu complained in pain. 

“But hyung you were not here yesterday and I really really missed” the younger pouted with his puppy eyes staring back SungGyu. SungGyu really can’t believe that this same man is one of the best maths teacher in their whole cram school and is a 28 years old man, almost as same age as his younger brother. 

Not being able to resist the younger;s cuteness SungGyu ruffled the younger’s  hair and turned his body to continue walking towards the staff room. “And since the whole semester is also ending soon which means that I won’t see much of you either now.” JinHoon whined childishly. 

“I had a doctors appointment yesterday, its not my fault that your scheduled class was later than mine” SungGyu said, with a guilt on his voice. 

With a raised brows, JinHoon asked, “What did doctors said then hyung?” he was concern about his friend’s welfare after all. 

“I still yet to get the results. I will be fetching them to later on” SungGyu smiled, as they reached the staff room, as JinHoon left SungGyu’s side to walk towards his cabin, which was right opposite of SungGyu.

“Ah, so I can’t really ask you to come and have coffee with me right now, can I?”JinHoon tried, with a geninues smile as he gathered his belongings to take home with him into his bag. 

“I guess, not Jin, Plus I have to go to my mother-in-laws. I haven’t seen for a few weeks now.”

“Hmm… I see. Just let me know when they will be free next time okay.” The younger gave beautiful smile.



SungGyu smiled, looking at the small tray of food in his hand and some tea for his in-laws. It has been a usual day at work where he would go to his morning job as a teacher and by afternoon, he would return back to the main Nam residence and help around in the house. And go back home by evening.

Now he was bringing some teatime snacks for 2 elderly of Nam family. Smiling to himself, hoping that they will like the new sweets his bought in the way back from work to try. Since he knew, they loved tasting new snacks.

But he forgot something.  How much he wasn’t liked by one of the family member.

SungGyu halted his footsteps right in front of the door as he heard two elderly women arguing about him.

“Soo Eun, why wouldn’t our Woohyun choose someone better than a barren man like him for our family. Even though, there were so many qualified women. Even man. Why does Nam family have to suffer with the faith of not having any more future generation?” He would hear the voice of the grandmother, mixed with angry and disappointment for him.

SungGyu tensed hearing the older’s words, his hands holding the tray tightly as he pressed his lips together for what to come next.

“Mother, you shouldn’t say that about our Sunggyu. You know he is the best thing that happened to our Woohyun. Because of him, we can be proud of our Woohyun now. He is the reason behind our WooHyun’s success.  Mother.”

“Ha! So what Soo Eun if it weren’t for SungGyu then our Woo Hyun would have had some else who would have been in his place instead. And would have done the same thing what SungGyu did but we would have had my great grand child. Not like now even after with the marriage of 16 years they don’t even have a single child.”

“Mother, they are trying, you can’t just-“

“Don’t try to tell me that they will have it soon. It is obvious that Sung Gyu is lacking. But what makes me angrier is the fact that man has wiped our child so much that he refused to even cheat on him or even try anything else.”

“Mother don’t say that. Obviously, Woo Hyun wouldn’t cheat on Sung Gyu. Do you even remember how they got married? Woo Hyun practically eloped with Sung Gyu, after you set him with someone else. Poor SungGyu didn’t even know that WooHyun never told any of us about them getting married like that. If not for SungGyu we would not have found Woo Hyun for many more months Mother.”

He would hear a sighing sound.

“ I know SooEun. I know. But that doesn’t mean that this old hag doesn’t want to see faces of our grandchildren.  Our next generation of Nam family. SooEun ah, you are not getting any younger either I am. My time is becoming shorter every day.  At least before I rest in the graves, I want the assurance that this family will not dismiss here. I don’t want our family finish with WooHyun SooEun. I want our generation to grow.”  The grandmother said in really sad voice and added.

“I don’t want everything to end here.”

Standing in the front of the door, as SungGyu tried to hold back his tears but trying to be strong SungGyu swallowed pressing his lips together. Wiping his eyes quickly, he forced a smile and entered the balcony hands tightening around the tray. With a bow and stretched smile SungGyu set down the tray in front of both of the elders in the table pretending that he haven’t heard anything at all about the previous issue at all. 

“Ah, SungGyu you should not have bothered about this. You should have let YooJin take care of this.” SooEun exclaimed, as she tried to take the tray from SungGyu.

“It’s alright, Umma. I am just leaving after this that’s why I just wanted to let you guys know” SungGyu smiled, placing the tray in front of the table.

“Aren’t you going to stay for dinner tonight. You can call WooHyun to come straight here from work?” pushing the chair next to her, telling SungGyu to sit down but SungGyu kept standing and replied.

