Chapter 10

Growing Up

(Minhos point of view)

"...She was just so beautiful." I finished explaining to Kangjun, well Ailee was laying with Kangjun, so I guess both Ailee and Kangjun I was explaining to.

"Wow, dude. Your falling hard for this girl."

Phhhh. Whateverrrrrrr.

I thought about it.

Nahhh. I couldn't be.

"Whatever, Kangjun. I just wanna get some."

"Thats not nice, Minho." Ailee stepped in.

I just shrugged and looked away at the both of them, loving each other.

It's true...
Thats all I wanted, was .

(Ray point of view)

"Kiyah, baby! You gotta calm down! It's not that big of a deal." I said as I put my arms on both of her shoulders to calm her down.

"Ray! It is to a big deal! This wedding needs to be perfect!"

"As long as we have each other, thats all that really matters, right?" I pulled her beautiful face up to mine and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

She smiled. That calmed her down.

"Right..." She agreed with me. While being pulled into my arms.

(Jonghyun's point of view)

"Are you ready, babygirl?" Me and Aaliah are going out for lunch today. Just me and her and...the baby.

I smiled as she came out of the room.
She was wearing a beautiful blue sundress that hugged the baby tight. It looked so cute.

I looked up in her eyes. The dress made her eyes stand out even more than usual.
Her hair was beautifully put up in a very y ponytail.

She was perfection. I hope she knew that.

"Yeah. I'm ready." She looked up at me and I couldn't help but to get into her beauty.

(Key point of view)

"Im hungry..." CL looked over at me.

We both went to the beach together. She looked amazing in her strapless, one piece bathing suit.

I think I might be starting to actually LOVE this girl. Weird because at first, we were enemies.

"Earth to Key?" CL waved her hand in front of my face.

"Ohh, yeah.. Hungry. Right. Umm. We can go get something, if you want?"

"Whatever you want." she said. Looking up at me.

"Nooo. Whatever you want!" I said, with a bit of cockyness in my voice. And poking her tummy, playfully.

She laughed. She loves when I do that.

"I love you, CL." I mumbled under my breath.

Oh god! I hope she didn't hear that!

"I heard that." She whispered in my ear. "I love you, too."

She poked my stomach real fast and got up and ran. "Haha! I got you!" She yelled, running the opposite direction of which she knew I would attack.

I sat there for a while, admiring her beauty, and soaking in the words that were just said.

I love you.

"Well, arent you gonna get me back?" She looked at me with both hands on her hips.
I quickly got up and chased after her to get her back."Grrrrr! I'll get you back!" I yelled as I chased her.
Both of us laughing the whole time.

(Later that night. Minhos point of view)

Okay. Everyones asleep.
Time to call, Sulli. The girl I rescued.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, it's Minho"

"Ohh, hey Minho."

"Hey, umm. I was wondering something?"


I thought for a second. Did I really wanna invite this girl over to just have ? Hhmm?

"Do you wanna come over tonight?"

There was a pause.

"Id love too!"

"Great. Around 11?"

"Yeah. Sounds good. I'll see you then. Bye."


Why did I not feel good about this?

I mean, I've done it before.
I felt...fine.

Why was SHE different?

Hopefully I don't screw up and end up with regrets.

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Chapter 18: I loved it! It was so sweet♥
Im off to read the sequel!
Chapter 17: Yes Please~! I just finished reading this and I really enjoyed it! Please make a sequel to this! :D
rayvhengoldwater #3
Chapter 17: yesssss sequel <3 i wanna know who was glaring in da back also
rayvhengoldwater #4
Chapter 13: YES I LOVE IT!
rayvhengoldwater #5
Chapter 10: i love it you should update