Chapter 12

Growing Up

(Aaliah's POV)

"Oh my god! It feels sooo good to be home!" I plopped on the couch, exhausted.
I had to carry ALOT.
The baby, and my bags.

"Do you need anything, love?" Jonghyun asked me from the kitchen.

"No, Im fine. Thank you." I responded.

We were all in a settled.
Kangjun and Ailee were snuggling on the couch across from me and Jonghyun, who was rubbing by fat stomach.
Key and CL were in Keys room, doing god only knows. ;)
And Ray and Kiyah went to go put Maru to sleep at their appartment.

"Wheres Minho?" I looked down at Jonghyun.

"I don't know. I didn't see him come in."

"Me either?"

Just then the front door flew open.
Minho came in, and you could tell he wasn't in the best mood.

"Whats wrong with him?" I whispered.

"I have no idea..." Jonghyun whispered back.

Minhos pov.

I hate this.
Why did I have to screw everything up ALL THE TIME!
I'm always the who screws with everything for my own selfish needs.
I'm tired of being this way.
Sulli changed me, alot.
I loved her.
Not for , for love.

Minho letter to Sulli:

Dear, Sulli.
I'm an , I know. And I appoligize for that. I'm so sorry. You've made me realize that I don't want just , I want love. I want YOU to love. Please give me another chance. I promise I've changed for the better.
With all of my heart,

Was that good enough?
I hope so!
It wasn't that hard.
Now, all I have to do is send it to her.
I hope this works!
Ray pov.
(The wedding!!!)
The music started playing and everyone rose for the beautiful bride to walk down the white carpet.

I saw her come onto the carpet.
Her AMAZING white, sparkly dress that flattered her body so well.
Her dad walked down with her. She kept smiling the whole way.

I felt a tear run down my cheek.
Wow. I was crying?

"Do you, Kim Hyun Il, take Kiyah to be your lawful wedded wife till death do you part?"

"I do..."

The words I've been waiting to say to this girl for years.

"Do you, Kiyah, take Kim Hyun Il to be your lawful wedded husband till death do you part?"

"I do...."

She had to wipe a tear from her face.

"I now pronounce you Mr. And Mrs. Kim! You may kiss the bride!"

I grabbed Kiyah at her waist and pulled her close. I felt her breath on mine.
I leaned her back and kissed her gently for awhile.

"Your Mrs.Kim" I whispered to her with a smile.
"I know..." She smiled to and kissed me again, very gently.







(Strangers POV)


I walked quietly into the cereomy and sat in the very back hidden and glaring....

(Rays POV)
Then we walked down the aisle hand in hand.

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Chapter 18: I loved it! It was so sweet♥
Im off to read the sequel!
Chapter 17: Yes Please~! I just finished reading this and I really enjoyed it! Please make a sequel to this! :D
rayvhengoldwater #3
Chapter 17: yesssss sequel <3 i wanna know who was glaring in da back also
rayvhengoldwater #4
Chapter 13: YES I LOVE IT!
rayvhengoldwater #5
Chapter 10: i love it you should update