“I am sorry, but there seem to be some work in the school regarding something and I was called to come back again” he smiled softly at SooEun and added, “And WooHyun will probably be tired to drive this far today since he said something about having to go around different sites today since something went wrong in the management.” He tried to sound as normal as possible.

SungGyu can see that the eldest among doesn’t even glance towards his direction.

“Aww… that’s a shame, I was thinking that these you guys would spend some time in your anniversary.” SooEun complained. “Maybe next time Umma, I will be leaving now then.” SungGyu smiled, as he quickly bowed to both of the ladies in front of him.

“Tell WooHyun to come over with you whenever he is free. Okay.” The old woman smiled, softly at him.

“Bye.” As he turned, to head towards inside to get his belongings, crumbling his health report in his pocket.


The night has fallen outside of Busan, as lights glowed through the lights outside lamps.  And just like everyone in Nam residences a figure also slept in the comfort of his own house, surrounded by full of white sheets and covers to bring warmness to him.

His closed eyes and face without any hint of pain, he lay down on his bed peacefully. His hands, softly his slight bump, his source of current happiness, as a small smile escaped his lips.

Time past slowly ticking away with every second and suddenly, the figure that lay down on the bed, groaned in sudden pain coming from his stomach. His hands curled around the sheets as he can feel the intense pain of something trying to rip him apart; his breathe intensifying with every pain he can feel.

“WooHyun… hyun” he called, his breathe heavy and his face covered in sweat.

And slowly, he can feel drops and drops of blood slipping past his body as the pain on his lower stomach deepens with every seconds.“No.. WooHYUUN ah,” he shouts, as he tries to move his body so that he can get someone’s help but he fails.

In corner of his eyes he can feel tears forming, as they quickly slips through his eyes, “Woohyun… baby. Our baby” as sobs follow the suit of his whimpering pain of lose because he can feel that the white sheet he lay is slowly turning red.


SungGyu opens his eyes, as he looks at the ceiling of their room, he cannot feel any pain anymore but he can still feel the heavy ache on his heart lingering in the corner. Stinging his eyes, as tears escape them without his consent. His breathe slightly heavy than normal, trying to recover from the nightmare he just had.

SungGyu closes his eyes. It wasn’t your fault. He takes a deep breathe, ‘WooHyun said so. It wasn’t’ he exhales.

“Damn it, I told you don’t call me anymore. I don’t care that if Mr. Jung can’t talk like a normal human. I have no intention to do business with him anymore.”

SungGyu glances towards the closed bathroom/closet door of their en-suite room where he can clearly hear his husband trying to argue with his assistant in low voice, to keep the noise level as low as possible. But what surprises SungGyu is that he didn’t even he

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Will probably update today or tomorrow not sure.


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Nayama #2
Chapter 7: i just read your update! and you have three chapter already,
i enjoy your story very mych i am sorry i just comment now,
as for this chapter, i don't know what you have in store for woogyu, but from reading this chapter i felt like it will be so difficult for them to have a child, but i still hope you will gave them the best
as for dongya, i like reading dongwoo's pov, i hope i can read it more
and for myungyeol, ahh i still rotting for myungyeol,and i do hope they did something already for the last scene here. but then, myungsoo have some cloth on him, so i really need to know what did they do!
thanks for your update, i'll wait for more
kay_yayah #3
Chapter 7: First of all, (im sorry) but i hate woohyun's grandma... I love how wohyun's mom protected /pretend sunggyu from grandma... I know how gyu's feeling and (still im sorry) im crying becoz this is a real sensitive's matter for someone who married for a long time and never had a chance to has a kid..(like me)....... Oh my gosh,your nam woohyun's character in this story sooooooooooooo unbelieveble kindness and very understandable person and husband.... I hope they will be happy together even they didnt have a child coz a child without someone who we loved beside us,is not a great condition(?)....

//sorry,i hope you understand what i wanna said to you...coz english really not my mother's language...and im only comment about woogyu coz woogyu's story really catched my attention,for this chap..//
Hammie_gyu #4
Chapter 7: THANK YOU for updating something about woogyu
And poor baby gyu , woohyuns grandma is so mean i hate her ><
I love hyunie in this story =.=
Chapter 6: You're giving me so much myungyeol feels that I can feel asking for more!
Chapter 6: A new reader here!!!! I like this Story but i want Myungjong ... Why myungsoo don´t love him!!???? What´s wrong with u MS??
He is a nice person and the most beautiful!!!
kay_yayah #7
Chapter 6: Woww!!!! Finally myeong meet yeol....
Feel a bit sorry for jong but you know jong, its more pathetic to hold someone if they be with you becoz something else and not becoz of love...
SweetInspirit #8
ouh, i'm sad for jongie but i hope myungyeol wil end up together.Sungjong deserve someone better and myungyeol deserve to be together ;)