Holding Hands

Whispers of Forever

A low sigh left parted lips as dark eyes fluttered open. The sun was just barely shining outside, its rays rarely seeping through the thick glass of the window. Yet even if it would have been a bright day without clouds hovering across the sky, the owner of those dark, soulless eyes would have never cared.

Or maybe, he would have.

"He loved the sun," he would have thought, a bitter smile grazing his lips."so much sometimes I felt jealous of it." He would have added, his dark, empty laugh echoing in the room.

But he didn't think anything like that as he sat up slowly. Grayish clouds were darkening the soft rays of the star, just like the sorrow that had tainted his heart so many years ago. At that moment, both seemed to stay there until eternity's end, the day when forever would finally cease to exist.

Slowly dragging himself to his wardrobe, the man glared at his own reflection without any real emotions in his eyes. Merely brown voids stared back at him, the thin layer of dust lingering on the mirror barely noticed by them.

Moments, then minutes passed. The empty orbs slowly focused on the reflected image of hair: dark brown, messy. They lingered there for a few moments before quickly looking away, searching for clothes.

A pair of old jeans and a dark T-shirt seemed good enough to wear that day. "Like they care about what I wear." The man snorted inwardly, running a hand through his hair.

Once again, he gazed at himself in the old mirror, changing his clothes as quickly as he could. Even like that, he could see the scars on his skin. Small, thin, but cruel reminders of what had happened that day many years ago. The day a part of him had left this world...

Though, even if he hadn't kept glimpse of the pink, barely noticeable marks, he wouldn't have been able to leave his house without thinking back at that day.

How foolish he had been to turn away, even if for just a moment. Such a frail creature, his baby deserved his attention, even during fights... Even if supposedly, he could fight, too.

A soft apology.

Like everyday, the gentle, regretful words slipped out pale lips by ease, dark eyes shedding a couple of more tears.

The dead can't be brought back though, not even by tears.

Many people had said so. But who were they to say things like that? Have they ever felt the pain of losing their other half?

Maybe, but that wouldn't have made a difference.

After a couple of bites of some sandwich, the man was on his way. His dark eyes looked around the street as many creatures and a couple of humans rushed passed him.

The clouds seemed to darken, taking up more and more space in the sky. The sun's shine was now barely there, just a dim light, nothing more.

Just like every morning, he didn't care. Walking slowly, he would slip between various people, some greeting him with energetic squeals or happy hugs, from which, he would try to flee. Even if he was by no mean famous, he had fans. Just because he sometimes sang in the streets.

What his so called fans would never know that he didn't do it for them. Of course, he detested humans and well, he wasn't too fond of other creatures either, not even demons, even if he was one. Had it only been them, he would have never even thought of going out there, singing for them.

No... He was doing it for him.

It had always been him who urged the demon to sing and not only for him, but for others.

"You might be a demon, but your voice rivals the ones angels have. As much as I would love to keep it for myself," he had said cockily so many times, his feline eyes shining,"I can't just let you waste your talent, Jonghyun. Sing, play the guitar, go out. For me, okay?"

And even if the boy now barely lived in most people's memories, Jonghyun had done as he had been asked. Even if it pained for him to sing, or even hum the melodies he had written, he couldn't just ignore the request.

A high-pitched scream broke him out of his thoughts as a human girl practically tackled him to the ground, screaming his name again and again.

"Oh my god, oppa it's really you! You might just be a street performer but you're the best of the best!" She said, fanning herself with one hand as she clung to Jonghyun. Her blue eyes were filled with sadness as she was just pushed away, although not too strongly.

"I don't care." The demon muttered as he walked passed a couple of people that were staring at him. Sighing, he looked back at the girl, who, after a few moments went back to squealing and screaming about how she had met him.

Humans were so pathetic.

But then, once again, something had made him stop.

It was nowhere near as annoying as the girl's voice, rather, quite shocking.

A soft giggle was what he had heard along with a couple of muffled words. "Hyung...funny!"Was only what he had been able to understand, but even those short words had been able to make his heart pound against his chest hard. His breath got caught in his throat as he heard another giggle, this time a little louder.

Not soon later, a glimpse of soft blonde caught his eye. It was him. 

The same laugh, the same eyes. The same hair. Even those little freckles near his nose, the ones which were invisible to mortal eyes were there. His bright smile seemed to light up the streets, the clouds disappearing almost as if the sun had peeked out to greet him.

Although Jonghyun was afraid of his mind playing a trick on him, deep down he knew that it wasn't. Shakily, he lifted a hand even if the boy was meters away from him, not chatting animatedly with someone.

It was him...

It was truly him, even his scent was the same. Floral and light... His.

But... why was he holding the hands of another?

AN: Well... I hope this wasn't too bad xD

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are you gonna continue with this ?!
Chapter 1: AHHHHH! Okay I'm addicted to your stories now. Ugh...author-nim...WAE?! WHY MUST YOU HAVE SUCH CAPTIVATING IDEAS? Aish, this is not okay.
I'm just kidding, I love you. <3 Marry me, arasso? That way I can lock you in a room and you can write me stories forever. >:3
No but seriously. This is cool.
Jenkeey #3
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh. ;v; key's with onew, isn't he? ;v; poor Jjong.. Hope he gets key back!
Update soon! ^^
Chapter 1: it was not bad i liked it
Chapter 1: Oh i loved it.
Chapter 1: Oh my. This is beautiful. C: looking forward to this story. I'm already rooting for JongKey!
DeichanheartDanna #7
Chapter 1: Omo, at first I was confused about who was in the beginning and I had to reread it 'cause I thought it was in Key's POV...whoee can't wait for the next update! Fighting!